<< You can't make me watch you die...>> She whimpered, resting her head on his chest.
<< Then come away with me.>> He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He held her in his strong arms.
<< I am the princess of France, I will become queen and I am the only heir to the throne. How can I leave so lightly? >> She whispered in annoyance. Running away could never have been a solution for her.
<< Then ask your father for mercy. He will not be deaf to his daughter's prayers.>>
<< You don't know my father. He has a peculiar moral rigidity for these matters.>> She moved away from his body and went to sit in her chair.
<< Antonì, no matter what, I want you by my side, forever. Put your heart in peace, I'm not giving up on you, on us.>> He hurried to stand in front of her, leaning over her with his arms outstretched and his hands resting on the backboard, on either side of her head.
<< What about the prince? He's done so much to help me, I can't...>>
Then he went back to look at her.
<< If my choice is between you or death, yours is between me and him.>> He stared at her intently to watch for any wavering.
It still had a strange effect on her to hear him address her in that formal way. She remembered when he had told her that it particularly turned him on.
She blushed and looked away.
<< What is it, princess? Can't you make up your mind? >>
<< Don't talk nonsense. There was never a choice to be made. It was always you. >> She said in embarrassment.
Adrien smiled victoriously. He was close to convincing her. Or at least he hoped so.
He leaned down with his face to her and placed his lips on her cheek.
<< Choose me, we will be the work of art ever seen, whole squares will envy us, we will be as imposing as a monument.>>
Antoinette turned slowly and pressed her lips to his, surprising him. The boy smiled and in the midst of all that dress he looked for a way to take her in his arms. He carried her to the bed and had her lie underneath him. His arms rested on either side of her head, his body pressing against hers and their faces awfully close.
<< You left a mark on me inside so you have to choose me. >> He placed a kiss on her temple. << I feel that I still have so much of you to discover, as if I were a new continent, but if you don't choose me I can never do it and then, you have to save me, like an island in the middle of the sea. You know those stories that you are convinced exist only in books? Well, if you choose me, that's how it will be. >> She smiled softly before sinking her face under his chin and breathing in the scent on his neck.
<< You have always remained in my mind, like a poem.>> He whispered.
Antoinette hugged him tightly by the waist and sighed. She didn't know how she could resist him. It was frustrating.
<< Love only gives you a chance...>> She tried to speak but he interrupted her by kissing her neck and making her breathless.
<< And this is ours, so take me, I'm yours.>> He continued to leave languid, wet kisses all over her chin and jaw. With his hands he ran to unfasten her too tight corset, he managed to slip it off but he had to get up and had to take her with him, standing up, to get her out of that too voluminous red skirt. He sat her down again and got down on his knees in front of her.
<< Choose me, my love, because nothing can ever compete with the two of us.>> He said persuasively, with his eyes closed, as he stroked her leg to remove her stocking. His lips trailed millimeter by millimeter over the skin as it was released. Antoinette sighed, trying to stop the shivering.
<< For all the times there have been our clothes thrown around a bed. >> She slid off the garment covering her leg and went to the other one.
He slowly took off the other sock but this time he looked her in the eyes. << He stood up to finish undressing her.
Marinette was completely naked now, dumbfounded by all that passion and love, but she couldn't help wishing that the boy was too. So she helped him undress. She saw him lower himself again and slowly open his legs, when she heard him sighing over himself she closed her eyes and tilted her head back.
<< No, look at me, your eyes taught me the sky, never stop looking at me.>>
So saying, he moved even closer to her most intimate area and moved his tongue in a fluid and slow movement.
Marinette gasped and squeezed his blond hair into a fist.
They kept their eyes fixed on each other, him focused on making her feel pleasure and her struggling to keep them open.
When she came, she curled her toes to instinctively not close her thighs. She also had to bite her lower lip to keep from making a single sound.
The fists to tighten the covers.
<< It's not all a mess.>> Adrien said, smiling contentedly as he traced her panting body with his hands and mouth. << I know you think this hasn't all been written already, that we're just a setback.>> He let himself weigh on her again and began to kiss her. << Choose me.>> He whispered between her lips as he gently entered her.
<< There was an interminable flood in my life before you came to take me under cover.>> He moved slowly, so slowly that it was an exasperating pleasure for Antoinette.
He bit her neck, and his mouth touched every patch of skin he could reach, almost as if he wanted to hold her between his lips and never let her go.
<< Don't be afraid.>> He said then making their hands intertwine on either side of her head. << I don't just want your naked skin, I want you all completely unclothed.>>
He reversed positions and pulled himself up to sit making her straddle him.
<< Not if you hold me forever.>> She whispered, this time throwing her arms around his neck and intensifying the movements of her pelvis.
Adrien seemed to choke on his own panting.
All this slow pleasure was wearing him down but he had to hold back.
When he heard her come and saw her enjoying herself like that, he couldn't hold out any longer, he quickly positioned himself, again, on top of her and came out to cum on her warm belly.
He lay down beside her and smiled, finally relaxed.
God, he had wanted her so badly. I wonder if she had missed making love to him too. He turned his head to look at her. Her cheeks were red and her face flushed with heat, a few beads of sweat brushing her temple and neck. He couldn't believe it was hers. No, she wasn't going to apologize to God for that thought.
<< Do you remember what I told you that day in the market? >> He asked once she had caught her breath.
But Antoinette did not speak; she was intent on observing the young man's hand. How had she not noticed it before?
<< You held it...>> She said, grabbing the hand that wasn't holding his head.
<< Did you think not? >> He asked amused by her astonishment.
<< I thought you didn't want to have memories of me.>> He admitted looking away in embarrassment.
<< If memories are all you want to give me, I'll hold on to them.
<< That's all I can give you.>> She corrected him.
<< Have you ever heard the expression "to want is to be able"? >> He smiled and played with his thin fingers.
<< The one who said it was surely not a royal one.>> He rolled his eyes.
Adrien stood up quickly, interrupting that intimate moment.
<< But that's not all you are.>>
<< For the whole world you are.>> She sat up composed.
<< I don't give a shit about the world. I want you, not the princess, just you. So choose, what do you want to do? >>
They heard a knock on the door and Bernadette's voice warning her of her parents' suspicion of her absence.
They hurriedly dressed, Antoinette as best she could, she would get Bernadette to help her later.
<< Now you must go.>> She pushed him onto the balcony, he turned and took her hands between his.
<< Tonight, depending on your decision, I will turn myself in to the guards or you will leave with me. >> He informed her in a resolute tone.
<< Give me time to think.>>
<< You've had too much time, make your decision on the spur of the moment, don't think too much about it.>> He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and started to climb over the balcony. Then he stopped.
<< He smiled and approached her again, who, exasperated, was looking around with concern.
<< You must go, they will catch you>> He tried to free himself from her grip.
<< Not before I take a dance.>>
<< You're reckless. You don't need to risk so much for a dance.>>
<< Are you kidding? Shut up and dance.>>
He put one hand behind her back and held her close, the other took the young woman's hand and began to lead the dance.
Antoinette let go and smiled in amusement.
It was incredible.
They heard the knock again and backed away alarmed.
<< She pushed him back towards the balcony.
<< At your command, Madame.>> He bowed and, amidst her laughter, climbed over the marble. << I love you immensely very much.>> He told her looking at her seriously again.
<< I love you too, you stupid fool.>> He shook his head smiling.
She saw him get off with extreme agility and run through the garden. Someone helped him to climb over the fence.