WebNovelThe Mistic100.00%

Chapter 2

He'll arrive today. Any minute actually. I'm so nervous. What's going to happen.

"Chizuru, pay attention." Akaginu said while fixing the pink lipstick on my lips. Setting my gaze on her I took a deep breath in held it for five seconds and let it out. "Sorry, I'm just so nervouse." I whispered back to her, looking in the wall length mirror I still looked like me just a prettier version. My long black hair was done up with ends haning out here and there, Akaginu kept my makeup light with only some eyeliner and mascara which made my violet eyes stand out against my pale cream skin, the pink on my lips gave away the hartshape fullness that's always there. My clan had alot of beautiful women and I always tried not to compare myself. I was dressed in our traditional kimono clothing the white making me look paler than what I am but the red and pink flowers made it worth it.

"You look beautiful Chizuru!." Akaginu gushed taking a few steps away from me. "Though I have to say... Sometimes I feel so surprised that our people fell back into this style of life and traditions... But I guess after the wars people got afraid of all the technology and styles." Akaginu mused while looking deep in thought. She was so much older than me but held so much wisdom, she and grandmother always had long talks of how life was before. Flying cars, weapons that was nothing like the ninja star, short sword, katana blades and so on. Women could wear clothing that was revealing and they could wear pants, well I guess there is still women that wear pants but in very few clans and village's.

"It's almost time Chizuru." Akaginu's voice brought me back from my thoughts. "Yes." Was all I managed and started taking slow steps to the door. The main area where the gathering will take place is not far from my bedroom meaning all to soon we were standing infront of the doors that led to my future. My future husband.

Hijikata came up next to us and bowed the head "You ready Prinsess." He asked with a dashing smile. Only giving a nod he opened the doors. Everyone was still standing not yet seated I kept my head down and made my way to the tatami floor area by my father. It was costume not to look a "higher" status person in the eyes of course out of respect, keeping my head low I made my way and waited for my father to sit down.

From the corner of my eyes I saw everyone sitting down the conversations were kept low but I had the urge to look up and see Atasuke. Maybe just a peak, I mean what harm can that do right. Boy. Was I wrong... As soon as my eyes made contact with his piercing brown eyes I was captivated. Held prisoner, trapped in the strongest yet gentle manner known. I could see in his eyes the wisdom he held, the familiar feeling of belonging of being home of being joined as one. The thought of one soul ripped apart eons ago finally becoming one again set in my heart. I heard a coughing noise next to me that snapped me back into reality. I was caught staring, my cheeks turning a bright burning red of embarrassment. Bowing my head and looking down again I tried keeping myself busy with my hands on my lap.

"May I have a moment alone with Chizuru." A rich deep voice caught my attention snapping my head up only to realize that it was his voice. His gaze was on my father and elders but it felt more like a demand than a request. My father and elders gave me a look that said "Don't mess this up". "Of course Atasuke, we will be in the gardens awaiting both of you." My father said to my diamay everyone in the room got up one by one leaving me alone with him Hijikata was the last out but when he was busy closing the door he have me an encouraging thumbs up with a bright smile.

We sat in silence waiting, for what I don't know and it was starting to make me more nervous. "You don't have to look down when your with me Chizuru." His deep voice made it's way to my ears. Looking up at his again I took this as a time to study the not so young boy infront of me. His hair was black tied in a neat half ponytail his brown eyes only changed with the intensity over the years he had a stong jaw line with full cheek bones. His lips a natural full rose pink that even myself that was not familiar with kissing knew that I'll give up breathing just to have my lips to his longer. By the looks of it he had an incredible strong build he chose traditional clothing aswell that of course hides most of our frames but for some reason I just knew. I should answer him back right, Lord I can fall flat on my face and it would be less embarrassing. "Okay... Um, I..." My voice stuttered please ground swallow me up now. I heard a soft chuckle come from him "Chizuru, you have no reason to be nervous... Though I am enjoying it." He said still smiling at me. "I'm not nervous." I lamely denied and we both knew I was lying through my teeth. Smiling at him knowing he knows I'm lying I gave him a sheepish smile. "Okay... Maybe a little." I whispered back to him feeling my cheeks burning a light red.

"I'm happy that after all these years your cheeks still give away what's on your mind." He said in a lighter voice he was nervous aswell but he know how to handle it. "It's alot to take in at once, I understand that. Your grandmother raised you in a protective manner and that made you keep your innocence." He said standing up slowly, my eyes followd his tall frame he must be six and a half feet if not a bit taller. He made his way to me coming at a stand still infront of me and sitting back down. "I would love to court you Chizuru, that would make all this so much easier on you and me. We can get to know eachother at our own pace but to be honest I know what I want and I know what I'm feeling. I'm sure you have the same thoughts." He said looking me in my eyes I could only nod in agreement knowing that my voice box just went into hiding. I could see myself falling deeply inlove with him. He will soon be my Atasuke.

Smiling up at him I nodded my head again. I think he saw the agreement I just made with myself. "Good... I've wandered how your grandmother and Akaginu raised you..." His voice was low almost like he was talking to himself while observing. Smiling brighter he pickes up my hand that was in my lap holding it in his. The warmth seeping into my skin making me relax my hand was so small in his. "The perfect fit, don't you think Chizuru." He said closing my hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'll send a messanger within the next few days and we can meet where ever you want and would feel comfortable." He said standing but pulling me up with him, standing next to him I barely made it to his chest. "The perfect fit." His low husky voice said smiling down at me. "We should head to the gardens... Our people might start to wonder what's taking us so long." He said letting go of my hand and taking a step back from me, I had to stop the frown that was making it's way to my face my hand and body missing his warmth and closeness. Smiling he headed to the door and opened it for me to walk out first, which was not really custom but who am I to deny him what he wants.

Walking side by side to the gardens was a calm silence but it was comfortable we saw our people talking a bit amongst eachother but for some reason one could feel the tension in the air. "One day Chizuru the tension your feeling now from our people will be a thing of the past. We will grow onto one strong village that will stand alongside eachother." He said with confidence and hope, he wanted peace in this lifetime and one could see that. With all the bloodshed between our clans it would be a challange but I have a feeling with us together we might just accomplish it. "I look forward to it Atasuke... A life with peace among our people together." I said looking back up at him confirming we have the same dreams. "It will take time... But it will happen." He said as we walkes into the area where everyone was waiting. "We'll see eachother soon Chizuru." Atasuke said looking down at me taking my hand in his and giving it a gentle squeeze making a blush appear. He moved away and headed for the bridge to our main gate, his people followed after him bowing as they went.