"Woah!!!" Huening Kai clapped as Soobin made another ball into the basket.

Soobin invited Huening Kai to watch him practice his basketball skills after the younger was done with his lectures for the day.

He had been practicing since ten in the morning, he didn't have much class today.

Soobin turned to Huening Kai with a grin on his face before winking at the cute raven haired boy.

Huening Kai got up from in seat and made his way to Soobin once he noticed Soobin had stopped playing, probably because he was tired.

But before Huening Kai could make his way to Soobin, Beomgyu had already beat him to him fanboying over him.

Huening Kai decided to keep his anger on the low and wait for Beomgyu to let go of his crush.

He wouldn't deny the fact that Beomgyu had grown incredibly close with Soobin as well as he did along the the past weeks.

Sometimes he lets his Jealousy overtake him, but he never showcased it as he always had Soobin to calm him down and assure him that he liked him and only him.

Huening Kai waited on the spot still clutching Soobin's bag, minutes had gone by and Soobin was still talking with Beomgyu.

Out of the corner of Soobin's eye he saw Huening Kai drop his bag and immediately rushed to him before the latter could leave, "where are you going?"

"Aren't you busy with Beomgyu?" Huening Kai deadpanned.

"We were just talking Kai," Soobin held the younger's arms picking up his bag with the other.

Huening Kai turned away from Soobin.

Beomgyu watched Soobin as he spoke with Huening Kai, they obviously didn't look like they were on good terms, because it seamed like Soobin was trying to explain something to Huening Kai, but the younger didn't just want to listen.

Soobin turned to Beomgyu catching the younger's attention, "later."

"Okay," Beomgyu said quietly.

Soobin waved goodbye to him trying to pull Huening Kai with him back to his house.

Beomgyu smiled a little as he saw Soobin lift Huening Kai from his legs and place him over his shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Beomgyu heard from behind him and turned to face Taehyun, "yeah, I just wish he would tell me the truth though, he clearly is not into me."

Taehyun rubbed the back of Beomgyu's hands and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Does what I do really scare people?" Beomgyu asked quietly.

"I really don't know about others, but you are fine to me," Taehyun smiled.

Beomgyu wrapped his arms around Taehyun, as he faked cried, "Taehyun just turned gay for my sake, you are really the only one who understands me."

Taehyun let out a laugh, at Beomgyu's whining.

"Sometimes I feel, I will never find the right person for me," Beomgyu pouted.

Taehyun stared into Beomgyu's eyes, "I'm sure you'll find the right person."

Beomgyu let out a smile.


"I want the bear," Beomgyu immediately grabbed the bear costume from the box, which was placed alongside other animal themed custom.

Today the club where Beomgyu works was holding a special themed night, where each client gets to dress up with the out fit of their choice.

He picked the bear costume, because he felt bears were cute.

He placed his bear mask on his face and gazed at his reflection in the mirror of the dressing room.


Beomgyu turned and smiled at the person who had commented on his looks.

He took out his phone and took a mirror selfie, "I'll send this to Taehyun later."

He looked at the costume he had placed in the sink and noticed something was missing, "has anyone seen my tail."


"You need to have some light in your world Yeonjun, let's go," Namjoon said from the entrance of Yeonjun's room.

"To where?" Yeonjun asked standing up from his bed, which he had been on for the past few weeks.

"To a club, I've made reservations for you," Namjoon led Yeonjun down the stairs.

"I'm only going because, I what to see how this club I've heard do much about looks like," Yeonjun grabbed his jacket.


Immediately Yeonjun stepped into the club, he couldn't help himself from glancing around, he like the feel of the hall, it was dark which was a lot to his liking.

The room was breezy with a light feel of alcohol in the air, the place felt cozy, white and the faint dark blue light shone in the hall with a  chandelier that hung on the ceiling.

Namjoon pulled Yeonjun to a table with his name on it, "you like?" He asked sitting.

Yeonjun nodded slightly, releasing a smile from Namjoon.

Suddenly the place went dark, after a few seconds a blue light shone on the stage showcasing fourteen boys and girls wearing animal costumes, Beomgyu being one of them.

The speakers were turned on and a girl in a bunny costume appeared on stage releasing hoots from mostly males around.

She glanced at the audience before gripping the mic and started singing a cool jazz song to set the mood tonight at the club.

