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<< Because you've...>> She unable to finish the sentence because of the embarrassment.

<< If I hadn't stopped, I wouldn't have been able to do that anymore.>> he said with a love smile.

The girl blushed even more and turned back to the lake.

How could he talk to her like that? Why didn't he take a rude? She was his princess, daughter of the King God's bounty.

<< What's the matter with you? >> He touched her arm.

<< You don't talk to a respectable woman like that. It's awful... >>

<< Invented? I know, but you kissed me like that, you were more than that. >> He seemed fun.

<< What are you talking about? >> She looked at him frowned and upset.

<< That you were mean, Antoinette. How could a man resist if you kiss him like that? And then don't expect anything more. >>

<< But if you're the one who pushed me away. >> She pointed out.

<< You're only making things worse by letting me know you'd continue. >> He caressed her back before he got even closer and left her a kiss on the discovered shoulder.

That perfume...

He ran a few moments with his lips slightly pressed on her skin to taste the smell of rose. Delicate and passionate. A carnal love. He wondered if he would hold her in an amplexus, he would have been stinged by her thorns. With the tip of nose, he touched her shoulder, up to her neck, then forced himself to step away.

<< It wasn't bad... just going to kiss what kind of trouble would it have caused you?>> She said uncomfortable, but she was awfully curious about that new world and those strange, strong feelings. Nothing he'd ever lived in the palace had been comparable to that moment.

<< Princess, please don't continue. >> He smiled trying not to make his tension appear.

<< What if I ordered you? >> Those words followed a firm look at him, pointed at his eyes, who caught himself off guard, found himself speechless.

But what was he trying to do? You wanted to drive him crazy?

He wouldn't take the naivety of a princess, even if he needed it on a silver platter, knew it would come time to say goodbye, he knew he'd spend the night after the wedding with the prince and that he would prove his purity. If she hadn't, she didn't know what trouble she'd get herself into.

And yet she studied him out of curiosity, it seemed to want to find out the pleasures of the body that night.

He forced himself to smile again.

<< Has anyone ever told you about how to lie with a man? >> Tried to make fun of her to ease the mood.

<< Of course not. But I've been reading Baudelaire's poems and many cursed poets and...>> was very intimidated even though she was trying to show otherwise.

<< You can't ask me to explain what it's like. You'd drive me crazy. >>

< < I just want to understand. You lied to me? You think I wasn't able to kiss you? Is that why you stopped and you don't want to anymore? >>

She looked at him frowned, seemed to be really upset.

Adrien was amazed by that reaction. She wasn't a common woman who was looking at her.

He took a deep breath and he put his knees bent to look at the shore of the pond, from the reflection of the dark water saw her come close and bend over. The cleavage of the dress left his chest discovered and he had to take his eyes off immediately.

<< You... you did great, princess. >> Swallow loud. She couldn't have that angel of woman turned into a curious demon.

<< But I still don't understand. Why did you stop? >>

It was so heartbreaking to see her very perplexed and pure, so much that she couldn't understand her need.

<< I told you already. >>

<< But why? >>

At that question, he knew what he was asking and was shocked.

She knew why she had to stop the kiss, she knew what would happen if he hadn't stopped. He wanted to know why he was so worried about it.


<< No. You say you love me, you kidnap me, you kiss me, and then if I ask for help, you won't let me! >> Said nervous.

But what did she want from him?

<< But what do you want me to say, princess? >> He got up again to stand in front of her.

<< I'm going to have to marry a man whose name I only know. I'll have to lie with him in a few nights and... I'm terrified. >> she admitted with her eyes that were making themselves more wet and shiny.

Adrien was torn apart again. She was honest, she admitted her fear to him, confided to a difficult subject for a woman, let alone a princess. But how could he help you? Just thinking about his wedding night, the skilled man would salvage.

Imaging another man was heartbreaking.

How could he help you?

<< I can't help you. >> Abbashed the head.

<< Why? >> Her voice was shaking at her for the crying held.

<< Because I wish I was in that man's shoes, Antoinette! Now and here, I would make you mine without overthinking it, kiss you even better than before and I wouldn't stop. Do you understand that now? I think you're tortured with him. You can't ask me to help you please him. You can't! >> He screamed at her before he turned her back on and kicked a rock in the water.

<< Do it. >> she whisper uncertain.

<< You. Not. Stay. Seriously. >> He had punched but he didn't turn around.

<< I... >>

<< I won't sleep with you so you can't marry him! >> he Turned fast.

<< That's not why I would never use you like this! >> She screaming.

<< And what do you want from me then? >> Tried to calm down. Deep down, he saw her really shaken up.

<< I want to have a feeling tied to the person I'm gonna give myself to. >> she knocked her head down.

Adrien looked at her in the most complete chaos of her mind. Did he confess to returning his feelings?

No, he shouldn't have given up.

<< They'll notice and they'll be trouble for you. >>

<< I'll pretend. I read that blood doesn't always come out. >>

<< You're bragging. >>

<< I want to give myself to you. >>

She couldn't have said that.

For the boy it was like getting a punch in the lower belly. It was a dream to hear that from her, even though she knew it wasn't right.

He really wanted to give her what she wanted. Take her and make her his at that moment, strip her and love her like he'd done a thousand times in his dreams, actually possess her and touch her everywhere, care and hold her at the same time.

He looked at the lake and sighed.

<< The deafening route was struck around me.

A tall, momented, grieving woman in pain.

Majestic, he came by lifting and shaking.

With a fascinating hand, lace and the hem of the skirt,

Agile and noble with his leg of statue. >>

He turned towards her and raised her hand to caress her with her knuckles and move a black, rebel lock from the front of her face.

<< And I, implanted like crazy, drinking.

The charming sweetness and the pleasure that kills.

In his eye, bruised sky where the hurricane is.

One flash... then the night. >> he closer his face to her, abducted in recognising the poem of her favorite poet.

<< fugitive beauty.

From the look that made me reborn immediately,

Will I see you only in eternity?

Somewhere else, far away from here! Too late! Maybe never!

Because I don't know where you're running, and you don't know where I'm going.

You I would love, you who knew. >>

He whisper on her anxious lips now.

The tension was back at the top, but she couldn't not recite the poem she had memorized just because it made her think of her.

Antoinette smiled. Heart, honest. The harmonious rice had lit in Adrien even more love.

<< A passing. >> she said the title by making him realize that he knew what he had just played her.

<< Good princess. >> he winked at her smiling. He was glad he made her forget that crazy whim.

<< Now let's go to bed. You need to rest. >> he left her a kiss on her forehead and she nodded enchanted.

As they walked, he held her hand behind her back.

He still had those crazy talk in his head.

Before we both crossed the threshold, she turned towards the young.

<< You'll even think about it? >>

<< To risk your honor? >>

<< I'll do the honor what if everything I believe in gets trampled? >>