The car ride to Yeonjun's place was awkward for Beomgyu.

He didn't even know if he was going to make the right decision by trying to talk to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun wasn't doing too good on his own, he was holding on to the only piece of sane part of him that was preventing him from unleashing in the car.

"Yeonjun are you okay?"

Beomgyu finally spoke, he couldn't handle the sight of his crush looking as if he wants to pass out at any moment.

Yeonjun nodded not meeting Beomgyu's eyes.

"No you are not, I've been watching you since I got into this car earlier," Beomgyu said calmly, "I think I can help."

Yeonjun said nothing after the male as the car drove slowly through the gates.

"You should go home."

"But I wanted to talk with you," Beomgyu chases after the pink haired male as soon as he got down from the car.

"We can talk tomorrow," Yeonjun said not sparing the younger male any glance.

"Are you if ignoring me? Did I offend you or something?" Beomgyu forcefully shut the door when Yeonjun tried to open it.

"I'm not ignoring you," Yeonjun spoke trying to open the door again.

"Then why won't you look at me, did Taehyun say anything to you?"

"No-" Yeonjun breathe hitches as he felt Beomgyu's hands on his face tilting it to face his.

He felt like a tiny part of his was at ease with just his touch.

If Beomgyu would use one word to describe Yeonjun's appearance right now it would be.

' Dead '

He looked worst than he did when they were heading to Namjoon's office.

"I can go and get you some medicine-"

"Don't, go home Beomgyu."

"Fine, I won't," Beomgyu pushed his way into the house before Yeonjun could enter first.

He had basically ignored the brief pause between the ' don't ' and the ' go '.

"I'm not joking, Beomgyu leave," Yeonjun said almost yelling.

Beomgyu was taken aback by this, he didn't know how to feel right now.

He thought he really had a chance with Yeonjun, but it turns out Yeonjun would rather be without him.

He hated to think that Taehyun was right.

"At least lemme say what I wanted to talk to you about, then I-I'll go."

He felt this is the only way he was going to have peace of mind, if he eventually leaves Yeonjun's house.

At least the older would be aware of his feelings for him.

"Beomgyu please-"

" I like you," Beomgyu said cutting Yeonjun off.

Yeonjun gazed at Beomgyu in shock for a moment before letting out a low husky chuckle.

"What is so funny?" Beomgyu said as he tries to bottle up is anger.

He just told Yeonjun he liked him and the latter had responded to him by laughing.

"You don't know what you are talking about."

"What do you mean?" Beomgyu frowned.

Yeonjun walked over to Beomgyu, "you don't know me, liking me isn't the best option for you, I suggest you stop."

Tears pricked Beomgyu's eyes a little, "are you trying to tell me that Taehyun's choice about you was right?"

"So you don't like me even a little bit?" Beomgyu asked.

"It's not like that-"

"Then what is it like?"

Beomgyu stared at Yeonjun for a moment.

"If you have too much problems that you need solutions too,you need to speak up so people can help you.....I can help you too."

"You can't help me."

"I'm a good helper, I can if you will let me," he placed his hands on Yeonjun's arm.

Yeonjun inhaled sharply, he felt part of him calm down again, he opened his eyes to see that Beomgyu had stepped closer to him.

"I'm not going to force you into liking me,  I-I actually thought you did like me a little.....with how you easy tolerated with all the news you've heard about me and still chose to talk to me...."

"I didn't plan on dating again after Soobin, no one ever wanted to take me seriously....I felt like I wasn't human with them?"

"But with you it was different somehow, you've never treated me badly before like anyone else....and with the way you kissed felt so different."

Yeonjun couldn't help but lower his eyes to Beomgyu's plum rosette lips, he wouldn't deny the fact that kissing Beomgyu was the second best thing he had felt after wiping out his whole previous community.

"I craved more of it.... I felt something, and I know you did too, the best part was that after it you didn't try to force me into having sex with you...most people would."

Yeonjun took everything in before speaking lowly, "you don't want me, trust me on it-"

"I do," Beomgyu immediately cupped Yeonjun's face, "we don't have to rush it, we can go with a slow pace."

They both let the stillness of the room envelop them before Yeonjun leaned towards Beomgyu's face, "I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't," Beomgyu said as he urgently pushed Yeonjun's face to his, crashing their lips in the process.

"You won't," Beomgyu hummed into the kiss.

He pushed Yeonjun's lips further into his by the nape of his neck as he backed the taller male to the wall.

Yeonjun could feel himself getting betterwith every affection Beomgyu was pouring out to him through the kiss.

