Intro, Chapter 1

It's the year 2055, instead of humanity growing in technology we're back in the dark ages.

No one saw the war coming but it happened in year 2045 the biggest war broke out in all the continents. Goverments seeking power and riches but only caused darkness.

Now the world is run by mafia groups, clans, tibes, whatever you want to call it.

I was born in all the chaos, I've witnessed everything and still live in it. My Clan is at war with a neighbor clan, no one truly knows why but the hate that runs in most hearts can't be changed.

Will my forbidden affection change and a promise from both side really change our outcome.


Looking up at the light blue sky I longed for some peace of mind, everyone has been in a buzz about the upcoming clan gathering were my father and elders will announce my marriage to clan chief of Okudawa, Atasuke Artemis.

I have only seen him once in my life when i was five years old, it was at a similar garethering where our farthers agreed to a no hostility pact but it was forced upon us from bigger clans around us. They agreed that when I am of age I'll be married to Atasuke new chief of Okudawa. I remember little of him except the piercing brown eyes that till this day I still sometimes see in my dreams. I'm not upset that this is taking place the war that was between our clans was gruesome they don't talk about it much but when they do you can't sleep for nights on end.

My grandmother before se left this earth always tried teaching me the ninja arts and ways but I'm as useless as they come, not being able to use a star nor short sword my only defence is my mistic eyes.

Letting out a breath of defeat I got up and made my way back home, everyone is probably looking for me. One can think of our clan as a big mid 1800s Shinden-Zukuri, more than enough room for our people and a bit a private serenity with small wooden bridges and ponds with the most beautiful cherry blossom trees.

"Chizuru... Where have you been." An all to familiar voice rang out behind me. I should have come back earlier. "By the cherry blossom trees." I replied back looking sheepish.

"You know everyone has been looking for you, we need to finish preparations." Akaginue's voice rang out into the stillness. Akaginue is was my grandmother's right hand she helped raised me when my monther died during birth. With long silk black hair and striking blue eyes she has mastered most of the ninja arts, she has always been such a big part of my life.

"I know... I just needed some time to myself." My voice was low but I fell instep next to her making our way to wherever it was. "You'll be fine you know... Atasuke is rumored to be a strong but gentle man. You two will fit well Chizuru." She said giving me sideway glances. "So I have heard." Was all i could say my mind has been so busy. After this clan gathering Atasuke and i will have limited time to consummate and I will move over to his clan and be whatever he needs me to be.

I can't remember much from when we first met only his eyes." I said back to her while keeping a slow and steady pace.

"Hmmm... They say that he is a strong leader and has mastered every ninja skill at a young age, his father wanted to make him chief long ago but Atasuke wanted it closer to the clan gathering." Akaginu mused with a small smile on her face. "Were do you get all this information Akaginu?" I asked voicing my thoughts. "Here and there, you know people talk between all the clans, your grandmother didn't entertain the gossips and forbid the stories around the clan... I think it was more for your protection so that no assumption would be made on your part." She said in a matter of fact tone. My grandmother was very projective that's true.

"Akaginu... What happens if he is not pleased and does not agree?" I asked her, no one has been open and honest with me in this regard. "Well... I guess we will all be slaughtered like years ago when people had thousands of animals on their farms..." She said in a mono tone "your joking right?" My voice screached at the end looking at her mortified. She has to be joking this couldn't be right. After a few seconds Akaginu bursted out with laughter holding on to her stomach laughing. "You should have seen your face." She said still laughing and pointing a finger at my face.

Calming myself i gave her a straight are you kidding me look "That! Was not funny... I'm being serious." I huffed out and started walking again. "Well... It was for me... I don't really know Chizuru, i think another agreement will be made or both of you will just have to accept it." Her voice was low soothing like she wanted me to feel better. "I have no skill to offer his clan Akaginu I'll be one of those women cooking and cleaning the whole day like all those years ago... I know women have a smaller role now then before the war but... I just don't want to be useless." My voice whimpered at the end making the word almost disappear.

That's silly talk Chizuru your not useless you have you gifts and i don't think he is that type, his clan is very modern when it comes to things like this." Akakinu said shaking her head at me. We made our way to the main door where i knew everyone was busy rushing to get last minute things done.

My father was far in the left corner speaking to the elders, by the looks of it things were not going his way.

"Chizuru!" He called for me looking up and making eye contact he made a motion with his hand calling me over to him. Making my way i saw all the beautiful colours my clan used for decorations Akakinu was so creative the day when she chooses a mate they will have such a beautiful place. "Yes father." I kept my voice low in respect for the elders and bowed my head. "The gathering will happen tomorrow Atasuke Artemis chief of Okudawa departed his clan earlier and the roads and weather was in his favour so they are to arrive tomorrow." He said but you could hear the annoyance in his voice. Processing what he just said i felt my heart beating faster, a day earlier. Tomorrow. Here. "Father." It came out as a meek whisper. "You'll do fine Chizuru, your my daughter the futur leader of either this clan or Okudawa. Nothing can go wrong the no hostility packt will prevent anything." His voice held power but i could make out the irritation in it as alot of members of our clan my father had hatred towards the Okudawa clan, our fathers could never be in a room togeter with out hard words or a bloody nose of two or sometimes a few it all depended on how many men got involved pulling them apart. It felt like that was the end of whatever this conversation was bowing and excusing myself i made my way over to some of our people. Akaginu was talking to Hijikata one of our main ninja warriors he was strong. Standing at about sixfeet he had his traditional clothing on. Blue eyes caught mine and a smile broke onto his full rose pink lips. Hijikata had a badboy aura to him and all the women in the clan and village knew about it. A proper charmer. Grandmother always scolded him when he was trying to make his "moves", I don't think he will ever settle.

"Ah my princess." His thick voice reached my ears. "Do I get a hug hallo today?" He asked still smiling but opening his arms wide in a inviting manner. Smiling up at him i moved and gave him his hug. "How are you doing today Princess?" He asked pulling away and looking down at me. Standing a mere 5.2feet i was short but i had a good build, well so i hoped.

"I'm well thank you, Hijikata... Akaginu... Did you know that Atasuke Aratemis is arriving tomorrow?" I asked in a rush looking at her. A guilty look crossed her face and she looked to the side where my father was still standing and discussing things with the elders.

"Your father told me just before i came to fetch you Chizuru." She said looking back at me with a calm but guilty gaze. "He said that he will speak to you about it after he has spoken with the elders but by the looks of it things are happening alot faster than what he would like it to." she said looking at me and Hijikata, what will happen tomorrow.