Chapter 8

When the fog from my eyes cleared, they were welcomed by two glittering pitch black, onyx orbs which sparkled like two gems. My eyes traveled to his hair, after all hair truly makes a guy in my opinion. His black as midnight hair was slightly tousled from running and all over the place but it was short and slightly covered his ears. I closed my eyes for a second and inhaled his scent. The perfect amount of two aromas. Fresh sweat and intoxicating sweet cologne that made my head dizzy. I couldn't read his aura which made him mysterious. I couldn't help myself but stare at his almost angelic face. I didn't know why, but the sudden smile that slipped onto his face made my breath slip away. He was breath-taking.

"You must be Mira right?" His perfect voice was softer this time and sounded more innocent than before. If he was a siren, I would follow him to the ends of the earth. The thought in the back of my mind was hazy, so what if he is the principal's son right?

I gulped as my lips trembled.

"Yes. You weren't in homeroom for roll-call this morning either."

Morgue raised an amused eyebrow about that and laughed it off.

"So you're in my homeroom interesting." He leaned on his arms on my desk, which made me blush as he smiled at me but a small amused smirk made its way across his face.

"Come on Mira, don't look at me like that." He chuckled. "I just wanted to be your science partner, It's a win-win for us both. I'm quite good at it myself."

I scoffed and stood up to hide my embarrassed façade.

As I rose from my chair and pushed it back, my eyes suddenly fell on his athletic figure and I suddenly didn't even feel my fingers. I couldn't feel anything. My eyes traveled from his black track suit pants towards his white sweaty shirt- Okay enough looking! I directed my attention back at his face to see his sparkly orbs staring back at me.

I had to break the ice and spluttered the first thing which came to mind.

"How old is Mr Covert."

"He just turned 22." He smirked.

"No way..." I found my cheeks flushing, not because of the teacher but because he was smirking at me.

"Yeah, girls are pretty crazy about him." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and playfully crossed my arms. "That doesn't include me!"

Awkward silence followed as we stood staring at each other. Luckily he broke the ice time.

"I didn't get in trouble did I?"

He took a step forward and whispered into my ear, every spine in my body started shivering in exotic sensations. "Be sure to cover for me and we could be friends."

I bit my lip and crashed into my chair and fell to my butt losing my balance.

I shut my eyes. My cheeks reddened with embarrassment. The floor was ice cold. If only I wouldn't have to see their judge mental eyes.

"For heavens sake, Miss Sluvashki you are one clumsy disaster." I heard my teachers voice.

I opened my eyes and saw him shaking his head.

"Actually its my fault sir."

Excuse me?!

"I was a little bit too much intimidating on the new girl."

"I told you ungrateful brat. Not to embarrass her. You did just that."

"I'm sorry sir." Morgue bowed his head.

Mr. Covert scoffed and walked outside but before he did, he made sure to state something.

"In five minutes. I want all of you out of here. Or I kick you out. Don't think I didn't see how you drew on my tables."

I eventually got up and gasped as the jerk went to stand next to me.

"Sorry, I'm under pressure, I just didn't want to get in trouble at least not on the first day." His head was hanging a bit but I could see a secret smile or smirk as he turned away from me.

"I-I'm going to go outside so long." I say trying to get away from him.

"Wait!" He rushed after me. "News travel fast Mira. I suppose you heard a few things about me as well." He sounded 'worried' as he walked behind me.

I felt uncomfortable and spun around. "What are you getting at?"

"I know you know much more than you give out to know." His smile slipped off his face and his eyes turned ice cold. I could feel my skin shiver from the effect on me. I gulped and took a step backwards.

"You don't have a choice. When you're in. You're in. No way out." I shivered and backed away even more.

"M-Morgue please calm down." I felt my breath quivering.

"I am not like my sister. I am judged because of being in her shadow. I have all this power over everyone and I am sick of being in position of it."

He took a few more steps forward as I backed away.

"Morgue please stop, you're scaring me." His eyes was ice cold and his face emotionless. This continued until we were close to the stairs and I could feel the rim of the stem behind my foot.

"They- broke-me." He said as his eyes made mine feel lonely as he stared into mine.

