next city

The party of MoQiu's family and Wiallim couple made it past the heavenly gate, which is the third in the series of gates that needed to be crossed to reach the hinterlands of empire. 

Though land does come under the purview of the empire, it's far too remote. 

Simply put, it's an area where the local snake is a thousand times stronger than the foreign dragon. 

They did a non-stop thirty six hour journey through the heavenly gate. 

Both their bodies and minds are completely tired. 

Thus, in the forest right after the hinterland, they found a relatively secluded area, and set up their yurt. 

Jiushu provided everyone with a hot bath, soft bed and good food. 

They all drank the porridge made with high spirit water, and fell asleep as soon as they touched their pillows. 

Jiushu stood on watch. 

She set up one of the illusion arrays with the help of Xiao Xing.