express train

Jiushu's first stop is the abode of a rumored hermit. 

If no one exists here, they will move on and take the mountain road to kashgar. 

Only, if they encounter any difficulties in it, they will continue through the mountains ro reach either Constantinople or damascus. 

Even if the silk road ends at Rome, they could continue the further exploration just with the help of the magic arrow that MoQiu is seeing. 

As long as they are flying in the sky, their direction will never be wrong. 

What do you know? 

The rumors actually turned out to be true. 

"Master beast tamer?" Jiushu called out tentatively. 

"Who's asking ? " an old and truculent voice answered from inside. 

"A lone traveller in need of a beast of transport." Jiushu answered firmly. 

"Go away! I don't have time for any Tom Dick and harry!" the man scolded them. 

Jiushu assumed lot of people must come for him. 

"I can pay!" Jiushu said.