"To your numbers babies," she sang.

Beomgyu slowly looked at his card again, table fourteen was boldly written on it.

He skimmed the hall looking for the table while other clients headed to their assigned table, his eyes landed on a table only to be met by a pair of hazel eyes looking at him.

He gulped, he had done this before but the latter on table fourteen was seriously giving him the chills.

He walked to the table and turned to Namjoon's side instead of Yeonjun's, the pink haired boy was seriously scaring him.

He sat on the table crossing his leg as he took hold of the wine  bottle, "wine?"

"Yes, please,* Namjoon lifted his glass cup so Beomgyu could fill his cup, which Beomgyu did happily.

Namjoon was being polite with him, most people weren't nice to the clients, if it was another person, he would have probably asked Beomgyu to get on his knees.

Namjoon signalled to Beomgyu to come closer, which the younger did leaning towards Namjoon.

Namjoon pointed towards Yeonjun and Beomgyu got down from the table walking over to Yeonjun's side and sat on his lap.

Yeonjun's expression didn't change at all, as he stared at the masked boy on his laps who is currently asking him a question.


Yeonjun turned to look at Namjoon who gave him a nod.

"Just a little," Yeonjun said and Beomgyu poured a little into his cup, not more than half before dropping the bottle back on the table.

Beomgyu turned to the pink haired boy, "as anyone ever told you how handsome you are," he whispered seductively.

Yeonjun lifted his eyes to meet Beomgyu's and suddenly Beomgyu felt a pain his chest and clutched it lightly, a slow smile forming on Yeonjun's lips.

"If you know who I am, you wouldn't be doing this," Yeonjun whispered and tightened his fist, Beomgyu fell off Yeonjun's lap and clutched his chest tightly gasping for air.

"Are you okay?" Yeonjun asked innocently.

Beomgyu nodded lifting his hands as he was slowly getting his breathing back.

Yeonjun released his palms so Beomgyu can take in a little bit of air only for him to tighten his palm again into fist, Beomgyu's eyes turned red as he tried to gasp for air.

He trash the table close to him as he tried to gain his breathing back.

Namjoon turned to Yeonjun after seeing Beomgyu hold his throat, and hit the younger on his hands and Yeonjun immediately released Beomgyu.

Beomgyu took in a large breathe before darting of to the men's room.

"Why did you do that?" Namjoon asked picking up his coat

Yeonjun smiled sheepishly.

Namjoon saw Beomgyu's note pad on the table, it was on how well Beomgyu did tonight, Namjoon felt pity on the younger and rated him a hundred.

"Let's go," Namjoon ordered, he didn't want Beomgyu to meet them when he returned, "if you are going to act this way in college, you better just go back to my dad."


"Please Kai talk to me," Soobin poked Huening Kai's cheeks, the younger was really cute when he was mad, his cheeks were always puffed out a bit and he had his bangs slightly brushing his nose and cheeks.

"I'm trying to study Soobin," Huening Kai thwarted his finger away from his face, "ask Beomgyu, he is a cutie afterall."

True fact, Beomgyu was really cute but to Soobin Huening Kai was cuter, even if he didn't have the small cute petite figure Beomgyu had.

Soobin gently pushed all the papers in front on Huening Kai, including the one he was writing on.

"What's wrong with you!" Huening Kai yelled.

Soobin stood and threw Huening Kai over his shoulder and moved to his room.

"Let me go, I've told you I hate being carried this way," Huening Kai banged on Soobin's back.

Soobin let Huening Kai down on his bed with a light thud, and hovered him, "I told you Beomgyu means nothing to me."

"Stop lying to my face, because I would never lie to you."

"I'm not lying Kai," Soobin lowered his head and kissed Huening Kai's chest, which was in view because of the V-neck shirt he was wearing.

"You literally spend so much time with him and forget I'm there," Huening Kai pouted and Soobin kissed the pout away.

"I don't."

"Yes you do Soobin, you do it all the time."

"If it's bothering you why have you never spoken to be about it before?"

Huening Kai turned away, "let me go Soobin," he hit Soobin's arms lightly.

Soobin took his arms off the sides of Huening Kai's face, not to release him, but to take off his shirt.

The younger preferred less clothing on Soobin.

"Do you still want me to let you go," Soobin asked and Huening Kai blushed a little.