He tilted Beomgyu's chin so as he could get better access into Beomgyu's mouth and to take control of the kiss, Beomgyu was given so much to him, he could return the favour as well at least.

Beomgyu didn't try to fight for dominance as Yeonjun slipped his tongue into his mouth.

He lowered his hands to Beomgyu's waist before switching their positions.

Beomgyu wrapped his hands around Yeonjun neck and tilted his head a little as his lips moved in sync with Yeonjun's.

Yeonjun rose his hands higher on Beomgyu's body taking together with him the younger male's cloth.

Yeonjun's thumb came in contact with Beomgyu's nipples and at the slight touch of it Beomgyu moaned into the kiss.

Yeonjun took note of it and repeated the act, this time Beomgyu tugged on Yeonjun's hair.

Beomgyu slipped his hands inside Yeonjun's coat and took it off, exposing the taller male's muscular arms.

Yeonjun broke away from Beomgyu so the younger male could take in air before placing his lips on his neck.

"Nnnngh-," Beomgyu couldn't help but cradle Yeonjun's head as the older male sucked and left light kisses on his neck.

Funny to think that Yeonjun was a baby a few days ago.

His breathe hitched as he felt his feet leave the ground and his crotch making contact with another.

He blushed as he hoped that Yeonjun wouldn't take notice of his hardened member.

He wrapped his legs around Yeonjun's waist kicking off his shoe in the process.

Beomgyu ran his eyes all over Yeonjun's face as he steadied himself in his arms, he looked a whole lot better now.

' Playing hard to get when you wanted me. '

Beomgyu thought.

Yeonjun's lips tilted at the edge, it was a first for Beomgyu.

He had never seen the older smile before, it suited him well.

Beomgyu connected their lips in a slow sensual kiss, taking his time to taste every corner of the older male's mouth, leaving no part of his mouth untouched as he slid his tongue here and there.

He felt Yeonjun move and he clutched unto him tighter as he delved deeper into his mouth.

Yeonjun slowly placed Beomgyu on his bed, his lips never leaving the younger's as he kicked his boots off.

Beomgyu broke away from the kiss and tilted his head backwards exposing the length of his neck as Yeonjun grinded his hip against his rocking him back and forth.

Beomgyu felt he probably was trying to get rid of his hardened member, he could feel the huge bump pushing against his jeans.

"Can you go faster?" Beomgyu asked quietly.

Yeonjun held the younger's waist firmly as he increased his pace, rubbing his member against his.

Beomgyu reach out and pulled Yeonjun's head to his neck cradling it as he harshly tugged Yeonjun's hair.

The pleasure was overwhelming he couldn't help but think how would he feel if they was no barrier between their bodies.

Yeonjun attached his lips to Beomgyu's neck, gently sucking on his adam's apple.

He could feel the vibration in Beomgyu's throat before the younger's moans were released.

He repeated the act as he took mental notes of all the sweet spots and all the placed he could get a reaction out of the male beneath him.

He thrusted his hips forward, rubbing his member slowly and sensuously on Beomgyu's.

Beomgyu arched his back as Yeonjun nibbled on his adam's apple, and accidentally let loose and came all over his pants.

Yeonjun back away from Beomgyu, having no idea what just happened to the male.

Beomgyu panted for a moment before sitting up to meet Yeonjun's shocked expression.

"You peed," Yeonjun said his eyes not leaving Beomgyu's stain pants.

"What?" Beomgyu blurted out, "no, no, it's not pee, it's cum."

Yeonjun gave off an unreadable expression tilting his head to the side.

"Bottom line is that it's normal," Beomgyu perked up his cheeks before his eyes trailed down to Yeonjun's crotch.

He was visibly hard, "you need help?" Beomgyu questioned moving close to Yeonjun.

He knelt down in between Yeonjun's leg as he reached for the loop of his pants.

"What are you doing?" Yeonjun asked as Beomgyu placed his hands on his pants.

"Aren't you uncomfortable, I want to help you," Beomgyu said before zipping down Yeonjun's pants and placing his hands inside it.

The moment Beomgyu's hands lightly touched Yeonjun's member, the latter held his hands as he felt a wired sensation zoom up to his stomach.

"No?" Beomgyu asked.

Yeonjun shook his head, "I'll walk it off."

"O-okay," Beomgyu said as got of the bed, he looked at his pants before turning to Yeonjun, "c-can I put on y-your clothes while I go and wash mine?"

Yeonjun nodded.

Before Beomgyu moved to get a new set of clothes from Yeonjun's walk in closet he turned to the male and kissed him for a brief moment before pulling away after Yeonjun responded.

"Just checking," he smiled.

