Desert residence

MoQiu returned to the caravan using his blade. 

When he appeared beside his horse, Da bo was brushing its hair. 

" whoa ! " MoQiu soothed the horse. 

It was not his old companion, which was a specially sourced wild horse, from the wild brumbies of Australia. 

He got it when it was a foal, and it stayed with him till he left on a voyage with all the codex tablets. 

Then, he retrieved a notebook from his pocket, and wrote it down. 

' Brumbies of Australia ? ' 

" Da Bo, Have you ever heard of a land called Australia ? " he asked him. 

Da bo shook his head. 

' hmm.. ' this must be a distant land. 

That is why most of my memories are jumbled, MoQiu thought. 

He will find this land called 'Australia ' and see if that brings back his memories. 

With that, he went to the camping site, meeting the guards.