"You know you want to," Soobin pecked Huening Kai's nose.

The younger ran his hands up Soobin's body before resting it on his shoulder, he lifted his eyes up to meet Soobin's.

Soobin smiled before pressing his lips to Huening Kai's who responded immediately.

Beomgyu knocked on Soobin's door, he really couldn't comprehend what happened to him today.

He needed to tell someone and Taehyun wasn't answering his calls.

He knocked again.

Soobin took his lips away from Huening Kai, "is someone at the door?"

"I didn't hear anything," Huening Kai said pulling Soobin's lips back to his.

They heard a knock again.

"I definitely heard knocking," Soobin climbed off the bed, ,"I'll be right back."

"Your zipper," Huening Kai spoke, still sitting on the bed.

Soobin looked down before zipping and buttoning up his pants, "thanks," he grabbed his shirt.

"I'm coming," Soobin yelled as the knocking sound increased, trying to put on his shirt.

"Who is it?"

"Beomgyu," he latter responded from behind the door.

Soobin opened the door and smiled at the shorter, "I thought you said you weren't coming over?" He made way for Beomgyu to move in.

"I need to tell someone so bad about work today, but Taehyun isn't picking his calls."

"So how was work?"

Beomgyu noticed how disheveled looking Soobin was, Huening Kai was probably upstairs.

It didn't hurt him though, he just needed Soobin to come clean to him.

"Are you busy with someone, I could go."

"N-no, I'm fine really," Soobin rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm not with anyone."

"ARE YOU FOR REALS!!!" Huening Kai screeched.

He walked rapidly down the stairs, but before he could reach the door, Soobin took a hold of him, "where are you going?"

"Away, you know because nobody is home with you."

"Kai, calm down."

"Why the fuck should I calm down," Huening Kai screeched, "you clearly like him better than me, I'm not even sure you like me at all, is it because I'm young and inexperienced."

"I'm not a butt kisser Soobin, you don't expect me to be tailing over you forever," Huening stomped his feet, " you need to let me know, and if you do, you have to stop whatever is going on between you and Beomgyu, I don't want to share you."

"Nothing is going on between Beomgyu and I," Soobin tried to calm down Huening Kai's harsh breathing.

"Tell him to bug off then, it's either me or  Beomgyu."

"I'll talk to you later," Beomgyu said trying to make his way to the door.

"Gyu wait," Soobin held Beomgyu's arm.

"Forget this," Huening Kai yanked his hands off Soobin's before storming away.

Immediately Huening Kai banged the door shut, Soobin turned to Beomgyu, who let out a small smile.

"I'm so sorry Gyu," Soobin apologized sincerely.

"It's alright.....I just want to know why you asked me out, when you clearly had no feelings for me."

"I didn't mean to hurt you Gyu," Soobin placed his hands on Beomgyu's shoulder, "I  was really immature, a friend of mine asked me to get back at you for refusing his offer earlier on, I couldn't refuse him because I owed him one for covering up for me in class twice in a role."

"I didn't know you had feelings for me, if I did I would never had asked you out, I thought you'd say no and would have just walked away."

"Why did you keep on dragging it for this long?" Beomgyu questioned.

"The plan was to hurt you like you did to him, but after I found out how soft, nice and wonderful you were I couldn't bring myself to do it," Soobin paused, "you are so much different from how you are on the inside and how you present yourself to people."

Beomgyu hung his head low remembering when Taehyun said the exact same thing to him, when he first got to know him.

"I felt, if I had come clean it would ruin our friendship, because I like having you as a friend...and nothing more," Soobin lifted Beomgyu's head up, "I'm sorry....I still would really love to have you as my friend though."

Beomgyu paused, "are you and Kai dating, are you two official?"

"Not really, we are still trying to work things out."

"I'll forgive you under one condition," Beomgyu stepped closer to Soobin, "if you kiss me."

Soobin scratched the back of his head, Huening Kai flashing through his mind, they weren't together, but he somehow felt he would be cheating on the younger if he did.

"Please," Beomgyu clutched Soobin's arm, he tiptoed resting his hands on the sides of Soobin's face and pulled it to his, pressing Soobin's lips to his.

Huening Kai who never left Soobin's apartment, let a tear roll down his cheeks at the scene unfolding before his eyes.

