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Antoinette went back to him, to split them just a few steps, she looked at him curious and smiled him shy.

<< Something wrong? >> She was interested.

<< I was thinking. >> He answered back smiling.

<< To what? >>

He'll cut his distance and grabbed her hands, smiled sweet and joyful.

<< Let's get married. >> The eyes shined to envy the emerald on the queen's crown.

Antoinette struck her eyes.

<< But what... what... what... >> She started stuttering.

The boy laughed again and took her in his arms, lifting her off the ground and turning around himself.

<< Yes, let's get married and get out of here. Let's run. Just you and me, madame.>> he stopped, but he didn't get her back on the ground. He looked at her hopeful.

<< I don't know what to say. >> Her face was a flawless mask. Maybe it's because of the surprises.

<< Yes, say yes. No more bars of a gold cage, no more princes chosen by your father, no more burglary or filthy alleys in Paris. A new life just for us. >>

He put her back on the ground, but he didn't take his arms off her torso, and his eyes from her, but they seemed to want to escape from him.

<< What happened to last night's speeches? >> She asked.

<< I don't want to take you back to that building anymore. I don't want anyone else to look at you or caress you like I do. I never wanted to bring you back. >> He reminded her of the conversation she mentioned.

<< Give me time to think. >> She nodded trying to look decisive and not scared as she was.

He thought he actually owed her time. It was a difficult choice for her. What would she have done? Would she leave her family and her duty to follow her heart or would she have put it aside?

He didn't want to put too much pressure on that stalemate. He knew he was too reckless, even though that it was really what he wanted, he knew that both of them, she more than him, had to lose. He just wanted to let her know that there was another way, besides the one that was lying in front of her like a red velvet carpet, it just took more courage and a dose of madness.

He noticed the tremor that was shaking her mild.

<< Let's go inside and warm up. >> He took her in his arm as a princess and entered in the house.

She had snuggled to his chest, her head full of conflicting questions and thoughts about what she was supposed to do with her life.

How could she give up to her reality? She had duties to her people and to the crown. The king had put confidence in her to unify two great powers in a marriage that would help everyone economically. She was raised for that.

But Adrien... the moments that she spent with him had been very few but intense and that sprouted love so fast was making her living for the first time in joy.

What was she supposed to choose?

Why did she had to choose?

She sighed.

They came into the bedroom and she suddenly remembered the sheets.

Adrien put her down on the ground and went to see if there was anything in the wardrobe to dry both of them.

<< Did you change the sheets? >> She asked blushing.

<< I burned them. >> He said proud of himself.

<< Burn? >>

< Blood doesn't go away and according to your choice, princess, we have to make any evidence disappear. >> He turned around and approached her, with a dry cloth rubbed her hair. Antoinette had her head down and she was even more red for embarrassment.

<< So...I think... thank you.>> She Whispered uncertain.

<< Now take off your wet clothes. >>

He said it as if it was natural to see a woman strip in front of him.

<< I... >> For her it was not easy.

<< You're kidding, right? Antoinette, I saw you naked. I... we...have... >>

He couldn't believe it.

<< It's not the same thing! >> She Sticky-struck.

Adrien arrogantly approached his lips to her ear.

<< Should I strip you? >> He whispered malicious.

<< Turn around. >> She took her distance with extreme embarrassment.

<< I don't believe it. Are you serious? >> He was trying to keep the laughter with his own heart.

She just pretended to look proud and he realized that he couldn't win that battle. In deep, what's important is that she just put something dry on herself so she wouldn't get sick. He did as she was told, shaking his head amused.

While he was trying to keep his curiosity, he looked around waiting to turn around, he was happily surprised to see that the window reflected her image. Without getting caught, he started spying on her from there.

She slipped her white robe, stuck on the body and now transparent, along the torso and legs, until it got ruined on the ground. The boy swallowed the nothing in the dry throat. She took the towel and started swabping his arms, neck, chest...

He couldn't resist her.

He turned around and reached her.

<< Adrien! >> She scold him while he felt his arms holding her waist from behind.

<< I can't. You look beautiful. >> He started kissing her neck and shoulder.

His wet hair lost drops that broke on her skin and saw them fall on her naked breasts. He turned her towards him.

She looked at him carefully, the gold hair was wet and slipped over his face, leaving some filament attached. He was awfully handsome.

<< You're also handsome.>> she blushed but she was too enchanted to look away. When he smiled, he made her melt.

The only thing she could do was setting free the face from a damp strand in front of the eyes.

He didn't waste time kissing her and catching her again, sitting on the edge of the bed with her riding.


He's been keeping his comrades back and forth for a week to never move from there, so he never left her alone. Everyone was getting suspicious, so he'd be back in town this time.

They spent the days throwing signals and looking for moments of loneliness so they could talk, the nights together were even better because pretending not to belong to each other during the day made it more exciting.

They talked about everything and when they had no words, their eyes would tell what the soul would want to scream to the world.

A love like that, the heavens of Paris, they've never seen it.

They were lying down, she held him in her chest, and he kept her tied to herself for waist. The blankets covered them entirely, like a tent.

<< So you're telling me that you, excuse the venality, but frighteningly rich, princess of France, when you were little, did you dress in the same way? >> He was amused.

<< Not exactly, the dress was different every time, of course, but the meaning was always that... >> She explained to him.

<< A ladybug, you say? >>

<< The ladybug.>> She nodded.

<< The ladybugs are cute. >> He thought out loud.

<< They're much more than cute. They're elegant and they bring good luck. They always made me happy. >> She smiled.

<< And for the king and the queen was okay? I mean, the little princess always staring at a bug. >>

<< Trust me, it was the last of their problems. It was other things they had interest in dictating law. >> She raised her eyes to the sky by remembering her childhood.

<< Type? >> He asked courious.

<< Like who I could talk to. I remember there was a very lively child, the son of Countess Baulein, a distant cousin, he made me laugh, but my parents didn't enjoy the fact that he put too much happiness in my behavior. I had to stay silent and polite. >>

<< This is very sad. >> He caught frowning.

<< It wasn't good to laugh too much, it wasn't good to run, it wasn't good to scream or to play with servants. I couldn't eat what I wanted. I had my day full of commitments, reading, drawing, singing, piano lessons and embroidery. I can speak Austrian and Italian. >>

<< Wow. >> He said it but he knew how fake it was.

<< Yeah. Not that it's different now. >>

<< But you're not a child now, you can rebel, can you? >> He looked at her trying to understand her life in that golden prison.

<< What? The queen? I can only brag about small victories, but I've tried so hard.>>

He saw her yawn and he felt soften.

<< Are you sleepy? >>

<< Yes, but I don't want to sleep. You're not gonna be here tomorrow morning. >> She seemed sad.

<< But I'll be back in the evening. >> He reassured her.

<< Stay with me until I sleep deeply. >> She held to him.

<< I'll see on you, madame.>> He kissed her sweetly.

He saw her closing her eyes and to help her gently stroked her back with his fingertips. Because of that continuous gesture, he was relaxing more and more until she fell asleep.

<< Don't ever let your wings plug, my sweet ladybug. >> He kissed her head before getting up and prepare to go back to town.

His turn of guard was over.