"Beomgyu, Beomgyu!!"

Joengin chased after the raven haired male who was dragging his feet along the passage way to his class.

Beomgyu turned back to Joengin, his eye bags very visible to the younger male, he couldn't sleep at all last night knowing fully well that Soobin wasn't safe.

If it wasn't for Taehyun who had stayed with him through out the night, Beomgyu would have boarded the next bus to meet Louis.

"Are you alright?" Joengin stopped few a centimeters away from Beomgyu taking in the older's unusual sight.

"Yeah," Beomgyu rubbed his eyes, "do you need help with something?"

"It's Kai, he won't leave the bathroom, he is a mess and he said it's your fault."

"Kai?" Guilt washed over Beomgyu, he took to his heels and headed straight to the bathroom.

"Get out!!"

Beomgyu was greated with a loud yell from Huening Kai when he opened the door to check up on him.

"Kai please," Beomgyu tried to coarse the younger to stop crying, "Taehyun and I are doing what we can to solve this, stop hurting yourself."

"Doing everything you can?" Huening Kai narrowed his eyes, "then why are you still here?"

Beomgyu bite his lip and turned to his phone as it made a ding.

"Oh My gos-"

"What is it," Huening Kai's tears threatened to fall as he drew closer to Beomgyu, "is it Soobin? Let me see."

"No, it isn't," Beomgyu placed his phone to his chest, "just Taehyun."

"Lemme see Beomgyu," Huening Kai tried to reach for the phone again, but Yeonjun stopped him from getting anywhere close to Beomgyu.

The pink haired male could sense Huening Kai was about to beat the crap out of Beomgyu.

"I hate you," Huening Kai said through gritted teeth, "you couldn't handle the fact that he was with me.....well now look, none of us have him, you are happy now!!!" He yelled before storming out.

"Where is Soobin?" Yeonjun turned to Beomgyu wiping away a stray tear, "tell me the truth and I'll help you," he said still cradling Beomgyu's head.

Beomgyu didn't know why but he felt he could trust Yeonjun, his hazel orbs were giving him the comfort he needed at the moment.

"Soobin got kidnapped and the only way to get him back is if I go in place of him, I want to go but Taehyun thinks we can find another way and the guilt is killing me, what do you think I should do?"

Yeonjun reached for Beomgyu's hands and turned it seeing Soobin in nothing but his briefs, tied to a chair with a bleeding body.

"I'll get him back,"Yeonjun suddenly spoke.

"How," Beomgyu rose a brow, "don't tell me you are going there, they'll hurt you, the guy in charge is a psychopath."

"Trust me."


Yeonjun didn't bother knocking as he got to his destination, the room Soobin was in seamed to be the basement so he headed there straight away.

Just a guy was around but he didn't let that bother him as he made his way to the room.

Sure enough Soobin was in the center of the room, it was dark, but not dark enough for Yeonjun not to notice the blue haired male.

Soobin's head hung low and his breathing harsh, it seamed like he wasn't breathing properly.

The pink haired male approached the male on the chair, as he was about to untie him, he heard a voice.

"Hey, who are you?!"

But Yeonjun ignored him as he continued to untie Soobin.

The guy who questioned Yeonjun's appearance walked closer to the male, ready to strike him with the the wooden plank In his hands, but it stopped automatically in mid air.

As if someone was holding it there in place.

Yeonjun slowly lowered his hands from Soobin's back and turned to the male behind him, who was still with the plank In mid air.

The guy swallowed hard when he saw Yeonjun's eyes, he watched as the hazel coloured eyes slowly turned pitch black before it painted his entire eyes black.

It looked like Yeonjun's eye balls had disappeared and he could put his finger into it.

Black liquid flowed from his eyes leaving a trail of black line.

He pushed Soobin's chair with his feet to the corner being careful not to let the taller male fall off.

Yeonjun grabbed a chair by the corner and sat.

"Who are you?

Yeonjun could only smirk, "where is your boss?"

"Who are you?"

Yeonjun turned to Soobin and noted a knife was used on his, and so he would use a knife as well.

