
Jiushu slept refreshingly. 

She took a very nice bath, with a full bathroom available for her use, and although she may not have cooked much, she still was able to get proper rice to cook. 

When she came out of the house, the pond in front of her was as clear as a mirror, showing her profile there perfectly. 

She went to the console. 

There was a just killed wild boar in there. 

It's only after looking at the animal did she remember that MoQiu used to do this a lot. 

He stored a hunt as soon as the animal reached that twilight zone. 

Then, she retrieved it on a table and put either the blood mushroom spore, or ghost grass in there, reaping the medicinal materials with high value. 

This time around, her inventory had a blood mushroom spore. 

She retrieved the wild boar on the ground and placed the blood mushroom spore in the wound as soon as the animal was out.