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They decided not to tell everyone about their love, it would be difficult to explain to Bernadette, and then fewer people knew about their nights, and less the princess's honor was being cut off.

Adrien left the bedroom first and didn't show up in the living room.

<< Wake up sleepyhead! >> He soundly called his friends back.

<< What time is it? >> Bruno asked with his voice still impacted by sleep.

<< It's not important, we have to organize. >> He went to shake David still asleep.

<< You don't wake people up like that. >> Bophonchi irritated Clovis turned around to turn his back and go back to sleep.

<< The ladies will be out soon and what will they see? Sleepy boys instead of men!>> He mocked them.

He saw Bruno waking up faster than the others. He smiled fun.

<< You're cruel. >> Edgar complained.

<< I'll make you pay. >> Gèrard added.

<< I'm terrified. >> He mocked them again opening the blinds and letting enter the morning sun.

<< Come on! >> Gabriel covered his eyes whining.

Adrien laughed at it.

<< We need to set up the guard shifts. >> The blond pointed out.

He aimed to everyone putting back on masks.

Once he could get everyone around the table, he pulled out paper and pen. From his head-of-the-aisle session, he noticed movement at the entrance of the room, pulled up the head and saw the two ladies come in. His Antoinette was the most beautiful woman in the world. He held a smile.

<< Good morning, ladies >> He said in a warm tone.

<< Good morning to you. >> Bernadette answered, noticing how much his princess was in her head elsewhere.

<< You want to take your seats? We're taking the watch shifts. >> He invited them to sit.

Bruno stood up from the chair and with his elegant gesture he prepared the chair for both of them.

Adrien didn't miss the little eyes he was throwing at the lady. He wanted to mock he, but now he wouldn't be nice.

<< During the night I can do it myself. >> He said pretending to be careless.

He was absolutely trying to do nights.

<< What? And you give up your good nights? >> David laughed.

<< Coline and Lila would not be happy.>> Clovis also laughed.

Adrien got tight and slow, with fear, moved his eyes to Antoinette who was perfectly acting like nothing. Mostly, she did everything to not looking at him.

Adrien hoped she wouldn't be upset by those jokes.

<< I have something more important now. >> He tried to make her understand that she was addressing her.

<< More important than Lila's work? You really care about this job. >> David continued.

He never knew when it was time to end it. Always inappropriate.

<< We are infront of the princess and her lady, keep your head. >> he reproached him.

The boys looked at the noblewomen and realized the embarrassment they wore on their faces. Some people were laughing, some people, like Bruno, Edgard and Gèrard, were spontaneous to get up and bow to apologize. Adrien was proud of them.

<< And you? What are you? Monkeys? >> He looked bad at the others who finally gave up and said sorry.

While the men arrange shifts, Antoinette noticed Bernadette's discomfort towards her, which was very strange. She also noticed how much she talked to that guy. She was hiding something from her. She knew her too well.

But now she was probably too upset to think clearly about something else. She wondered who were the two women named and what Adrien had to do with them, even though she could imagine it. She, of course, wasn't the only one, but now? Would she have been now?

He confessed to her last morning, he had decanted her his deep love, but he had been with others in those days? She held her hands on the dress to grab the cloth. She needed to be alone.

Did she gave herself to a man who used to take all the women he wanted?

Did he just compel her with words so he could have her? Did he come to his purpose last night?

She had an incredible maggon, the grouping her throat kept her breathing, and what was worse was his eyes on her, she could hear them, sometimes she could look up to see him watching her sneaky. What did he hope to see? Was he waiting to see the moment of the deception?

She was so stupid.

She took a deep breath, she couldn't afford weaknesses. She was the princess of France, she would be queen.

She stood up out from the chair and approached the window which was giving up on the lake.

Why would someone like Adrien need her if he had two at his feet already? Was his ego that strong?

Then she thought having a princess in bed wasn't a thing of every day.

