
After four hours of riding, the string in her hand exhibited strange behavior. 

It brought her to a place, then kept circling a certain area. 

Jiushu did not understand what was happening, but like every science student, she just had to let her curiosity kill her. 

When she saw the first snake, Jiushu stopped walking with her own feet. 

Instead, she let the spirit legs take over, walking thigh high above the ground. 

It was an area with knee high grass, and it's quite visible it's clay of the best kind. So, most probably full of ant nests and snake nests. 

When she finally saw the location where her pendant brought her to, she couldn't help but rejoice at her decision of using spirit legs. 

The pendant led her right to a snake nest. On top of it, it's not just any snake nest, but one full of deadly poisonous snakes.