They were lying on the bed, his back was on the pillow up to hold a little straight, while she had her head on his chest and she drew small circles with her fingers on his abdomen, he held her arm behind her back, the sheets only half covered them.
<< This is the first time I've ever had this. >> She whisper by interrupting the silence.
<< I know. >> Said smug Adrien.
<< No, stupid. I mean, I feel real emotion, I felt alive for the first time. I used to keep it on the sidelines, or rather, I got used to being on the sidelines. So I started to lock myself up. >> She explained to him with sincere emotion in her voice.
<< And then I came. >> He gave her a slight kiss on her hair.
<< And then you came to my chest with your thoughtful speeches and your way of doing so... arrogant.>> She smiled funny.
The boy lifted her head to look at her, both smiled happy.
<< And I'll never leave again. I don't want to hesitate with you again, so you'll always win. >> He joked before he rubbed his nose on her.
<< Because I'm smarter and practical. >>
<< On the contrary, my dear, you were more reckless and passionate. You drove me crazy. >> He made her lie down below by making her smile funny.
<< It was the first time I made a decision listening to my heart. >> Admise.
<< You regret it? >> He knew not. He smiled even more.
<< Should I regret it? >>
<< No, princess. You will never have to keep your soul on alert again and you will open the door at the world.>> He seemed to swear love to her with those words.
<< Don't worry, my heart will never hesitate again. >> She kissed him quickly on his lips.
<< I must admit, you have gone beyond my dream, princess. >>
<< Why so formal? >> She looked at him with an eyebrow up.
<< Let me do it. >>
What was that smart look like?
She saw him sliding under the blankets and didn't know what he was up to until he heard it. She's got a vamping.
<< A... Adrien. >>
The night was gone away and took with her away the pain of her first time, the pain of a heart that was not used to love, had taken the fear away of not being able to live on romance or not being able to live at all. But in her ears was left the music of their sighs, the breaths in deep and the moaning, while dancing on a messy bed.
She couldn't imagine it better. Even the stars wouldn't have been enough to count the beauty of those moments.
From 1 to how many stars? No, it wouldn't have needed the whole firmament.
In the dark, their bodies had said deeper things than their own speeches at the market square.
And she felt beautiful, alive.
Even now, with him to provoke his tongue, she felt loved and desired. She felt wanted as the earth agonized the rain during drought, loved as a lighthouse lighting the way of the missing fisherman in the waves of the sea in the pitch of the night.
She wanted to be loved, without thinking about the consequences and about tomorrow.
She whispered herself to a more sensitive point than others.
If he looked at her, she felt less fragile.
She snuck in for air for seconds.
All that was left was a crawling pleasure pushing out of his mouth.
Even in her deepest dreams, she could not have imagined Adrien.
Was he an angel who had his wings hanging to stay by her side?
<< Adrien! >>
She didn't make it in time to shut her mouth with her hands, too busy tighten the blankets.
With a happy smile, he returned to his height.
<< So princess? >>
He looked like a cat playing with the prey, the muscles of the shoulders and the back were struggling to hold up with only their arms upright.
He was an angel.
Green eyes, clear as two lieutenants, looked right at her heart, studied her with curious and awake eyes. It was nice to have them on.
The shape was slightly stretched but they were so big that they were still harmonious between the thick and long eyelashes.
The face was beautiful and perfect in every way, from the jaw a little squared to the flat front, to the perfect distance between the components.
The lips opening up in a caramel smile were slightly full, the top one didn't have the classic heart shape, the raid was slightly light.
The nose was thin and gently curved up, linear. It seemed to have been carved by the same sculptor who created his beautiful body.
Michelangelo had certainly taken his lead to create David.
It was nice.
With his corn-colored hair.
He was the most beautiful being nature could bring into the world. Even God couldn't match that much beauty with his cherubins.
Or maybe he was one of these.
Maybe he was Lucifer, the most handsome angel in the kingdom of heaven, maybe it was because of his immense beauty that his own God had kicked him out of heaven. He made the Holy Spirit jealous, too.
Now she understood all that fire, that passion, the lust of all gestures and the malice in his behavior.
The perfect being compared to God.
<< What are you thinking, princess? >>
<< I'm awfully uncomfortable that you call me in this way. >> Blushed.
<< I find it exciting. I don't think I'll stop. >> He said fun.
Damn angel.
Adrien thought about the dreams that he had, to fantasize about waking up next to the woman he loved, realized he had not even come near it. It was better than any desire in the stars.
The only case in his life where reality overcame fantasy.
The smell of sex in the room was slight, but it was enough to make him believe in forever.
He let himself go completely on her, laying his head on her chest. He focused on the beating heart.
<< Is that the effect I'm gonna make you? >> He was informed when he came back serious.
The princess nodded.
<< How is loving for the first time? >>
Antoinette was surprised at that question. How do you explain an emotion that you're living at that moment?
It's easy to find words to describe past things or hope of the future, but what's filling your life at that precise moment, how you explain it? She couldn't even answer herself.
How you explain a feeling you hear about the inside, which is born and climbs through the folds of the soul, which tightens the heart's bite like vines. It was nice to smell it, it was comfortable to feel tight and held together to avoid fragile breaking, but the thorns grew together with the robustness of the legs.
How do you explain a feeling like that? Especially if you try it for the first time.
Why did he ask her that strange question?
He couldn't remember the feeling he felt when he fell in love for the first time. It was just cold.
<< It leaves without breath. >> She whispered.
<< When I first saw you, I thought you were perfect but unknowingly being and I stared looking at you. I felt there was more in you. A heart that struggled to speak, that was a lifelong learner. So I thought, "Can I fix it?" I wanted to show you a different world, where a heart must not work to beat for love.
And then I thought, "Wow, I'd take her anywhere." Because I saw how much you were interested in objects from other countries. Then, the more I saw you, the more I wanted to put you on a throne, in my heart. It is ironic that you already belong to another throne, don't you see?
Anyway, I swore to myself that if I could have you, I would never have made you feel alone, because I know the infamous beast is loneliness, when I was alone with my shadow, I confided with her. She was the only one who knew how I felt about you, she was the only one who knew my dreams about you.
And now I wonder if it's right to stand by you, whether I'm reckless or if I'm too late. I mean, you're a princess. You should marry a prince. The wedding is already settled.
I've loved you from the very first moment, I swear, and now that I have a chance I can't do anything I've set myself up. I can't take you anywhere, I can't take you from your throne and hold you just for me, I can't do anything to keep you alone forever. Now you know how I feel, you can come to dreams that tell about us too. Tell me, do you think it's too early or too late?
I wish to speak to you about love, I wish to tell you all those things your heart has never heard, but I still feel pain in your eyes and I know that I will drink a bitter poison of it. >>
He sighed, that confession made him feel lighter, like he had taken a weight off his heart.
The princess smiled gently at those inherent words of love and devotion. She caressed Adrien's face and slowly encouraged him to look at her again.
<< You arrived at the right time. >>
And it was true. Just as she was surrendering to his life, he came to save her.