Aunt Mallory looked panicked, overly panicked for such a conversation. "No, I don't think so at least." Sarah said, searching through her memories. "How would I have done that?" She asked. "By creating such a relationship that you feel the other person's pain. You have a strong enough emotional connection that you feel the need to blurt out everything about yourself. One of the people must make a serious sacrifice for the other. Has someone made you feel that way, or do you know of any sacrifices Sarah?" Malloty asked. "You're starting to sound kinda crazy Aunt Mallory. I don't know, there's these two boys and a girl at school that I've gotten closer with over the last couple weeks. I guess I had a moment with one of them." Mallory glared at her. "Uhhh…. I wasn't going to tell you this but I had a breakdown on one of the first days of school and he comforted me." Sarah answered. "He? You had a breakdown on the first day of school! Sarah, how much more pathetic can you get, you don't know how close I am to leaving you here with your Uncle. That godforsaken man can take you! I have tried over and over to rid you of that awful monster inside of you! And what do I get? A breakdown, a mess, another person for me to have taken care of because you can't keep your damn mouth shut Sarah! I'm sick of this! Who is this kid you talked to? How much does he know?" Aunt Mallory asked, furiously. "Who he is, is none of your business Mallory. He knows as much as I've told him!" Sarah yelled mockingly, her anger overtaking her. All the abandonment, the control, she was sick of it. "Why do you keep changing too! You we're fine a minute ago! Now you're screaming at me! That ended your marriage, why wouldn't it end our relationship too?!" Sarah screamed. "I'm done with your nonsense", Mallory said loudly as she scurried out of Sarah's bedroom. Well, that was a productive talk. Sarah thought sadly. I wonder what happened to Zeke. Apollo mentioned him getting a modification while we were on the phone the other day, and how much it freaked him out, but no one seems to have heard from Zeke in a while. Sarah spent the next couple of days primarily in her room, hiding from her relatives and venting to Astrid about her life. Soon after Sarah's latest rant, she had a new string of messages from Isi.
Isi: We're here!
There's a weird gate around this place, it looks like a buzzer. Can we come in?
Sarah: Give me 15 minutes, I'll come out there
Isi: Okay!
Isi's text made Sarah remember that she hadn't even asked her Uncle if her friends could come. She hurried to his study, where there was a butler standing outside. "Hello, Little Miss. How can I be of assistance?" The butler asked, he looked oddly familiar. "Yeah, hi. Can I speak to my Uncle please?" She asked politely. "He just got out of a meeting, so he's kind of steamed. But go on ahead, just don't say I didn't warn you", he chuckled. Sarah walked into her Uncle's study, he looked upset. "Hey, Uncle Luke? I have some friends here, and I was wondering if they could stay for a while?" Sarah asked, very politely. She was scared that he would refuse and she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. "Sure, sure. Why not? Do they need more bedrooms?" He asked, while writing on a document. "No, thanks!" She said as she ran out of the study and down the hall. Sarah jogged all the way to the front doors where Astrid spotted and stopped her by grabbing her arm. "Where are you going?" Astrid asked, curiously. "I have friends staying here and I'm going to greet them at the front gate. Want to come? I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you." Sarah said back. "Why not? Where will they be staying?" Astrid asked as they walked down the luxurious front porch. "Oh, in this estate. I figure we can get an extra mattress, some more blankets and some pillows." She answered. "Oh, I can get the other maids to get that set up while we go to greet your friends. I know that I'm a maid, but I'm not too much older than you Sarah. Only about 3 or 4 years, so I hope you don't mind my excitement." Astrid finished. "Oh no, that's okay Astrid. I get how it feels to be isolated from your generation." Astrid agreed and smiled, then started again. "I'm going to make a phone call about those extra necessities for your room, give me just a moment." She finished, and they continued walking down the long driveway. The two spotted the car, with Blake and Isi sitting in it. Blake saw her, opened the door, and jumped up to greet them. Sarah sprinted to the car, she was so relieved that there were finally people that she trusted staying with her.
Sarah pulled Blake into a long hug, and soon after Isi joined. "I am so glad to see you guys!" Sarah said excitedly. Sarah and Isi started going on about school, and what work Sarah was missing. "Luckily we brought all of your homework!" Isi laughed. Astrid cut in, "Hello, I'm Sarah's maid Astrid. I'll always be here if you guys need anything." "A maid?" Blake asked curiously. "I wasn't aware that it was still an active profession. That's cool! How old are you?" He asked. "I'm a couple years older than you, but I work here full time." Astrid answered. "That's so cool! I wish our parents would let me work already!" Isi complained. Sarah started, "okay, should we get back now." They all agreed. Later, they were all back in Sarah's room. "So, Sarah, fill us in." Blake said. Sarah told them just about everything, especially about her newly-found power. "So, I might have to stay here for a while is what I'm getting to." Sarah mentioned. "But Sarah, would it really be that bad?" Isi asked curiously. Blake cut in before Sarah could answer. "Of course it would! If she doesn't want to stay here she shouldn't have to. Especially when it seems like they're leaving her in the dark so much." Blake finished calmly. "It's alright Blake, if I have to stay I will. If not, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. My Mom betrayed me, I can't forgive her. I don't even know what she did." Sarah said, a somber tone filling her voice. "It's okay, Sarah. It's okay", he said, pulling her into another long embrace. "It's a lot to process in a short amount of time, but we're here for you." He finished. "Yup!" Isi exclaimed. They then decided to watch a movie together when the group heard a loud bang down the hall. "Mrs. Isi?" A maid asked. Isi stood in the doorway, holding the large door with her arm. "Shoot, I left a bunch of stuff in the car. I'll be like half an hour! Start without me!" Isi said as she started fast walking down the hall. "Blake, can I tell you something?" Sarah asked. "Sure, what is it?" Blake asked, interested. "I'm scared, like really scared. I keep changing moods way too fast, I feel powerful. Not in an especially good way though. My Aunt is mad at me, I don't think I can trust my Uncle, and my Mom had people altering my brain. I don't feel like I can talk to anyone! It's so stupid! Yet I feel like I have to tell you and Apollo everything. Do you get what I'm saying? Or am I just rambling like a child again?" Sarah asked, putting her head to her knees. "I understand, come here Sarah." He said worriedly. She moved next to him, he put his arm around her shoulder and she cozy-ed into his chest. For the first time in weeks, Sarah felt at home.