He walked down the crowded street, his eyes were often lured to the walls surrounding the royal palace. He asked his sovereigns how they were living these moments of terror for the disappearance of the princess, if Prince Luka joined the research with his shining armor, if anyone imagined Antoinette was more loved now than in those same rooms that had seen her grow.
What would the king and queen have said about their love? And the betrothed to know that a scumbag thief had taken his woman and his wedding night?
He mocked him.
On the other hand, he thought life was strange, his true love was always locked in there and he spent every day in front of it.
He came in front of the entrance Bernard, came in and was welcomed by Coline's arms that held him around his neck.
<< Adrien, dear! I missed you so much. >> She says with a shrill voice and piercing his eardrum.
<< Coline, how are you? >> He pulled her arms away from him and tried to smile to her.
He promised Antoinette that there would be no other women, so he had to start to take distance between them. He knew the blondie wouldn't like it at all.
<< Why are you scanning me? Didn't you miss me? >> she made herself close again with her suadent and with the index she walked the line of his jaw up to his neck. Adrien blocked her hand's descent by shaking it to get her out of it and overcome her.
<< I'm busy, Coline. >>
She knew she could be so annoying.
He went to his room and from the hideout in the wall, he brought out the money to the orphanage.
Before he went out, he looked around remembering the gift for Amélie.
But where did he leave it?
<< What's wrong? >>
At the door, the owner's daughter was still there.
How could he shake her off without being too bad.
<< I'm not in the mood, I have a lot to think about, and... that's it! >> From the ground, near the closet, he pulled a horse in tin painted with brown and white.
<< You really don't know what to tell me after days you didn't show up? >> She said annoyed by that behavior.
Adrien turned upset her and approached her, more to get out than to pay her real attention.
<< What should I tell you? Should I come back like a husband come back from work ready to make love to his bride? What do you expect? >>
Maybe he overreacted.
<< I don't want to... you're an asshole! I don't want to be the wife waiting for you, but I demand consideration. >> She crossed her arms to the chest.
<< You're right, I'm sorry, but I really don't have time right now. I'll see you later.>> He took her by the back and gave her a kiss in the cheek, he slipped her and went down the cranky stairs.
He warmly greeted the owners and returned to walk down the street.
Yeah, he was gonna meet Coline later and talk to her, and he wasn't sure what he was gonna say, but he had to end their sexual encounters.
He came to the great structure and knocked hard, opened up to him by the usual, nice, full lady.
<< Adrien! >> She hugged him happy to see him.
<< Hi, Margò. How are you? >> He return the warm greeting.
<< I'm good, but some children have gotten worse. I'm so glad you're safe and sound. >> She walked away and ended her hug and, after she closed the door, she took him to the big room.
<< No one kills me! >> He joked trying to ease the ugly air that brought the woman's sentence.
He was hoping that Amélie wasn't the one who got worse.
<< Adrien! >> A group of brats threw themselves at him and almost lost his balance.
<< Easy, fleas. >> He laughed for that welcome. It was always a pleasure to come back.
<< You're staying with us today? >>
He looked down and realized that Felix was the one talking, a child who first gave him a hard time, was cold and impassed and wouldn't open to anyone. Slowly he let himself go and gained his trust.
<< I can't, Felix, but I promise you that someday... >>
<< But I have to tell you something. >> He interrupted him to complain.
<< What? You can tell me now. >> He bent over to him to reach his height.
<< I'm... >> He had become completely red.
What was wrong with him?
<< Felix has a girlfriend! >> Another child mocked him.
<< That's not true! >> He self-defended.
<< It's not bad, you know? >> Adrien smiled gently by leaving him a little bit on the blonde head.
<< She's not my girlfriend. But I like her. >> He blushed even more.
<< Does she know? >> Adrien bent over his knees.
<< I wrote her a letter. >> He seemed very proud of him and Adrien was proud of him and his progress.
<< Great! But you're already ahead. And her? >>
<< He called her "princess" in the letter! >> another child still played.
<< Then it will certainly fall at your feet. >> He winked at him.
<< You don't make fun of a lover, Pierre. >> He accused the other kid again. <
He didn't make it in time to wake up in the happy and amazed eyes of the two who heard his name again.
He turned right away to see Amélie coming.
<< There's my girl! >> He held her and made her fly by holding his head.
<< You're back Adrien! >> She said filling his heart with joy.
<< I couldn't stay away from you for so long. >>
The child held her arms around his neck and he fixed his arm better to hold her firmly.
<< How are you? >> He asked smiling at her.
<< Good. >> She smiled and seemed really convinced, but he noticed how much she lost weight again. The cheeks were dug now.
<< Do you do everything Margò tells you? You eat everything? >> He looked at her with suspicious playful.
<< I don't like broccoli! >> she complained.
<< You're right, they smell. >>
<< You shouldn't tell her that. She needs to eat all the vegetables. The broccoli are healthy.>> The woman severely took his back.
Adrien turned her back on her and watched only the kids made a look at her that made them laugh.
Amélie's laugh soon turned into a cough attack that had her breathing hard.
The boy panicked and looked at the responsible.
<< Let's get her to her room. >>
The resolution that the woman showed made Adrien realize that those respiratory crises had become quite frequent.
He did what she said and he hurried up to the rooms and put her on her bed, obviously keeping her back up.
<< Hey, honey, I got you. Breathe. Easy. Focus. >>
<< Take this and help her to breathe it. >>
Adrien took the object that Margò had in her hand and put the little pocket between the girl's lips.
<< Breathe. That's it. You're great. I have a great girl, don't I? >> He tried to encourage her and keep her attention alive.
When he saw the cough decreasing and the color was coming back rose, he allowed himself to relax again.
<< Good girl, now rest. >> Margò stroked her head and smiled at her gently.
<< What is this thing? >> Asked Adrien by showing the woman the object she gave him.
<< The doctor gave it to us, it helps her to get more oxygen. >> She explained.
He cared about that little girl a lot.
<< Adrien, not here. >> The housekeeper accused once again.
<< Adrien... will you stay with me? >>
He heard the hoarse and flexible voice of little Amélie and felt the delicate touch of his hand on his leg.
He squeezed his fists. He took courage and turned to smile to her. << Of course, honey. >>
Before he gave his girl full attention, he took his purse off his belt with his money and gave it to Margò.
The woman smiled and thanked him before she left the room.
Adrien sat next to little Amélie and went back to smile at her.
<< I have a present for you. >>
He took the game he left on the bed and put it to her. The child's face lit with joy.
<< Thank you, thank you! >> She took it right in her hands and turned it around to study it.
<< It's a first prototype, but it moves. >> He said proud of his gift.