He looked at the sky, the stars were almost shining to keep him company, the moon drew a comma in the signature, like suggesting him to start a new sentence, but not a whole paragraph, the light wind blows through his hair and moved the grass around him, like to keep the whole clearing up to contemplate the night. The lake was slight, made it realize that it was alive, but it didn't necessarily need big waves to be noticed by the moon that, in love perhaps more to herself than that poor pool, she resigned in a moved reflection.
Poor lake, thought the blond, it was the biggest element in that dream, and yet it was using itself, and it was alone, looking at the moon hoping to get love, maybe it didn't really love her, maybe it was just loneliness, maybe it even knew it deserved better from that life, not a spoiled bitch, with the smell under her nose and the need to be lit up by the sun to appear. What was the sun doing? He even listened to her.
He made her beautiful, he made her desirable, the symbol of loved nights. He, sun, who really loved, sacrificed his rays to make it worth something to everyone, couldn't help but please her by standing aside and contemplate her that dispotic. Selfish and insensitive. The wind was her accomplice, in love too, allowed her to receive worship from every single branch of grass, from every single branch singing her serenade, every single leaf and the ones who gave up dropped them. He just wanted the best for his moon.
Doesn't life come down to this? To be lovely, you had to be loved, really needed to be it and they had to look at you with eyes capable to transmit the intense feeling. To feel good you had to be told, it's enough to have eyes on yourself while you walk down the streets, or you just appear in the night. But it was precious to those who only had one look, one heart in love. With the right eyes to watch over you, you could be whatever you want. Even beautiful, even worthy of a great love.
What would he have done then?
The only eyes he wanted on himself he couldn't have them. He shouldn't have even wanted them. The woman he loved, she didn't just belonged to another man, she was promised to Prince Luka.
Moon, sneaky and indomable moon, you laugh at the misfortune of others, enjoy cruel behind a heartbroken. Mock him of his silly illusions, tear up dreams and still hide the best part of you. Hateful moon that was loved, not even deserving it, while he was here, giving his soul to a feeling that was unlikely as strong, wondering why he didn't deserve love. Was he not worthy?
Sun, you rise by taking away the night's mockers.
He sighed defeated. The sun had its own time.
He looked at his image reflected in the moving water and wondered what was more true. The reflection of a lie or the lie itself?
From the window, he didn't know, a sweet maiden was watching him intrigued. His ways of doing were so similar to the guy in the market, his voice and that cheeky gallantry, blond hair and green eyes.
Was he the same young man?
She walked out of the room and tried to keep quiet, she walked through the salon where her kidnappers slept.
When she got out of the ville, she still stopped and looked at the figure sitting around her back.
She really wanted to talk to him again?
She approached him and, quiet, she looked at the lake.
Adrien was surprised to see her there, but he couldn't miss the joy that was filling his heart.
Only the more he looked at her, the more he didn't feel the same as that morning.
All he could see in her was Princess Antoinette. So beautiful that the moon also agreed to share the light with her and lightened her face.
What was wrong with him? A person didn't get loved by a name or a social class appellant. She was just her.
He looked at her and wanted to see her look back, but he felt like she only gave her heart for those few hours when they spoke walking.
<< You can't sleep? >>
Surprised Adrien, she was the first one to talk.
<< I have a problem, princess. >> He confessed looking at the sky.
The stars seemed to be rooting for him.
<< What kind of problem? >>
<< If I stay awake I think of you, if I sleep, I dream of you. I don't know what I'd like. >> He Sighed again.
<< You kidnapped me because of these feelings? >> Finally she turned to look at him from the top.
<< I didn't even know what the princess looked like. >> Adrien confessed. << And if you'll allow me, I'd rather not have it yours. >>
He stood up.
<< Does my face transmit all this melancholy? >> She asked Perplexed .
<< Your face, princess, is like the feeling of waking up in the middle of a beautiful dream. >>
<< Is it bad for you? >>
<< Oh, please, not even a blinde could have any doubts about your disarming beauty. And maybe that's why it hurts so much, leave the bitter retrotaste of what it could be and it didn't. >> He had found the smile a little, but it was awfully mesto.
<< I don't think I can understand you. >>
<< Do you love him? >>
He couldn't stop and surprise her.
<< What...? >>
Why now that sudden question?
He stood in front of her and looked her in the eye.