I looked behind me and gulped. I can't do it now, I can't let anyone see. Not now. I know what he wanted. I know what he needed. His face was as pale as a ghost as he slightly smirked.

"I believe you." I exhaled.

Those three words brought light back in his eyes and the coldness in his eyes melted away. He backed away, his cheeks a rosy red.

"My apologies for being so close to you."

"Thanks for believing me Mira." He genuinely smiled at me and I looked away to hide my blush.

He sighed and walked past me, his eyes closed when he did. I followed him, he was walking down the stairs, without waiting up for me. I ended up following him. Honestly I would follow him everywhere. As I slowed down, I only saw the back of his head, disappearing into another hallway. I raced down the stairs and sprinted towards him-only, he wasn't there.

For some unknown reason, I just had to whimper. Where did he go?! Oh Just stop the mushy fuzzy thoughts. Great now I'm talking to myself.

"You know, if you leave it to your sense of direction, you won't even be able to exit this school at all." Morgue's voice spoke up behind me which made me freeze in my place.

"I-I'm not lost." I stuttered startled.

"Your right, lost doesn't describe you or the situation enough." He chuckled and walked pass me again.

"Wait- Wait up!" I yell as I started running after him.

He once again didn't wait up for me. I followed him through the opening in the door and came sight to the outside. I scoffed and shook my head at myself for running after a guy.

I used a hand to block out the sunlight and searched everywhere for him. Finally I found him.

Right in the middle off the sport field. I ran down the hedge, the downside giving me a suddenly rush of speed.

"Waaaaaaait uuuuuuuuup." I called but I ended up crashing into him.

"Why are you following me Mira?" he smiled and helped me up.

"I don't know where to go...and need your help with direction." I bit my lip sheepishly, thinking of an excuse.

He sighed, shook his head and ran away from me, he was really eager to get me to run after him. I scoffed. Oh screw this. It's on.

I got into a running position. Ready. Set. Go. He looked behind him to see me catching up to him and increased his speed. Haha, he has no idea who he just challenged. I caught up with him and smirked as I passed him, watching his mouth drop. I came to a stop and did a cartwheel in front of him. Thank god I was wearing knee high jeans though.

"Wow Mira." He chuckled and walked up to me. "Please don't join the athletic team, you can't beat me in front of the others like that."

I giggled at what he said and smiled at him as I fixed the laces on my sneakers. "Don't worry, it will be our dirty little secret." I skipped over to him, grinning.

He smiled at me with such passion that I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"No way! You've got to be freaking kidding me!" Morgue's words filled the cafeteria through his laughter.

Me recovering from my own laughter, struggled to talk as laughter filled my nose strolls.

"No...I'm dead serous...he actually blew up our whole class."

"What kind of Science teacher blows up his own class and students?!" He tried to keep it in but snickers left his mouth.

"Its not funny! He wanted to start a 'new' experiment." I suddenly burst out laughing again.

"Oh god, that must have been did you even go to school...hahahaha." He continued laughing.

"No you mean Science. He had to borrow other classrooms. But the others teachers was scared he blew up their classes. So some of the days...we had science without an actual classroom." I explained.

"You poor little thing. Yet you're still one of the best." He cooed.

"It was the boost we needed." I chuckle.

"You sure you weren't touched by the chemical reaction. Maybe...that's why you are" He teased.

"Oh shut up!" I burst out laughing, the butterflies multiplied in my stomach.

We were teasing each other for that whole lesson. We just- clicked, ya know?

I felt like I knew him forever yet I only met him today. He wasn't like the others.

Anyway, after I told him I gave him another chance, we ended up in the cafeteria. Making a load of noise, hoping the teachers won't catch us so soon. Anyway it was his turn to tell a story.

"Alright...there was this one time...he was our old Science teacher..." Morgue started.

"But he wasn't really interested in science itself. He was always asking us questions on how to summon the occult with potions."

I giggled. "Oh god don't tell me he called your assignments potions too."

"Anyway." Morgue chuckled and tapped the table. "One day he just disappeared and never returned."

"Freakyyy." I laughed. We both laughed until we stopped and got lost in each other's eyes.

Suddenly his phone buzzes but he ignored it and I felt his hand find mine which made dolphins jump around in my stomach.

