
Taehyun held unto his best friend's waist as he yelled into his ear.

"Yahh Taehyun!!" Beomgyu clutched his head, "why so loud."

"We are going to be late for lectures, have you had breakfast," Taehyun asked dropping a paper bag in front of his friend and sitting beside him.

Lecture time hasn't started yet so Beomgyu decided he would take a nap outside, he was really tired, last night was really hectic for him.

Beomgyu was a client at one of the clubs owned by his aunt's mistress.

His job was to entice the audience present at the club to the fullest so he could be purchased at the end of the show.

He worked with other people as well.

Yes, auctions are always taken at the end of each shows and the highest bidder gets to have the client of their choice, but unfortunately more people had taken a liking to Beomgyu.

"Who was it this time, someone cute, was he nice?" Taehyun asked taking a bite from the sandwich in Beomgyu's hand.

"Her," Beomgyu corrected.

Taehyun's smile slowly fell open, "her?"

Beomgyu was gay, and he was more of a bottom than a top, the girl who had purchased Beomgyu wanted to get laid.

This was difficult because Beomgyu was mostly bought by males and the few girls who ever wanted him just wanted a make out session.

"How did it-"

"She kept screaming and threatening to report me to my boss, she was so fucking annoying," Beomgyu rolled up his sleeves showing some deep scratch marks, "she  wanted to tear my arm off, I had to stay extra hours because I couldn't satisfy her needs I barely got any sleep."

"Don't you think it's high time you quit this job," Taehyun asked calmly.

"I signed a contract Tae," Beomgyu drank from the juice bottle Taehyun got him, "besides my aunt needs the money, they pay me enough, if I quit I don't know what will happen to her."

"Five minutes till lectures start," Taehyun said getting up.

"Thanks for the breakfast."

Beomgyu pulled Taehyun to his own locker and opened it pretending to search for something.

Taehyun was confused by this act, and turned towards the direction Beomgyu was previously facing, "oh."

Choi Soobin, one of Jinhit university's sweet heart and heartthrob was heading his way.

But unlike any other heartthrob, Soobin wasn't a player, he didn't move with cliques, he didn't belong in any group, he was on his own, sure he had alot of friends, but most of them aren't the type that you'd be proud of.

"Beomgyu," Taehyun called but gained only a hum from the raven haired boy.

"Is he gone?" Beomgyu asked refusing to take his head out of his locker until he was sure Soobin wasn't around.

Beomgyu had had a crush on Soobin since his first year in college, the latter's soft looking face, appearance and height was the first thing that drew Beomgyu's attention to him, Beomgyu had a thing for tall guys.

He wished he could get to know the latter more, the only thing he knew about Soobin was that he was twenty three, the same age as him and Taehyun, he was an A-list student, loves ice cream and is very committed based on past relationships he has been in.

But sadly he knew Soobin would never like someone like him, his job was known by everyone in the university through the daughter of the mistress his aunt works for.

She had caught her boyfriend making out with him one night and decided to spill out his secret as revenge.

It pulled a lot of attention to him, most time some of the students at Jinhit would attend the show just to see Beomgyu, at first he hated it but later on he began to like it as he was being bought by familiar faces and people he knew.

Most people didn't see anything wrong with it, while some saw him as disgusting, Soobin included who basically called him an object.

Taehyun didn't like Soobin, one of the reason being he was always after his spot as number one in Jinhit's academic category and the other being because of the people he usually saw him hang out with.

"He is right behind you," Taehyun said eyeing Soobin, annoyance clearly written on his face.


That voice that could send shivers down his spine, Beomgyu gulped as he turned, "y-yes."

"Can I talk to you after our first class today."

Taehyun lifted a brow in shock, as he glanced at a smiling Beomgyu.

"Y-yes s-sure"

He turned to Taehyun and nodded before leaving.

"I don't trust him," Taehyun said.

"What," Beomgyu half smiled at his friend.

"Hey Beomgyu," the said boy rolled his eyes at the all too familiar voice~Lee.

"Just say no," Taehyun whispered to Beomgyu.

"Hey Gyu," Lee wrapped his arm around Beomgyu's waist, "how about you spare some time for me before your first class."

Beomgyu opened his mouth to say something but then shut it and turned to Taehyun pleading with his eyes.

Taehyun rolled his eyes before he spoke, "no Lee."

