Chapter 13: What was Once Said

Author's note: This chapter will be shorter due to its contents. Look out for the two new collections, to be updated shortly!

Come on Apollo, you've been here before. But, why can't I find this stupid building? Apollo thought, annoyed. "Oh, there's a half-demolished building over there. I should go check it out, it could be helpful." Apollo said quietly to himself. He walked to what looked like a small abandoned tower. Something shiny caught his eye. What is that? Apollo thought. He jogged over to the pile of scrap and started pulling up the rocks, dirt, and metal shards. He soon found what seemed to be a locked safe. "Really? A locked safe, completely undamaged unlike everything else here?" He asked loudly, annoyed that this was all he could find in the rubble. Apollo heard a voice and twirled in a circle, just to see that he was surrounded by people. "Wow, someone's smart. I guess you're an idiot depending on how you look at it." Apollo turned around to see an older woman and a young girl. The older one looked around 40, but the younger one was oddly familiar to Apollo. "Wait! You're my sister!" Apollo realized. "Did it really take you that long to figure me out? I'm your sister, so big bro, do me a favor and stop searching. You're not going to find out anything that you don't already know. This isn't any of your business." She said. "I wouldn't even waste your time, Mindy." The older woman said. "But, I guess we'll be stuck together for a while Apollo, so I'll introduce myself. I'm Cassandra." Apollo's brain was going 1,000 miles an hour. Cassandra, where had he heard that name before? Apollo then remembered the woman from Sarah's memory. This lady again, huh? She has to have a weak spot somewhere. Apollo thought. "Anyway, let's get down to business. You shouldn't be poking around where you're not wanted boy. So we're here to take you in." Cassandra said proudly. "You have no authority to do that. You are not the government anymore. You Herestrians need to go away, though this new government sucks, they're better than you guys." Apollo answered. "Aww, he really believes that." Mindy cut in. "Of course I do! What happened to you?" Apollo asked, aggravated at what his sister had become. Cassandra started, "she is none of your business anymore. We really are only trying to help. We are going to bring you to our chief and he will help you Apollo. All we've ever tried to do is help." She finished. "You liar!" He screamed. Apollo's eyes grew wider. He slowly started feeling more unstable and memories from his childhood flooded his mind. "You said you were going to take her to Malborn!" Apollo screamed. Cassandra looked confused for a moment, then enraged. "How do you know about her? About that?" She asked, her voice filled with apprehension and panic. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! YOU LIED TO HER!" Apollo screamed. "Yeah Apollo, so what?" Mindy said sadistically. "So did our parents, don't you remember? Of course not, you were never home. How did you think that felt? They got me modification after modification. But eventually they ran out of money. Then you started coming around again, and they thought you would get mad that all their money always went to me. Everyone loved you again, and I was just a piece of crap. Oh wait, then you pulled your little stunt. How do you think that affected us, Apollo? Do you know what it's like to be discarded like garbage by your own family? Of course not, you're the golden child! I'm over this, Cassandra, you deal with him. That's an order from your superior by the way, not a favor." Mindy finished as she stormed off. "Why is everyone like you?" Apollo asked somberly. "I assure you I don-" Cassandra was cut off. "You know exactly what I'm talking about! You people, everywhere. Causing constant pain and agony. Do you ever think about what you're doing before you do it?" He asked furiously. "No, you all lie. You, Mindy, and…��... and Mom and Dad. You all selfishly dig yourselves into deep holes you can't get out of, and then bring everyone else with you. You're lowlives that only care about yourselves. I'm getting out of here, I think I have enough information. Check your pockets ya narcissist." Apollo said as he took off in the opposite direction. Cassandra turned around, patting down her pockets. "Where is it? Mindy! Your ignorant family took it! We need that to push her to the breaking point! Go control your godforsaken brother!" Cassandra ordered. "You don't order me around Cassandra. That's my job. That's my brother. You're off duty now, Cassandra. Get out of here, now!" Mindy screamed, her eyes filling with tears. "Where do you think you're going, little girl?" Cassandra asked mockingly. "I'm going to help my idiot brother. He was right, you really are a narcissist." Mindy replied. She then sprinted in search of Apollo, before it was too late. Before.....Before the other Herestrians found him.