The bell rang, snapping us out of our trance. He said nothing and gasped pulling back his hand and ran off.

My eyes were cloudy when he left me once again. I didn't even expect it to end this way. Reality and expectations are two different things. I place my hands over my face, hoping to hide all my emotion.

When I entered my history class I was immediately greeted by a bickering between a teacher and a student. The student was a guy with a buzzed hair cut, dirty blonde haired who literally sat on his desk in front of the teacher which was standing in front of him.

"No I don't believe it sir. If it wasn't for the industry revolution. No one would wear less than three layers of clothing. Make up wouldn't exist. Society is about us! Not what we wear! Not how rich we are, how many technologies you have nor how many social friends you have. Machines took that all away from us!" He was trying to make a statement.

Our history teacher I guessed, rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his brown hair.

"Kid, it isn't like I can do anything about it...I'm just here to teach you kids and I guess help you graduate. Trust me if I could. I'd change a lot of things." He replied to the strange guy. "So Marxus. I know."

Marxus shook his head and crouched on his knees.

"Its Max! And no! I think people should actually stand up to all of this! And this modern society!" Max argued again.

The class along with the teacher groaned. I suddenly got exited to join in.

Speaking in a old English accent I approached Max.

"How dare you! Everything I did was for the good of my people. They wouldn't be anywhere if it wasn't for me! I helped them out of their horrible worthless common lives."

Max spun his head to me when I started talking and grinned like the biggest grin I ever saw in my life. The teacher along with the class was speechless as they all focused on me and max. Max got off his desk and stalked towards me.

"And who are you supposed to be?" He acted like a real historian.

I smirked as I faced him.

"If you wouldn't know...I'm the most respected Queen of England! I made all the choices. Influenced everyone of you sitting right here today." I replied in the old English accent. "And you...boy...who are you supposed to be?! A no named commoner that doesn't know English that well."

The class started snorting and laughing.

He chuckled and spoke up professionally. "I'd actually want a word with you. I'm Sir Charles Maximilian...I'd like you to change society right now!"

I rolled my eyes and dramatically waved my 'invisible' fan.

"I will do no such thing. No commoner has the right to order the queen. All I did for you was learn you well earned manners! So stop being so ungrateful and put your blame on that faulty America!" I smirked as I finished off and the class applauded for me along with Max.

"A history fan like me I guess?" He grinned.

"Totally...I live for to regret it and no I'm not like the queen." I spoke up in my normal voice.

He chuckled. "I'm Marxus! Max for short! I hate what's happening and want to change the world!"

I chuckled at his words.

"Nice to meet you Max-"

"You too-"

"Ahem" The teacher cleared his throat, towering above us. "We are 'happy' for you that you found someone Marxus which is just as crazy as you are. But please quiet down and leave your chats for another time."

We both went to our seats, grinning like two madmen.

I sat in the seat behind him.

"Anyone anything to share?" The teacher called.

Max happily raised his hand.

"Anyone but you Max." The teacher sighed and the class snickered.

"Anyone else?"

I suddenly rose my hand when Max's went down.

"Yes...I don't even know your name."

I grinned and stood up from my desk onto my desk. Max grinning at me as he looked back at me, him knowing what I was going to do.

"Its Miss Mira Sluvashki. Your next world leader." I grinned like a total fool.

The class just remained with their mouths open.

The teacher finally got his breath back and sighed.

"I'm guessing you are new...hopefully your marks make up for it...not that we want to know...but anything else you want to share..."

"OH. YES!" I saluted.

"Don't worry be happy." The class snorted.

"And also I'm also from another planet far from here and-"

"Please ENOUGH!" The teacher face-boarded.

I've never seen such a thing in my life before and the whole classroom scattered in the background.

When I sat down again, Max was the first to notice me by turning in his seat and laughed through saying.

"You are AWESOME!"

I giggled and said in a confidant voice. "I try."

"Are you kidding!" He chuckled. "You and me will drive him insane and society!"

"Probably." I smirked as the teacher spun around his face whitish from the board and it flushed beet red from his actions.

"Okay...hahahah. Now stop laughing! We begin to work now!" He said in an embarrassed yet serious voice.

Yeah sometimes you just need to take a random break from things.