<< Prince Luka. Do you love him? >>
It was a transcript of the urgency of knowledge from the voice.
The princess didn't answer. She was always more convinced that she knew who was hiding behind that mask, who exposed him was his questions and the way he looked at her. Those green eyes were too tremendously deep and seemed to put it naked every time.
Slowly, she brought her hands on the boy's face who had a slight touch that freezed him. He heard the mask pulling out, but he didn't care, he knew she would understand. He wasn't discreet at all.
<< You... >> She seemed happy about it.
<< Milady. >> Sweet smiles.
<< I knew it was you. >> She smiled sincerely.
<< How did you figure that out? >>
<< From your brazen. You don't know how to behave with a princess. >> She said hilare. She covered her lips to hide the laugh.
<< Don't be so hard with me. In one day I had to say goodbye to you and find out how dangerous it was loving you. >>
He took her hand and took it out of her face. He didn't want to take away that sublime view.
<< I'm sorry. I should never have encouraged your feelings. >> She put her head down.
<< What about your feelings? >>
With the index under her chin, he raised her boss again to be looked at.
<< I... fled the palace to figure out what it was a normal life, then I met you, and those two mornings were... you filled my heart, I mean it, but I have to marry the prince. >> She was so upset that Adrien encouraged herself to cheer her up. Even though that last sentence had taken him out.
<< I'll never bring you back again, if that's what you want. We'll live together. I promise you I will love you forever and no rest, without catching breath. No more walls to separate you from reality.>> seemed like a full-rule love statement. Even because of the passion he talked to her.
<< What's your name? >>
<< Adrien. >>
<< Adrien... >> She repeated it on her lips.
It was a gut shot for the blond. His name was a lightning bolt to the peaceful heavens that hit him with a shock, his whole body. A grouch from the heart came to the bottom of his belly.
He couldn't resist her anymore.
He cut the little distance between them by belling her torso with the hand that raised her chin earlier. With the other one, he was still holding her hand.
<< Say it again. >> He blew her on the seed open lips.
<< Adrien.>> if possible, she pronounced it even better than before. She seemed to give life to that name. She seemed to make it more beautiful than it really was.
He closed his eyes and thought of her passing on him.
He kissed her very urgently.
The woman didn't understand what was happening. She'd never kissed before, she'd never seen one before, so she didn't return from the moment, but she didn't move to avoid it either. She didn't know what to do. She just kept her mouth open and follow uncertain his movements.
Adrien, realizing Antoinette's little involvement, he just moved away from her lips and looked at her perplex
<< I'm sorry. Did I offend you? >> He asked Uncertained.
The princess greatly blushed and looked away.
<< Princess... >> He looked for her eyes again.
<< I never... >>
The boy understood, now felt the discomfort of that situation for the woman, smiled relaxing and left her hand to pet her red cheek.
<< Let it go, close your eyes, it'll come natural. I'll be more gentle. >>
He came up again while with his had fingertips stroked her neck, then her shoulder and slow and exasperating, he reached her chest, up to the heart.
The open lips would touch each other.
<< Relax. What does your heart want? >>
It was the first time anyone asked her such a question. What did she really wanted? He was the first to care about her decisions, giving her the right to choose her life. She closed her eyes.
She heard the boy's sweet lips lock her inferior, stroke it to let it go almost entirely and then take it back but pressing more.
It was slow, sweet, humid, but there was a stupor, it was like slowly drowning in hot honey.
She realized that the longer they went on, the more exacerbating it became, she wanted more.
She heard the tongue of him, delicate, stroking her lips and had a grim, began to imitate his movements by embracing his upper lip with her mouth.
He held her more against it.
Antoinette felt the tip of her tongue touched, and then wrap it.
It looked like velvet.
As soon as she answered that invitation, the kiss became more intense, the rhythm had increased with her heart beat and her breath. She never wanted to stop. It was a whole new situation, but it was enclosed, strangled, and wrapped it and numb it. She was lost in a sea of overwhelming new feelings.
To stop it was Adrien who was smiling satisfied with his breath.
<< Very good, princess. >> He stroked her face again completely on fire.
He would have wanted to look up and scream at the moon, but he only thought, of course she could hear it anyway.
"Have you seen Luna? You're not laughing anymore? Envy us and ask your powerless lovers to be kissed like this."