"There you go," Huening Kai carefully lowered Soobin in his seat.

At first when Soobin spoke about going to school, Huening Kai had refused.

He felt Soobin wasn't in a good enough condition to go to school, he was willing to stay with him and skip school until he was able to resume back to lectures.

Soobin on the other end felt he had missed out so much on his lectures and his grades were very important to him.

He finally convinced Huening Kai into letting him go for lectures.

Huening Kai took Soobin's crutches and placed them under his table and dropped his bag by his foot, "if you need anything just call me," he gave him a chaste kiss on his forehead before waving goodbye to him.

"Aren't you too young for Soobin," a girl stopped Huening Kai before he could walk out, "can't you find someone your own age or something?"

She seamed as if she was holding herself back from hitting Huening Kai.

He remembered her as the girl who came to his class to give Soobin a bag of cookies on the first day Soobin tutored his class.

"What's wrong with me dating Soobin?" Huening Kai asked slowly.

"All you juniors are stealing our boys," she said through gritted teeth glancing round, her eyes lingering on three specific boys out of the seven that were present.

Wooyoung,Chan and Hyunjin.

"I can't do anything about that, I have lectures to attend to," Huening moved to step out but she blocked his way.

"I'm not done talking to you."

"Leave him alone," Soobin said from behind them.

She rolled her eyes moving away from Huening Kai who turned to give Soobin a heart with his fingers before walking out.

Beomgyu walked in and sat on his seat close to Soobin, he had been waiting for Huening Kai to leave the class before he enters.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" Beomgyu placed his hands on Soobin's forehead.

"Yeah, I'm good," Soobin sniffed in Beomgyu's scent, "are those clothes new?"

"Yeah," Beomgyu responded looking at his outfit, "I didn't want to branch over your place, just incase you two were still around so Yeonjun decided for us to stop at the mall to get clothes."

"Yeonjun?" Soobin rose a brow, "you slept over at Yeonjun's place? Coz I called Taehyun and he said you weren't with him."

Beomgyu's face heated a bit, "he wasn't answering my calls, I couldn't stay with you and Huening Kai, he still wants to kill me."

Soobin let out a light laugh at Beomgyu's flustered face, "how'd it go?"

"Everything was normal," Beomgyu nodded before diverting his attention to the pink haired male walking in.

He avoided the Yeonjun's gaze when the latter had lowered it to meet his.

Beomgyu had sprinted out of the car immediately Yeonjun's chauffeur pulled over.

He desperately wanted to avoid the stares and whispers, he definitely didn't want to ruin Yeonjun's name.

Yeonjun casually walked to his seat and sat down taking out his phone from his pocket.

"Does Kai like track suits?" Beomgyu asked all of a sudden.

"Yeah, he does, you got him a track suit?"

Beomgyu nodded, "Yeonjun helped me decide, it was really expensive though, but I tore off the price tag."

"Huening Kai can tell when something is expensive gyu."


"Ouch," Yeji slowly got off the ground grabbing her skateboard in the process.

"Yay, you did good."

Yeji turned to glare at both Chaeryeong and Ryujin, she could feel the sarcastic tone in Chaeryeong's voice.

"You'll get better next time," Ryujin tapped her shoulder.

She took of her helmet and stumbled in sitting harshly beside Hyunjin.

"What happened to you," Hyunjin brushed her hair past her shoulder.

"Chaeryeong thought it would be fun to skateboard all the way from her place," Yeji touched her arm and hissed, "I scratched my arm," she pouted.

"I'll kiss it better," Hyunjin took hold of her arm and kissed the light bruise.

Immediately his lips touched her arm, she thwarted his face off her arm, "ew, gros, don't do that."

"Because I'm trying to be nice?"

"Don't be nice, it's disgusting," Yeji said tying her hair into a pony tail.

Hyunjin narrowed his eyes in a disgusted manner, "you want to know something about you-"

"I wonder how Yeji would react if she finds out Hyunjin is trying to get into a relationship with Huening Kai's friend..uh.... Joengin."

Beomgyu could only let out a light chuckle.

"Oh look at him, isn't he cute?" Anika cooed at the sight of Yeonjun on his phone, "I'll talk to you guys later," Anika waved off to her new found friends and walked off to Yeonjun.

"Hey boo," she lightly played with his hair, "interesting video?" She asked trying to peer into his phone.

"I don't like her attitude lately," Soobin whispered to Beomgyu, "she wasn't like this before."

"You noticed too," Beomgyu forcefully looked away from Anika who was trying to get Yeonjun's attention, "it's irritating, if you'd ask me."

