"Who do you think our student tutor would be?"

"I bet it's someone cute though."

"Someone like Choi Soobin."

Huening Kai immediately shot his head up at the mention of that name.

Huening Kai's class would be handled by one of the seniors in his department today, he was studying Theatre Art and one of those seniors who happened to be studying Theatre Art was his crush Choi Soobin.

Huening Kai had a crush on Soobin from the first time he had gotten into the university, his first time encountering the boy was when he saw the latter playing basketball when he wanted to tryout for the team.

He had gotten infatuated by the boy, his looks were breathtaking, he was really a sight to behold, Huening Kai was gay and Soobin held a lot of things Huening Kai admired a lot in a boy.

Soobin was older and also taller than him which was always very hard to find because Huening Kai was more than six feets tall, Soobin was really smart, based from the amount of awards he had received for his academic excellence.

He felt this would be a nice trait because Huening Kai himself wasn't good with his choice of course at all, and having a boyfriend who was smart was really the way to go.

Soobin had a cute physique, soft dumpling like cheeks, a cute soft looking nose, double lid bright sparkling eyes, a smile that always makes his heart warm, and his..."

"Hello....what's his name?"

Huening Kai was in a daze and didn't notice the boy right in front of him calling for his attention.

"Huening Kai??"

Huening Kai really loved the way his name was being pronounced, he could listen all day to this person calling his name.


The voice said again but this time he felt a hand on his shoulder bringing him out of his day dream and the first thing Huening Kai's eyes landed on were a pair of pink curvy lips.

"Hi, are you awake, I'm Soobin your teacher for today."

Huening Kai's eyes snapped up to Soobin's, and his face immediately heated up, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Soobin smiled rubbing Huening Kai's head, "pay attention."

He would pay attention, but on a particular person and not on the lectures being given.

Huening Kai watched as a girl opened the door and dropped a bag of cookies on Soobin's desk, giving him a light kiss on the cheeks, the both of them exchanging smiles afterwards.

Kai felt a knot in his stomach, he knew Soobin was into girls and not boys, so he would kiss his chances with him goodbye.


Class was finally over, Soobin received a lot of thumbs up and good reviews on his evaluation on teaching from the students he taught.

Huening Kai waited for everyone to leave the class before walking up to Soobin rubbing his arm.

"You wanted to see me.....Soobin?" He asked.

"Yeah, you said your name was Huening Kai right?" Soobin asked fixing his glasses on his face.

Huening Kai nodded.

"Your teacher, Mr Kim asked me to tutor you on your Art history," Soobin stared at Huening Kai, "he said you are not doing so well, and not just in his subject."

"I know, I'm not just into this."

"Well you have to be in order to graduate, and I'm willing to tutor you, I've tutored a lot of people and they have turned out okay."

Huening Kai didn't like the idea of having lectures beyond school hours, but the idea of spending time with the male in front of him was the way to go.

"Okay," Huening Kai spoke, "but if you want to tutor me you have to be patient, I'm not a really fast learner."

"Okay," Soobin smiled, "would you prefer to come to my house, I live alone so we won't have to worry about noise and whatever."

"Sure," Huening Kai said taking out his phone, "just send me your address," he swapped his phone with Soobin's so they could exchange numbers.

"I'll see you at seven," Soobin said walking out of the class waving to some people by the way.

'He is so cute'


Tutoring Huening Kai didn't go as smooth as Soobin planned it to be, like Huening Kai was literally the worst person he had ever tutored.

He had been tutoring the latter for two weeks but the  latter never paid attention while he taught he was always distracted by who knows what.

He had never returned with a test score higher than a Fourty and it was driving Soobin insane which was the opposite of his normal cool and calm nature.

Soobin had had it to the highest point and didn't feel like continuing his tutoring with Kai who had an entirely different story to tell.

Soobin had tried to end his tutoring sessions with Huening Kai, he had talked to Huening Kai's lecturer about it and he had given him his approval....but anytime Soobin looked at the younger's eyes he couldn't bring himself to do it.

They were currently in Soobin's living room, Huening Kai could feel frustration fuming out of Soobin, and he knew exactly why.

Huening Kai wasn't even close to being called dull, he was really intelligent, Art just wasn't his calling.....Business was.

The only reason why he went for the art department was because he wanted a change of environment now that he had the opportunity to.

Huening Kai was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, his father owned four of the most popular and exotic hotels in Seoul and he had been taught from a very young age on how to run it, at fifteen he basically knew how to run it.

He was home schooled because his father always wanted him safe and where he could be easily monitored because he was a single dad and Huening Kai was his only child.

His dad passed away when he was seventeen, and he had passed down all his inheritance and properties down to him.

A lot of pressure was placed on him because he had to defend what was legally his as his father had assigned all his properties to him in his will.

