Namjoon ran his hands ferociously as he continued to pay attention to the annoying words of the lady in front of his desk.

He glanced at his watch wondering where the hell Yeonjun was, he needed to get out of his office now before he sparked.

"So anyways Namjoonie," the lady in front continued grabbing a hold of his hands on the desk, "we haven't hung out in a while."

"I thought you came for a business proposal and not to ask me out," Namjoon rested his head on his hands, purposely displaying a bored expression on his face.

The woman in front of him was a senior in his high school he had once dated, she basically liked him because of his looks and decided to befriend him.

Now she was taking advantage of their friendship and coming to his office twenty four - seven to seduce him to going out with her.

Namjoon had really made a name for himself with time, so she felt she should benefit from it as well, after all she did give him a sort of protection in school.

Popularity was one of the things she had in school and she used that to make Namjoon untouchable while they were friends.

"I thought you were married?"

"We had divorced a long time ago, now it's just me and my beautiful daughter Yuhan."

Namjoon new very well that she was a mother, he had come for the baby shower.

"How is she?"

"She is alright, but a no dad in the family is kind of messing with her head."

Namjoon mentally rolled his eyes as he stared at the paper on his desk, praying for Yeonjun to come any moment and relieve him of his current situation.

"You own a club, you get various of men come in everyday, you have clients and workers.....I'm sure you can find someone," he raised his eyes to hers, "you are still a beautiful woman, I'm sure you can make a good catch."

"But none are you Namjoonie," she cooed rubbing her hands on his arms and slowly squeezing his biceps.

She began trailing her fingers all over his face and chest as she pushed her chest out, exposing her cleavage as she leaned closer to him on the table.

' Yeonjun where in the god-damned hell are you. '

Just then his door opened revealing a certain pink haired male with a Beomgyu right behind him.

"I've got your-"

"Finally," Namjoon stood as he headed right to Yeonjun.

The lady who was having a conversation with him pouted as she turned around to see who had interrupted.

Her eyes caught on to the raven haired male behind Yeonjun, she knew she had seen him somewhere before.

Beomgyu had no idea his boss and lady in charge of the club where he works was right in the same room with him, he rose his head and met her staring at him.

He was confused as he had never seen her before but bowed nonetheless.

"Shall we go," Namjoon ushered Yeonjun out of his office, leaving no room of objection from Yeonjun.

Jimin was at his post, he was in charge of pilling and sorting out the files and document to be given to Namjoon's secretary for final approval.

Then afterwards it would be taken to Namjoon.

He was a starter so he was given just a few documents to work and write a report on.

He finished pretty quick and decided on speaking with his son.

He set up his iPad on his desk and connected his Bluetooth to it so as not to disturb other works.

"Hi baby," he said once his mom had set up her phone in front of Niki.

Niki smiled and put up his different colours of scribbles to show his dad.

"They are so pretty," Jimin pouted at his sons drawings, "will you make one for me?"

He gestured at Niki's paper then to himself so the three year old would understand better.

Niki nodded.

"I'll be home soon okay," he pulled out a pack of biscuit, "this is for you."

Niki clapped as he called for his grandma's attention to show her what Jimin had bought for him.

"Mr park," someone called from above him making him close his iPad instantly.

"Hi," he reached out for the files and reports he had previously arranged and gave it to her.

"I hope it wasn't much of a trouble," she said going through it, "you know when you are new at something it can really get challenging."

Jimin nodded as he took notice of her name tag, she only had initials on it.

' I.U '

"Nice work," she commented, "hmmmm, you are almost as good as I am," she smiled as she kept checking his work, "you'll make my work a lot easier newbie, if I reconsider staying.... but sadly, I might not be staying for too long."

"Why?" Jimin unconsciously asked.

"I'm thinking of becoming a stay at home mom, but the head doesn't want me to quit just yet," she leaned closer to Jimin, "between you and me, Namjoon is an adorable little child."

"Namjoon?" Jimin questioned, raising a brow.

"You don't like her, why won't you tell her," Yeonjun spoke after Namjoon had collected the files from him.

"Don't you think I've tried, the only option that I have now is to ban her from entering here entirely."

Namjoon's gaze moved to the shorter male who was standing behind Yeonjun and glancing around.

It seemed like everything here was fragile, from the glass to the metals and to the colour white which was dominant with a little blue.

"Why is he here?" Namjoon asked.

Yeonjun turned briefly to check on Beomgyu before responding, "he has something to tell me, he wanted to wait at the house, but I told him he could tag along."

Namjoon nodded his head before straightening his back as he was about to leave, "I better get going, one minute break from her really did me good and-"

Namjoon stopped talking at the sight of Yeonjun's eyes flickered from hazel to red, he could see his body tense up.

"Are you all right?" Namjoon whispered.

"Yeah," Yeonjun responded, "I think I just need sleep or something."

Yeonjun knew fully well what was wrong with him, he was hungry, but unfortunately a soul wasn't what he was yearning for.

Lately he hadn't been taken any, he had found something much more filling than a soul.

His demon craved for a specific someone, but he wasn't going to let himself dwell solely on a being for survival.

Namjoon paused and gave a quizzical look as he slowly understood what was happening to Yeonjun, this wasn't the first time the younger had behaved this way.

"You are not planning on bringing him back home are you, I don't want any killings in my house."

Yeonjun lowered his head as he felt pain flow through his body even more.

"Go home, you could have told me you weren't feeling all right," Namjoon spoke while rubbing Yeonjun's back.

Yeonjun turned to leave but came in contact with Beomgyu's questioning gaze.

The younger wanted to ask him what was wrong with him but Yeonjun just walked past him completely ignoring the younger, "let's go."

Namjoon watched as Yeonjun walked away with a worried looking Beomgyu strolling behind him.

He didn't really think he was going to kill someone as sweet at Beomgyu.

"Mr Kim," I.U said to Namjoon who was still spacing out thinking about Yeonjun.

That demon in him was doing the young lad much harm, he was handling it way better than he did the last time where Namjoon had to chain him up.

He had asked his father about it, and it turned out that Yeonjun hadn't been taking in souls lately, he hadn't really had the conversation with Yeonjun yet though.

He hated seeing him this way, he was going to have the conversation with him soon enough.

"Namjoon," I.U called again.

Namjoon finally caught on to her voice, "hmmm."

"My assistant is here," she said.

Namjoon scrunched up his brows, "are you really serious about leaving?"

She said nothing but small, "he is really good you know," she said showing him Jimin's reports.

Namjoon rolled his eyes trying to look unimpressed, "where is he."

She smiled before leading him to Jimin who was trying to compose himself.

He hadn't seen Namjoon for years, he didn't even know he stayed in Korea.

Part of him was still hurt with how Namjoon had played him in highschool and wouldn't want to see his face, and a part of him still wanted to see the face of his high school lover.

Would Namjoon even still remember him?

Jimin breath hitched as he saw Namjoon walk closer to him with I.U, he had really mature over the years.

He just hoped his bad attitude had changed as well.

Namjoon took in Jimin's appearance, the eyes and lips were the first things that caught his attention.

He felt he had seen him somewhere before.

"Have we met before."

Jimin let off a nervous smile as he nodded, "Park Jimin," hoping that it would help Namjoon remember.


Jimin's face visibly scrunched up in anger, "it's not important sir," he played a fake smile on his face.

I.U turned to Namjoon playing off a confused look, while Namjoon kept his eyes still fixed on Jimin.