"I wasn't talking to you Kang, mind your business," Lee glared at Taehyun before returning his eyes back to Beomgyu, "what do say Gyu?" He said as he slowly licked his lips.

Beomgyu turned to Taehyun who was glaring at him, "I'm sorry Lee, I don't want to be late for lectures, after school I promise."

Taehyun smacked his head.

"Okay," Lee said as he walked away.

"You have to learn how to say no, you can't keep on letting people take advantage of you," Taehyun scolded, "have some pride, what if you finally get into a relationship, are you going to ruin it by letting people have their way with you."

"You have to learn to say no Gyu, I know you are not the horny teenager you used to be, stop letting people take advantage of you."

"I will, I will," Beomgyu shrugged Taehyun off, "let's just go to class."


After class as promised by Beomgyu, he went to meet Soobin who had told him he would be waiting for him at the main library, since there were more than one library in the university.

Once Beomgyu walked in he smiled at the librarian before he noticed the blue haired boy sitting by a corner.

He slowly walked to him, he was beyond nervous, he was actually going to talk with his all time crush Choi Soobin.

'stay cool Beomgyu'

He mentally coached himself.

Soobin noticed the raven haired boy as he walked to him and dropped the book he was reading.

"Hi," Beomgyu waved as he sat down right right across from Soobin.

Beomgyu flashed him his cute bunny smile Beomgyu always adored.

"I'm just going to be straight forward with this."

Beomgyu nodded signalling Soobin to continue, his palms were beginning to get really sweaty.

"Will you go out with me, you don't have to-"

"Yes!!" He blushed at how loud his voice was, "I mean yes," he said more quietly releasing a frown from Soobin.


"You want to go out with me?" Soobin asked confused, he thought Beomgyu was in a wierd relationship with Taehyun, "what about Kang Taehyun, aren't you two dating?"

"What! No, he is my best friend, he doesn't do relationship, he thinks it's a waste of time, he is asexual."

"Oh," that was not the response Soobin was hoping to hear, he had expected Beomgyu to reject him.

"I never knew you liked-" Beomgyu's phone rang from his pocket and he silenced it immediately, "Taehyun I'm at the library....yeah I'm speaking with him right now....I can't come Tae, I'm in the....."

"It's okay, you can go, lemme just get your number," Soobin took out his phone from his pocket and give it to Beomgyu.

"Tae, I'll be there," Beomgyu said as he gave Soobin his phone, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Soobin let out a smile to Beomgyu who immediately returned it waving lightly to him as he left.

Immediately Beomgyu walked out the door, Soobin's eyes fixed on a particular figure outside the door and a smile slowly carved it's way to his lips, remembering the activity that took place between them last two nights.

He was about to call the younger to come over until a girl he couldn't recognize plopped herself on the seat opposite him.

He turned to look back at the younger who smiled at someone and waved before entering, his eyes caught on to Soobin's and he halted when he saw Soobin waving him over.

Soobin turned to the girl in front of him, "can you please leave, the seat is taken."

"I didn't see anyone here," she said nonchalantly, as she opened her novel, she just wanted to sit with Soobin.

Soobin turned to the younger but he wasn't there anymore, he had wondered off to the corner of his library, his favourite spot as Soobin had noticed.

Soobin had no other choice but to stand and head to the table the younger was on, releasing a sigh from the girl.

"Hi," Soobin said as he sat, but the younger refused to give him any attention.

"Kai?" Soobin called pinching the younger on the arm.

"What is it?"

"Have you thought about it yet."

Kai sighed rubbing his head, "I can't be in a relationship with you Soobin, I'm not your type, that night was just an accident."

"Yeah, you responding to all my kisses was an accident, not to mention the part where you almost took my shirt off."

Huening Kai's face flushed red as he covered it with his arms.

"It's okay, I like you too," Soobin said taking Huening Kai's arms away from his face.

"I never said I liked you," Huening Kai's face grew hotter as he avoided the latter's gaze, by the way aren't you straight?.

"Try saying it while actually looking at me and I never said I was straight, I've dated a few guys in high school."

Huening Kai refuse to meet the older's gaze, but was startled when Soobin's face got incredibly close to his.

Soobin held Kai's chin as he gave him a slow sweet kiss, the younger couldn't help but respond to.

"I'll wait okay," Soobin said once he broke the kiss.

Huening Kai unconsciously nodded, gaining a smile from Soobin.


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