Stupid, enchanted, how could she have preferred to give herself to a popular rather than to his prince? If the parents had known...

It's amazing how night hide things that the sun brings up and realise, lights up nonsense and lies.

She wanted to cry so much. Desperate. She wanted to go back to her house and never wanted to run away from her father and from Luka.

What was she thinking? That poor guy over there for her and her who...

<< Princess? Do you need anything? >>

She heard Bernadette's worried voice and turned, forcing herself to smile.

<< Don't worry, Bernadette, I just need some air. I think I'm going for a walk.>>

<< I'll go with you. >> She proposed. She wasn't sure her friend told her the truth.

<< I'd rather be alone. >> She discharged her with a hand gesture before she went out the wooden door.

Adrien knew what was wrong, he knew it was because of his companions' words if his love was so beaten. What was he supposed to do? Run to her and solve or stay inside without giving any suspicion?

What was she going on in that little head?

He couldn't concentrate on his work anymore, too worried about trying to figure out how to recover the mistake and what was actually harassing his lady.

<< We can't let her go too far alone. She must be constantly controlled. >> he Said suddenly stood up.

<< I'll take care of it, ChatNoir. You finish here. >> Bruno preceded him. He thought he was helping him and taking off his commitment, he didn't know he was just sinking his love intentions.

He went out fast without realizing the friend's frustrated face.

He just hoped Bruno wouldn't come out wrong, not knowing the situation.

<< Princess. Are you all right? >> he came to her by smiling nice.

<< I wonder why all this concern. You kidnapped me. >> She said cold without looking at hin.

<< We do not want to hurt you, in any way,neither to offend you. The guys are not used to companies of your height, they don't know how to behave in front of someone of your caliber. >> He Tried to justify his friends.

<< What caliber do I have? Tell me. >> She stopped to look the water.

She was thinking, and the boy didn't really know which was the right answer.

<< You're a princess. >>

<< And is that's enough to define the size of a person? I know you, everyone knows why you rob the rich. And tell me, who is the most noble, you who help the poor people or us trying to stop you and put you in the gutter? >> She looked seriously at him. She was tighter, so she remembered her mother.

<< If you think so, princess, you have no reason to fear our company. >> He was happy to hear those words from the King's daughter.

<< I'm not afraid of your company. >>

She sighed.

<< So what makes you sigh like that? >> He really wanted to help her, he saw good in her.

She exited. Could she really talk?

<< Have you ever believed in something just to need to shelter from reality? To know that it would be unrealistic, but to push to believe it just so that they don't have to surrender to life chosen by others. >> sheTried to explain.

<< Knowing you're wrong but do it anyway? >> He asked to try to grab the speech better.

<< Yes. >>


<< Exactly. >> She was surprised to look at him. He was a very deep boy and he could understand it in a nutshell.

<< I think it happens to everyone, more or less. People have to move on somehow. I, for example, believe that by improving people's lives can improve mine, like ChatNoir, but we both know that when the time comes to lie down, reality knocks on our heart and prevents us from sleeping quietly. >>

<< From what I understand at night, she doesn't use much to sleep. >> She cursed herself for not being able to hold that unhappy thought.

Bruno laughed.

<< You see, princess, a man needs to believe that he is also loved. I believe he... he shelts in companies, he protected his heart.>> he took seriously again.

<< How many? >>

<< Why do you care? >> She looked at her.

<< curiosity. >> She hurried up.


<< How many? >>

He sighed.

<< Two fixed, others if they happen. >>

<< What do you mean? >> She abbassade, embarrassed, the look.

<< The usual two, almost always. >>

<< Even lately? >>

<< Especially lately. >>

The girl felt her heart was squeezing from those vine plants, and she realized that the thorns had grown fast, ready to stab her at any time.

Bruno didn't answer the question with malice, in fact, he made her a favor. Ingenuinely he hoped to get her away in time, he knew his friend's heart was already occupied.