The Journey begins

Now that her space is smashed entirely, Jiushu had no choice but to stay in the village. 

It is very reminiscent of her earlier days of eating chaff and sleeping on cold hard ground, peeing out in the open. 

Only, now that she has experienced those conditions once, she is not as shocked. 

Thankfully, this time, the entire village's food supply is available to them. The bandits squandered most of the rice, not that there was much in the first place. Fortunately, the girl they rescued, and Dog, knew how to make milk tea, Mongolian style. 

Thus, for now, they are not going to starve. 

As she sat and analyzed their situation, Jiu Shu realized, while they may not starve right now, they could very well starve in the distant future. 

First, the land is steppe, where only grass grows at most. 

Even if the land is plowed and sown, Jiushu is not sure it yields much of anything. Not that she had any seeds in her possession.