Chapter 9: How Not to Negotiate with a Sister

Come on Apollo, it hasn't been this long since you've been to see her. Why can't I remember how to get there? Apollo thought. He started talking to himself. "Okay, north? Yes, no, uh. I don't know anymore!" Apollo was walking alone, in a plane. No people around for miles, at least it seemed. There were animals though. Apollo thought of befriending one, but he didn't have time for that. He needed to find Lachesis. Only she could help Sarah, at least, that's what she told Apollo the last time they met. Lachesis knew more than she let on, and he was going to get her to talk. Apollo's darkness started creeping up on him. Why would you want to help her? You can't even help yourself. That's why you're an outcast, a nobody! That's why Zeke got so mad the other day. God! You screw everything up, why would you even try? Apollo's disturbing thoughts were interrupted when his phone buzzed. It was Sarah,

Sarah: Hey, I know that I've kind of been cold shouldering you but some things have happened, so I'm sorry. But stop beating up on yourself.

Apollo: How would you even know that? Are you a witch or something?

Sarah: I guess I should tell you, since I've told you almost everything else. So, yeah I guess I am.

Apollo: Why are you so calm about that? And you guess? What happened to you Sarah?


Answered Call

"Alright, I kinda owe an explanation here. First, I can feel, this is going to sound cliche but I can almost….feel your sadness." Sarah said, with hesitation in her voice.

"What do you mean?" Apollo asked. "First, where are you? Second, you're not supposed to know about that yet. I'm not supposed to know, period.

"First, I'm in a guest room at my Uncle's estate on the edge of the border from our nation to the neighboring monarchy. Second, why do you know? I'm not supposed to know yet? My Uncle told me about the gods. Are you secretly one or something? Living a double life?" Sarah chuckled.

"I know because one of the sisters told me. I've had to deal with her too many times in my opinion. Your Uncle? No i'm not living a double life, we shouldn't be joking right now Sarah, this is serious. What is your Uncle's name?" Apollo asked.

"Formally he's Luke, my Aunt called him Loki at one p-" Sarah was cut off.

"Do you know what the name Loki means Sarah? It's not a good thing, it's a god that creates evil and mischief for other gods." Apollo said, stopping her before she could finish her sentence.

"Why do you know so much about my Uncle? That would explain why Aunt Mallory was so flustered talking about him on our pitstop." Sarah responded.

"I can't explain why I know so much now, but you should be conscious of one thing. You have to get out of there, and fast. You don't know what he would try to use you for. Especially with your witchery being so uncontrollable at this phase. Get out of there, I can help when I fini-"

Call Ended

I can't worry about her at the estate right now. I need to go find Lachesis before it's too late to change anything. Apollo thought, as he dashed farther into the almost empty plains. "Lachesis! Let me see you!" Apollo screamed. "I need help!" Apollo heard a female's voice calling out demands. "Apollo? I knew you'd come back. God, you're pathetic." Lachesis said, making Apollo feel intimidated. "Can you show yourself? It's about time we revisit our last deal and craft a new one." Apollo said, concerned that she would blatantly decline. "Well, that depends, what are you willing to trade?" She asked, greed in her eyes. "You know, at this point, my life Lachesis. You have made my life absolutely miserable since our last meeting. You changed my fate and cursed me to be dark, to have depression, and even more! I have to fight all of these battles in my head every day! Do you understand what you've put me through? Apollo asked, his voice rising so much that he was yelling. ���My! You've gotten me all flustered. Of course I know what I know what you're being put through. I'm the one that put you through it. Dear, I guess that makes me the bad guy, huh. Oh well, it won't be the first time. So what are you trying to trade your life for?" She asked. "A girl", Apollo said. "You're willing to sacrifice your life over a crush?" Lachesis asked mockingly. "She's not a crush, she deserves to have a good life and at this point, she needs it more than me. We both know what will happen if her fate is not changed. She'll become that thing, the vicious, awful, murderous animal that the new government will hunt down. You showed me that future, and I'm here to make sure that it doesn't happen." He said sternly. "Still, Lachesis said, "you're willing to trade your life for someone you barely know. Why don't we take a trip down memory lane Apollo?" She said as she pulled him into Sarah's memory.

Apollo saw a young Sarah, and a man pulling on her arm. Dragging her down a luxurious looking staircase. She looked about 6, and she wore a large puffy pink dress, she looks like she's playing princess. Apollo thought. "I DON'T WANT TO! Young Sarah screamed at the tall man dragging her towards the front door at the end of the staircase. "YOU ARE GOING TO BEHAVE WEATHER YOU WANT TO OR NOT SARAH! You will not embarrass me in front of our government officials. They offered to fix you Sarah, don't make it harder than it needs to be." The man said coldly. "I don't need to be fixed. I'm fine like this." Young Sarah cried. "They're only going to help you Sarah, now stop your crying and behave. Let's go greet them, politely." He warned her.

Apollo was transported into another memory with Lachesis standing next to him, holding his arm. It feels so cold, Apollo thought. Lachesis pointed to a slightly older Sarah sitting in a government meeting room with an older woman. "Alright Sarah, this shouldn't hurt. But you will need to get this surgery if you want to keep working with us. You've been here 4 whole years! Can you believe it? You're 10 years old now Sarah. The magic two digits. Anyway, this will purely be in your brain, nothing outside of your head and it should take a couple hours, but you should be asleep. Sounds good?" The woman asked. "Yes, Cassandra. Thank you." She sounds like a programmed robot, what exactly did they do to her? Apollo thought. "When can I see Mom and Dad?" The young Sarah asked, with a pout. "Now's not the time Sarah. Your Mother will visit soon, just let her live her life for a bit. You're in good hands!" The woman said, sounding annoyed. Her phone started buzzing, "let me take this in the hall Sarah. Then I'll take you to Malborn." Cassandra walked into the hallway, closing and locking the door behind her. "Yes Greg, what's the issue? I'm with Sarah right now, she has that modification soon. ------------ No Greg, it's not a normal modification. We've gone over this. She���s getting the control factor. She's not fully developed but we need to enhance the elemental power she'll possess when she gets older. This could only help us keep control over that damn monarchy to the east. She's the key to making them hand the land over, yes I know. She's a kid. But, her mother offered, that woman doesn't care about her children. She wants the monarchy gone as much as we do. Whatever Greg, gotta go. Okay, I'll watch for that. Goodbye." What was, what? Apollo thought. Cassandra walked back into the room, and the memory faded. Everything around Apollo was white. "I'll bet that you didn't know about that Apollo." Lachesis said teasingly. "That girl, or let me rephrase. What that girl will become, does not deserve your life."