After he was through with high school, he had made up his mind not to go to college and just continue handling his father's work, but his cousin had talked him out of it.

His exact words were, "Kai, you need to stop rushing your maturity, it will come eventually, you already lost your childhood life, you are still a teenager, don't loose that as well."

"Savour it, and enjoy it while you still have it, being an adult is not always sunny, it comes with a lot of sacrifice and are still a kid so you have permission to be a irresponsible, don't be like my brother."

Kai had agreed but chose another course instead of anything relating to business.

Huening Kai slowly reached into his bag and took out his test papers, "uh...y-you didn't ask me what I got today," Huening Kai said trying to break the silence.

He watched as Soobin lifted his eyes to him through his glasses.

"What, a thirty?" Soobin couldn't help but say.

That hurt Huening Kai a little, "are you that mad at me?"

Soobin only rubbed his forehead and proceeded with what he was writing, "yeah, I'm sorry Kai but I'm sick and tired of this," he said avoiding the younger's gaze because he wouldn't be able to tell the younger those exact words while staring at his angel like face.

This was the last thing Huening Kai wanted, he loved spending time with Soobin, it made him feel like he was in a relationship with him with the way the older always make out time for him.

"I got a ninety two," Huening Kai said handing his paper to Soobin.

"Who helped you cheat?" Soobin lifted a brow after seeing a bold ninety two written on Huening Kai's test papers.

"Soobin, I really appreciate you helping me study, but you don't have to be mean about it, I'm trying my best. Art doesn't flow in my blood as it does with you, I wouldn't have let you tutor me if i knew you were this mean on the inside, I only wanted you to tutor me because I wanted to spend time with you and get to know you better."

Soobin stared at Huening Kai for a moment until a smile slowly broke out on his face, "do you like me?"

Huening Kai's cheeks gained a little shade of red as he tried to compose himself, "I know you are straight, I just....are you happy with the score," he blurted out.

"Well...yeah, why wouldn't I be," Soobin smiled going through the questions.

"So can you stop being mean to me?"

Soobin glanced at the younger sitting beside him, he sighed out loud rubbing his face, "now you are making me feel bad, I'm not a mean person Kai...."

"I know," Huening Kai said collecting his test paper back from Soobin.

A saddened Kai wasn't the best Kai at all, Soobin inched closer to Huening Kai and held his chin lightly, sending little shivers down Huening Kai's body.

"What can I do to make it up to you, I'm really sorry."

"Ask me out," Huening Kai mentally said to himself.


Huening Kai stared at the older before shutting his eyes and gathering all the courage in him to lean towards Soobin and press his lips to his.

Soobin was taken aback by this, but just before Huening Kai pulled away Soobin his held the younger by the nape of his neck and responded to the kiss.

Huening Kai slowly placed his hands on Soobin's shirt trying to take it off as Soobin lowered his back to the couch.

Soobin held his hands after he had undone the first two buttons  of his shirt, "stop."

"I'm sorry," Huening Kai said taking his hands away from Soobin's shirt.

"Are you that desperate?"

"I-I'm not," Huening Kai frowned a little.

Just then Soobin's phone rang from the table while and he picked it up, Huening Kai caught a glimpse of a girl as the caller I.D.

'Is that his girlfriend, Soobin doesn't look like someone who would cheat though.'

"One minute," Soobin stood up with a smile plastered on his face as he answered the call moving to the kitchen, "hey babe."

"I told you not to call me that, only I get to call you that"

Soobin heard the main door open and then shut, he took the phone away from his ears, "Kai?"

He walked to the living to see the younger had already left, "Hyunjin can I call you back."


Soobin cut the call and tapped Huening Kai's contact name, the call rang for a while before going straight to voicemail.

"Kai why did you go, you could have at least told me you were leaving, call me back as soon as you get this message," Soobin ended his voice note and sent it to Huening Kai before walking to the table to pack up his books.


"Yeonjun," Namjoon said quietly as he knocked on the latter's door.

He heard the door unlock from inside and turned the door knob walking inside only to be met by a pair of red glowing eyes in the midst of the dark.

"I know you are a demon and all but it doesn't mean you have to act entirely like one, you are still twenty four," Namjoon flipped the light switch on only for it to get turned back off by Yeonjun.

"Stop it," Namjoon ordered as he turned on the lights.

"What do you want?" Yeonjun's red eyes slowly drifted to hazel as he crossed his legs on his bed, "I was meditating."

"Why won't you come out of here, aren't you tired of this room?"

"I agreed to go to school, didn't I, if you are worried about me so much why don't you stay with me," Yeonjun said as he slowly moved a chair to where Namjoon was standing.

"No demon powers in my house."

Yeonjun smirked as he moved the chair back to its position before lifting Namjoon in mid air and placing him on the bed beside him.

"You know you can't do that in school," Namjoon said.

"I'll try," Yeonjun said, "So tell me about school?"