Yeonjun stayed with Beomgyu through out his session with the nurse, he waited to make sure Beomgyu was alright before he heads off to Anika.

Beomgyu blinked rapidly before finally opening his eyes.

The nurse had given him some eye drops.

"Can you see me?" Yeonjun asked moving closer to Beomgyu.

"Yeah but ahh-" he clutched his head.

"You need to sleep it off," the nurse put her pen in her pocket.

"Okay, thank you nurse," Beomgyu smiled trying to pry his eyes open.

She smiled before moving to her desk up front and out of the room, she was the only nurse on duty right now.

"Please don't do anything to Anika," Beomgyu blindly reached out for Yeonjun's hands that was resting beside him.

"What did she spray you with?" Yeonjun asked peering closely at Beomgyu's closed eyes.

"I don't know, the nurse didn't tell, but she said it was something mild. You don't need to worry to much."

"The nurse said you should rest," Yeonjun tried to place Beomgyu on the bed.

"No," Beomgyu pushed his way back up, "cause I know if I lay down, you will go after Anika.

I'm the one she hurt not you, don't do anything that would get you in trouble."

Beomgyu could feel how tensed Yeonjun was, the latter was eager to kill someone now and it didn't even have to be Anika.

Yeonjun was always like this when he is annoyed or even worse angry, he  was hungry for a soul right now.

He was confused as to why he hadn't attacked Beomgyu right now.

"Yeonjun," Beomgyu called, bringing the pink haired male back to earth, "calm down, he slowly brought Yeonjun's head to shoulder and caressed it.

It felt as if  Yeonjun's hands were moving on their own as they enveloped Beomgyu's small frame.

He tightened his grip on Beomgyu loving the scent of the shorter male, he couldn't decipher exactly what made up his scent.

It was like a combination of four, but he loved it nonetheless.

Slowly he began to relax in Beomgyu's embrace, he hunger for a soul died down gradually and was being replaced with something new, something he had never felt before.

Comfort and Affection.

Slowly he got on the bed Beomgyu was on and lowered the male onto it, "get some sleep," Yeonjun said, he himself relaxing on Yeonjun's small frame.

"Promise me you won't hurt Anika," Beomgyu said with his lips in Yeonjun's hair.

"I promise."


Beomgyu fluttered his eyes open at the sound of Taehyun's voice.


His head didn't hurt anymore and neither does his eyes, he turned to his left and was rather disappointed.

He was certain that Yeonjun had stayed with him.

"Gyu," Taehyun touched his cheeks, "I heard about Anika, is your sight okay?"


"I got you lunch," Taehyun placed the tray of food on Beomgyu's lap.

"Thanks Hyunnie," Beomgyu leant in and pecked his nose.

"So..," Taehyun placed his arms on both side of Beomgyu, "what got the ever shy and timid Anika to lash out on you."

"Timid? She is a bitch," Beomgyu bit into the crust of his meat pie before feeding it to Taehyun, "lemme guess, Kai made this."

Taehyun nodded.

"Soobin is lucky to have found someone who can cook, cause he can't even boil water without burning it."

Taehyun let out a small laugh, "do you have work today? Let's go and watch a movie."

"Uhhhh, I have work today," Beomgyu hit Taehyun lightly on the chest, "why is it that every time I'm busy, you are always free and anytime you're busy, I'm always free."

"We have to set up a date for ourselves," Taehyun suggested sipping on Beomgyu's grape juice, "at least you have one thing in common with Huening Kai," he gestured to the grape juice.

"Yeah, we have to set up a hangout date for ourselves," Beomgyu played a bit with Taehyun's hair.


Beomgyu ended his work quite early, he headed to his room quite pissed.

Someone had swapped his bear costume for a bunny suit.

If he was going to be forced into a suit at least let it be the costume he actually picked.

He sighed out, at least he could make it on time to Taehyun.

Beomgyu pulled off his suit placing it in a bag, the door swung open and he immediately wrapped a robe around his body, his heart beating at a rapid pace before slowly calming down at the sight of his boss.

Beomgyu smiled a little wrapping his robe properly, "I did good right?"

"Where are you heading off too?"

"To wash up and leave, I'm not placed for any appointment today."

"Have you really being placed for any appointment lately?" His boss leaned on the door, "I've gotten reports on you Beomgyu and actually made some investigation myself."

Beomgyu swallowed.

"You haven't been doing anything, you just sit in your room and do absolutely nothing....your friends or Mr Kim Namjoon's boy pay for your time and you do absolutely nothing."

"They pay, isn't that what's more important to you," Beomgyu spoke.

"I don't lack my workers slacking off, I feel like you have lost your touch, what if someone other than your friends come to purchase you, what will you do?"

"I haven't lost my touch, I'm just taken a sort of break.....I'm tired of all this."

"A break?" His boss chuckled a little, "the mistress owns you-"

"No, I signed a contract it could be terminated, she doesn't-"

His boss chuckled again, "You don't know what you are talking about," he kicked his door opeb the more revealing Mr.Lee beside him.

Beomgyu's stomach turned in disgust at the sight of Mr Lee, "but I'm free today-"

"Prove you haven't lost it," the boss smirked as Mr Lee walked in, "give me your honest response Lee," he said before leaving.

Mr Lee let loose a wicked smile on his face at the sight of his favorite client.

"It's been a while my pretty," he laid his hands on Beomgyu's shoulder taken in his looks, he slowly slipped his hands inside Beomgyu's robe, untying it in the process.

"Don't worry I'll be quick."

Beomgyu let a tear roll down his cheeks as Mr Lee stripped him out of his robe.


Beomgyu clutched his mouth and ran out of the club before throwing up in a nearby garbage bin.

He emptied his stomach of the white substance he had previously taken in before sliding himself to the ground.

He feels so disgusted and sore on his lower half.

"Are you sure you want to go there by yourself?"


Beomgyu watched as a tall man in a face mask walked to him, he instinct told him to run, but before he could the man spoke.

"Don't run away."

Beomgyu could have sworn he had heard that voice before.

"I'm here to help."

His eyes feels so familiar.

The taller male streched out a paper to Beomgyu, "come by tomorrow."

Beomgyu looked at the initials on the card, K.V.T, before looking back at the taller male in front of him.

Beomgyu had his eyes widen at the sight of the male with his mask lowered, it was the his all-time favorite idol.

Kim Taehyung.

Beomgyu lowered his head, his cheeks and ears a full blown red colour, he was so embarrassed.

He like every other person had wished that the could meet his all time favorite idol, but to meet him here out of all other places was so embarrassing.

He is pretty sure he had seen him performing.

"Are you sure you aren't mixing me up with someone," Beomgyu nervously twirled the paper in his hands.

"No, that face of yours cannot be mistaken."

Beomgyu could feel the heat rush to his, his idol crush had just complimented him.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Taehyung headed to his car.

Beomgyu nodded staring off at a distance, till he could no longer get to see the car.

At least he found a new reason to smile, he stared at the paper his hands.

