"Hello," Taehyun spoke as he entered Soobin's home, "Soobin are you ready, let's go."

There was no response to Taehyun's call.


"Yah stop yelling," Beomgyu walked over to Taehyun and rubbed his hair, lightly kissing his cheeks.

Beomgyu is very affectionate.

The two of them were the same age, but Beomgyu always felt the need to baby Taehyun because he was older than him with a few months.

He sometimes sees Taehyun as his junior baby.

"Where is Soobin? We need to head to the mall now."

"I haven't seen him since morning, he is probably at Huening Kai's place, did you call him?

"Huening Kai's place? He is not supposed to be there," Taehyun sighed as he took out his phone and dialed Soobin's number.

Beomgyu turned to their room upstairs once Soobin's phone started ringing, "he left his phone behind."

"Lemme call Kai," Taehyun said and dialed Kai's number, the younger answered the call immediately.

He as well was about to call Soobin.

"Kai is Soobin with you?" Taehyun asked putting his hands into his pocket.

"No, I'm kind of on my way to his apartment, did you ask Beomgyu?"

"I'm at his place, but he isn't around, did he mention any place he might be heading off to you?"

"No," Huening Kai furrowed his brow, his tone was laced with panic, "did you try calling his number?"

"He left his phone behind," Taehyun heard Huening Kai's muffled sound like he was trying to prevent himself from making any sound, "Kai it's okay, he probably just went out for a walk or something."

"SHIT!!" Beomgyu cussed while staring at his phone.

"What is it," Taehyun ended the call with Huening Kai and moved to Beomgyu, and his eyes widened alongside Beomgyu's.

On Beomgyu's phone, they could see Soobin tied up to a chair, with a blind fold on, he had a few bruises on his face.

"Soobin??" Beomgyu called to check if Soobin was conscious.

The said male lifted his head once he heard Beomgyu call his name, "Gyu, are you alright?"

"You are seriously thinking bout me right now," Beomgyu almost screamed, "it was Louis right?"

"Louis? I thought you said he was in jail?" Taehyun said to Beomgyu, "Soobin do you have any idea where you are?"

The said male shook his head.

"We gotta call the cops," Taehyun said to Beomgyu who nodded in approval.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Louis emerged from behind Soobin and clutched his face harshly.

Soobin groaned from the pressure Louis made on his face.

"Get your hands off of him," Beomgyu hissed.

Louis released his grip on Soobin's face and turned to Beomgyu, you have a day to get here Gyu, I've sent you a text message already.

"Don't listen to him Beomgyu, get the cops," Soobin spat out.

Louis immediately hit Soobin's head with a wooden plank.

"Stop, stop, I'm coming..."

But before Beomgyu could move, Taehyun held him around the waist, "let's think about this first Beomgyu."

"Think about what!!!!! He is literally hurting Soobin," Beomgyu let a tear trickle down his cheek, "he wants me, what would Kai do if he sees Soobin this way?"

"Kai?" Soobin managed to speak, he knew blood was sipping out from the back of his head, he could feel his shirt getting slowly damp.

"Don't let Kai see this vid-"

Soobin was cut short when he heard his boyfriend's scream.

Beomgyu turned his phone away from Huening Kai's view, neither him nor Taehyun knew when the younger had entered.

He was holding Soobin's glasses, he just found outside in his hands.

"Why is Soobin tied to a chair?! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS GOING ON!!," Huening Kai screamed.

The younger never swears.

He must be really angry.

He marched off to Beomgyu, "give me your phone."

"Don't Gyu," Soobin said, Beomgyu hadn't ended the chat yet.

Huening Kai immediately elbowed Beomgyu on the jaw and grabbed his phone, his heart pounded heavily in his chest at the site of his Soobin tied to a chair in a bloody shirt.

"Soobin are you okay?" Huening Kai asked quietly.

"Kai put down the phone, I don't want you to see me like this?" Soobin stated.

"Who got you into this mess?"

"That would be him," Louis appeared from behind the camera again pointing at Beomgyu who was being assisted to his feet.

"What did you do?" Huening Kai turned to glare at Beomgyu, he was trying to hold unto that last strand of sanity that was keeping him away from launching at him.

"Kai it's not Beomgyu's fault, it's mine," Huening Kai turned to Soobin.

"Why would you do something so stupid Binnie?"


Huening Kai turned to Louis with teary eyes as the said male pulled on Soobin's hair, "please stop hurting him, how much do you want....I'll pay anything you want, just let Soobin go."

"I want Beomgyu," Louis stated casually applying more pressure on his grip on Soobin's hair.

"He wants you now go," Huening Kai said to Beomgyu, his tears freely pouring from his eyes.

"Kai, you are being insensitive," Soobin said and Louis struck him at the back of his head again.

"Stop", Huening Kai held back his tears as he made his way to Beomgyu, forcefully pulling on the shorter boy's shirt, "get going," Huening Kai forcefully pushed Beomgyu to the ground, "son of a bitch."

"Whore. You better bring Soobin back, you. Little. Piece. Of shit," Huening Kai sniffled in every pause he made.

Beomgyu tried to move, but he couldn't, he felt that familiar hold again, as if something was preventing him from moving.

"I said go," Huening made his way over to Beomgyu again, who was still trying to get back on his feet, Beomgyu didn't want to fight Huening Kai.

He knew the younger was only acting this way out of hurt.

"Kai look at me," Taehyun was quick to take a hold of Huening Kai's hands, "stop what you are doing."

He gently lowered Huening Kai's head to his Shoulder, but Soobin's groaning brought his attention back to the phone and at that moment he passed out.

"Kai," Taehyun shook the younger's head trying to wake him up.

Soobin groaned again, as Louis struck him again on the knee with an Allen Key, while another guy made a slash under his eyes.

Louis struck Soobin again on his back, and Beomgyu shut his eyes at the sight of Soobin spitting out blood.

"One day Gyu," Louis said before finally ending the video call.

Beomgyu tried to control his breathing as he remembered the sound the allen key made as it made contact with Soobin's back and leg.

"This is all my fault," Beomgyu clutched his head.

Taehyun had managed to put Huening Kai to sleep before heading to Beomgyu.

He slowly pried Beomgyu's hands open, "calm down Gyu, deep breath," Taehyun spoke, helping Beomgyu to breathe normally.

Beomgyu wrapped his arms around Taehyun in a tight hug, burying his face in the crook of Taehyun's neck, sniffling loudly.

"It's okay Gyu," Taehyun rubbed his back lightly before engulfing him in a hug.

Taehyun was trying so hard to be the matured one in this situation, he felt like crying as well, he didn't like seeing Beomgyu shedding tears.

If he didn't take control, who else would comfort the crying males in the living room.

But secretly unknowing to them, there was a certain pink haired male who had been present from the very beginning, watching everything unravel, and to say he was furious was an understatement.