"I doubt you can be as irritated as Yuhan is about it, she claims Anika is trying to steal her popularity," Soobin said in a hushed tone.

Beomgyu let out a light giggle which immediately caught Yeonjun's attention.

"Are you even listening to me?" Anika snapped her fingers, she was about to turn around when she caught a glimpse of what Yeonjun was watching right before it turned off.


Yeonjun had actually video recorded the types of facial expression Beomgyu made while sleeping.

The said male was spooked out by it when he woke up to see the back of a phone pointing at his face.

He didn't know what to use his phone for anyways.

"Can I see your phone," she reached out and grabbed it without waiting for a response.

His lock screen was a picture of Beomgyu in the maid suit, "did this really happened?"

She turned his phone to him and he nodded.

"This is actually cute, but embarrassing I'm so many ways," she bit back a laugh, "I'm going to post this, when was this?"

Yeonjun grabbed his phone out of her hands, "when you couldn't make it to my place."

Anika's face scrunched up a bit, "so he was the person who interrupted our video chat, so just because I couldn't make it to your place, you invited the class cunt, wonderful," she turned and glared at Beomgyu.

"So what happened?" She folded her arms turning to look at Yeonjun, "did you sleep with him?"

"That is none of your concern."

Anika clicked her tongue staring daggers at Beomgyu, "so you did, why him? He is absolutely worthless and a wasted bag of garbage," Anika was loud enough to grab Beomgyu and Soobin's attention.

"You invited that thing, there are literally thousands of pretty girls here and you chose that to replace me, did you really think he could make me jealous?"

Soobin searched his bag for his headphone, and gave it to Beomgyu to put on, searching for his playlist of loud musics.

Beomgyu didn't deserve to hear all this every single time in comes for lectures.

"I can tell you are pissed and angry, why is that?" Yeonjun laid his head on his table.

"Because you replaced me with that," Anika blurted out.

"Replaced you from what?" Yeonjun scrunched a brow, "you are just my course mate, the only thing that keeps us closer than any other course mate around me is the fact that you are my seat partner, which I can choose to change anytime."

"There is no string, whatsoever attaching us together, stop saying I replaced you when I never had you."

She turned around glad that her course mates were at least watching and not recording before she scoffed and stood up walking to stand directly in front of Beomgyu.

Beomgyu was about to lower his headphone, but he felt Soobin was already talking.

"Can't you all just leave Beomgyu alone, you can live on without him."

"Why did you lead her on?" Hyunjin whispered to Yeonjun, Yeji nodded in an approval to his question.



Beomgyu's curse got Yeonjun's attention.

Anika had sprayed some kind of liquid into his eyes.

"What was that," Soobin turned Beomgyu's face to his trying clean off the liquid.

Beomgyu could feel his eyes burning him and he couldn't stop rubbing it.

She was trying to act tough and actually grabbed Beomgyu by the hair and slapped him across the face in his vulnerable state.

"What the actual fuck-" Soobin tried to stand and bare with the aching pain in his knee, but Beomgyu stopped him.

Suddenly a heavy wooden desk came flying across the room heading straight for Anika's head and if it wasn't for Chan who pulled her out of the way her body would have been smashed to the wall.

Anika could have sworn that she had stopped breathing, he looked as if she had seen a ghost and turned with the rest to where the table had come from.

Yeonjun was standing.

His and Anika's table was missing.

Anika hid at the back of Chan, she tried to run away from Yeonjun's stone cold glare, but she somehow couldn't move her body.

Hyunjin noticed Yeonjun was heading to Anika and stood to stop him, he tried to hold his hands but he could actually feel a burning sensation and took his hands off him.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin looked up to Yeonjun, his expression wasn't looking humanly at all, "y-you can h-hit her."

"She hit him didn't she?" He sent off a death glare to Anika.

Soobin knew what Yeonjun was capable of doing, he did save him from the hands of a psychopathic maniac.

He could still remember the non-human like noises let out from Louis and his members when he was tied up.

He believed it was a dream, but with how hostile Yeonjun's look was, he wasn't ready to find out if it was a dream or not.

"Jun, maybe you should take Beomgyu to the clinic."

Yeonjun finally noticed Beomgyu who was wiping his eyes with an handkerchief and water.

He slowly pulled Beomgyu to his feet and walked him outside heading to the nurse.

He didn't forget to send Anika a warning glare, nothing should better happen to Beomgyu's sight.

"Are you okay?" Beomgyu heard and nodded.

"A-are you?"