"How are things with Kai?" Beomgyu asked Soobin as they approached their seats.

"He still won't talk to me, apparently he may have seen us kiss," Soobin clutched his head.

"I'm sorry," Beomgyu said honestly.

Soobin let out a deep sigh, "so tell me about what happened yesterday?" Soobin turned to Beomgyu.

"I met a cutie yesterday."

"Yeah?" Soobin smiled.

"He had this pink hair, eyes that can just trap you, he looked....."

The door opened grabbing both boy's attention and in came the pinked haired boy.

"... exactly like that," Beomgyu finished staring at the pink haired male.

Yeonjun emitted a dark and aura when he walked in.

Both boys and girls couldn't deny the fact that Yeonjun was very eye catching.

Yeonjun glanced round the room blocking out the whispering and chatters from the room as he searched for a familiar presence.

His eyes landed on Beomgyu's and lingered on it, he could hear Beomgyu's thoughts out loud in his head.

'why is he staring at me like that?'

'did he recognize me'

"Yo! Come and sit with me," someone yelled out to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun slowly lifted his eyes to the owner of the voice and sent him a very cold glare, the boy could have sworn he saw Yeonjun's whole eyes flickered black before walking off to the back of the class.

"You met him," Soobin teased looking back to Yeonjun.

Beomgyu nodded trying not to look back at the pink haired male whose gaze had not left the younger.

Beomgyu turned to look at Yeonjun, the pink haired boy lifted his head at the exact moment and they made eye contact, Beomgyu immediately whipped his head forward.


"Awwnn, I wanted to be your partner," Beomgyu whined to Soobin.

Before the end of the class, their teacher had put them in a group of two for an assignment that was due tomorrow.

"Do you think you'll be okay with Anika?" Beomgyu asked staring at Soobin's partner who happened to be one of the quite and social outcast of the class.

"Yeah, I'm cool with her," Soobin made his way over to her waving a little.

Beomgyu slyly turned to Yeonjun who was playing with a pencil.


Both Beomgyu and Yeonjun turned to the teacher in front.

"You can join any group you want," The teacher said, "all groups are filled up."

Beomgyu immediately turned and walked away not wanting Yeonjun to be part of his group.

Soobin turned in time to see Beomgyu leave, "I will see you later," he hurriedly said as he chased after Beomgyu.

'I thought Namjoon said school was fun,' Yeonjun thought as he stood up and walked to Anika.

"Yuhan's table is in front," Anika said not lifting her eyes off her book.

Yeonjun turned to the table in front to see a girl waving at him to come over.

"Don't talk to her you'll get a virus," Yuhan said.

Anika rolled her eyes at Yuhan's comment, just because she didn't have a perfect face or body like Yuhan, doesn't mean she gets to be treated unfairly.

"You can join my group," Yuhan said again.

"Can I joined yours?" Yeonjun asked literally not paying attention to Yuhan.

The two girls were taken aback by Yeonjun's voice, it was deep, smooth and very alluring.

"Me?" Anika squeaked out.


She didn't notice when a smile broke out on her face, "sure."

"You are seriously picking that over me," Yuhan said trying to keep a cool expression on her face.

Yeonjun waited for Anika to gather her stuffs before leaving the class with her.

"Why do you want to be in my group," Anika asked.

"I just picked at random," Yeonjun stated plainly, "was there a specific group I was supposed to pick."

She shook her head.


"I'm coming," Soobin said as he headed to the door.

"Hi Anika," Soobin smiled at her.

She gave out a nervous wave as she walked in, "sometimes I wonder if they pay you to be nice to me."

"I am nice," Soobin said finally noticing the pink haired boy at the door.

"He is in our group," Anika said clearing the air.

"Oh, hi I'm Soobin," Soobin stretched out his hands for an hand shake.

Yeonjun lowered his eyes to Soobin's outstretched hands before finally resting it on his face.

"I wash my hands," Soobin said oblivious to why Yeonjun was refusing to shake his hands.

Yeonjun gradually took his hands and shook it, "Yeonjun."

Soobin moved so Yeonjun could enter before shutting the door.

"Beomgyu they're here!!" Soobin yelled to Beomgyu who was in his room.

"Beomgyu is not in our group," Anika said sitting at the dinner table.

"Yeah but he said he was bored and wanted to do something," Soobin sat across her.

Yeonjun was busy looking at a framed picture of Soobin and his parents on the wall, "does this still exists?"

"What?" Soobin asked.

Yeonjun diverted his attention from the picture and walked to them, "nothing."

Anika mentally prayed for Yeonjun to sit beside her and when he did her mind did a cartwheel.

First Yeonjun had choosen to be in her group and not Yuhan's and now he was sitting very close to her and not Soobin like most people would.

She was imagining herself as the lead character of a teen romance series.

'I just scored myself a Candy'

Yeonjun turned to her immediately she uttered those words in her mind, "what candy?"

Anika face tinted a little shade of red, "did I say that out loud....never mind."

"Beomgyu we are starting," Soobin yelled.

"I'm coming," Beomgyu said from the stairs.

Before Beomgyu reached them, Yeonjun felt the familiar presence again and turned to the stairs in time to see Beomgyu in a peach sweater and sweat pants coming towards them.

He halted once he saw Yeonjun at the table and slowly backed away back up the stairs.

"One second, sorry," Soobin stood from his seat and walked to Beomgyu.

"What is it, is it cause of him," Soobin said referring to Yeonjun.

Beomgyu nodded.

"I can't ask him to leave," Soobin said.

"I'll be upstairs then, if Taehyun comes, tell him I'm upstairs," Beomgyu whispered to Soobin before heading upstairs.

Yeonjun who had been listening to their conversation could only smile.

'was that why he had been ignoring him.'



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