His gaze went to the guy's neck and before the guy could comprehend what was going on he felt something sharp poking him from the inside of his throat and before he knew it blood dripped from his neck.

Yeonjun was slowly cutting the guys throat from the inside and going downwards towards his chest area.

"It's not funny when the tables are turned," Yeonjun said enjoying the cry of pain he was listening to.

The door flung open, "what the-"

Yeonjun forcefully snapped the guys head off, still not moving from his chair.

Louis eyes moved from one of his close friend's head which rolled lifelessly to his feet before lifting it to the uninvited pink haired male staring daggers at him.

Yeonjun picked up the allen key on the ground and walked to Louis who was clutching a gun from under his jacket.

"What are you?"

Yeonjun could only smirk at question, "I'm the last thing, you'll be seeing before you leave."

Louis took out a gun and pointed it at Yeonjun, "stay back!!"

He shot the gun twice at Yeonjun, but before the bullets could reach Yeonjun it disintegrated into thin air.

This only perked up Yeonjun's anger.

Louis could see see the black ink painting up to his finger, before he could try to comprehend what was going on the gun got smashed right in his hands along with his fingers.

Louis groaned clutching unto the hand whose finger's bones had been destroyed by Yeonjun.

Yeonjun forcefully took a hold of Louis's jaw, his now long and sharp pointy nails piercing into his skin.

He pulled him to Soobin, Louis could actually feel Yeonjun's hands burning his skin.

Like it was an actual fire set below his chin, he could actually feel the burnt mark appearing on it.

"Look what you did to him!!" Yeonjun swung the allen key right in Louis's eyes, "what did he do to you?" He swung the allen key again across his jaw before using his strength to press the allen key to one of his eyes popping it.

"Look at him!!" Yeonjun pointed his face back to Soobin and struck Louis on his bare chest.

Louis didn't remember Soobin's body sounding like this when he struck him earlier, Louis was on an excruciating pain.

At the moment he preferred death, but Yeonjun wasn't letting him off that easily.

"Please," Louis could only muster out.

"You should've thought of mercy when you were disfiguring at innocent child," Yeonjun forcefully slammed Louis's body to the wall, making sure to apply more force on his head.

His finger nails burried deep into his skin.

Yeonjun turned to Soobin and it dawn on him that Soobin was in only of briefs.

"Did you touch him?!!"

Yeonjun could read Louis's mind loud and clear and it held the answer to the exact question he just asked.

Louis had done some painful experiments with a naked Soobin on this chair before putting his briefs back on.

Yeonjun slammed the allen key right on Louis's crotch, aiming at breaking it.

Louis yelled out jolting Soobin out from his unconsciousness.

"Soobin are you okay?"

Soobin heard Yeonjun ask him and he slowly shook his head, he was weak.

"Where is Kai? Is he safe?" Soobin managed to ask after remembering when Louis plotted on kidnapping the younger.

"He is alright, I'll get you out of here okay," Yeonjun assured, apply pressure on Louis broken crotch.

He began slowly peeling off Louis's skin from his body.

"Soobin," Yeonjun called trying to keep the younger male alive, he promised Beomgyu that he would bring him back, but he couldn't just spare Louis.

"Hmmm," Soobin answered weakly.

Yeonjun could feel how weak Soobin was, the latter hadn't eating over a day ago, hadn't slept and had lost a good amount of blood.

"Stay with me."

Soobin nodded at Yeonjun's request, he could feel himself slowly giving up his ghost.

Yeonjun turned back to Louis, glaring harshly at him, "I hope you remember this face in hell," he said lowly.

Louis almost skinless body turned into ashes before blowing off with the wind as Yeonjun sucked in his very life essence.

Yeonjun let go of the allen key, a small smile on his lips as he let out a sickening husky laugh, his humanly physique returning back.

He untied Soobin and removed the blind fold, "Soobin?"

The said male slowly opened his eyes to meet Yeonjun's.

"I've got You," Yeonjun gently picked up Soobin in his arms, tidying up the place as he walked out, leaving it spotless as if Soobin's kidnap never happened.

