Sarah and Blake had already fallen asleep when Isi swiftly opened the door. "EWW! Just….ewwww." Isi said loudly, waking the two. Sarah took a long yawn as Blake slowly opened his eyes. "What's happening?" Sarah asked as she lifted herself from Blake's embrace. She looked down, realizing where she was and started blushing profusely. "When did this become a thing?" Isi asked, grossed out. Blake smiled sheepishly. "Did you guys hook up or something?" Isi asked, completely serious. "I wasn't gone that long...ewwwww." She finished. "NO! NO! OF COURSE NOT! Sarah yelled, embarrassed. "I just.....fell asleep." Both were blushing like young kids. "Yeah, well whatever. I just came back to tell you guys that I can't watch movies right now, I have to get back on the phone with my mom. We business issues to deliberate on. Have fun you two!" She said enthusiastically as she slammed the large dark wood door. "So, that was awkward." Blake blurted out. "Yeah, it was. Can I ask you something?" Sarah asked nervously. "Sure", he said, sitting up. "Do you feel an emotion about me? Uhhh, sorry. That doesn't make sense. Do you…...know when I'm sad, or angry?" "I guess, I can read you like a book Sarah. If that's what you mean." Blake answered. "No, that's not what I mean. I have this weird feeling. It's with you and Apollo thought, I don't have it with Isi. I can feel your and Apollo's heartbeat if I think about it hard enough. It feels like an instinct, almost. I can tell when you're sad, angry, depressed, any emotion really. I've felt Apollo's for.....well, let me think. Since that day at school when I broke down in the hallway after classes. Yours though, wasn't until about an hour ago. I feel compelled to tell both of you absolutely everything about myself. My successes, my hopes and dreams, but most…. I feel the need to tell you both of you all of my mistakes. Every time I've let someone down, whether it was Aunt Mallory or a random kid from school. Every time I failed a test, hurt someone's feelings, or even worse. I feel like I have something to hide, but I can't remember that I did something awful enough to want to completely hide it away from the world." Sarah finished. "Do you know why you don't have your memory. It's really weird, you made it abundantly clear that you don't have any modifications, so why is this happening. I didn't want to mention it, but you have been acting odd lately. Besides the fear we talked about before you fell asleep on my-" He stopped, and started blushing. "Listen." Sarah said, blushing like a 10 year old telling her crush that she likes him. "I want to talk about that, but let's finish this first. Apollo won't answer me with anything but distance, so I really need you to help me. I don't know why I can't remember anything, I don't have any modifications, and I think my memory might be blurred because of an accident I had a while back." Sarah finished. "What accident?" Blake asked, taking Sarah's hand. "I was sent on a mission to do something, I don't remember what it was for. I was working to get extra money to support me and my Mom. I got into a fight, and I was bashed in the head. After that I remember getting super mad, I ran after the guy that I was brawling, he ran away after he landed the hit on my head. Then in all the anger, I think I knocked him out. Ever since then, part of my memories are blurry. But, not everything. I remember a lot from years ago, like I have this one memory with my Dad! Not that it matters, he's gone now." Sarah said sadly. "Oh, I'm"- she cut him off. "He's not dead Blake, he left us. Now Mom's suffering, anyway. I don't really want to talk about them anymore." "Alright." Blake said. "How about you squeezing my hand till' it's purple when talking about your emotions?" He said with a chuckle. "This is interesting, might be a good tension spot for extortion." The voice was muffled, like it came from outside of the room. "Hey w-" Blake cut Sarah off, putting his hand over her mouth. "Wait", he whispered. "Yep, I'll go outside and report back. Yeah, I heard Cas. The girl turned out to be dynamite, huh? Tooooo bad, she was fun to mess with. All right, bye now." The two could hear the footsteps becoming gradually quieter. "Why does that sound so familiar?" Sarah asked in a low whisper. "I'm not sure, but let's follow them." Blake replierd. "Wait, we should change. I'm in a dress, and you're sticking out like a sore thumb with your bright flannel." Sarah said quietly. "Fine", he said while opening his suitcase. Blake pulled a plain gray tee-shirt out and started removing his flannel. Sarah grabbed a hoodie and some leggings, when she realized he was staring at her. "What? Turn around! You're lucky there isn't a separate room in here!" She said loudly. "Fine, fine. Be quiet though, you're almost yelling and whoever that is can't be too far." She huffed and turned around to change. They exited the room, the mystery person nowhere to be found. Sarah ran up to one of the servants. "Hey! I'm looking for a friend, have you seen someone that looks out of place here?" Sarah asked politely. "There was a young girl loitering around here, she was on the phone being obnoxiously loud. If she's who you're looking for, please tell her to be more respectful on the estate grounds. Anything else I can help with?" The maid asked. "No, that's it. Thanks." Blake cut in. The maid walked away as Sarah grabbed Blake's arm. "She can't be far, let's split up." Sarah said. "Okay, I'll go this way." He said while pointing to the north main hall. "Alright, call me if you find anything." She said, dashing down the stairs in hopes of finding their mystery snooper. There's Isi. She's on the phone? She did say she had to call her Mom. I guess I can just wait for her to get off the phone. I'll just follow her I guess, I don't want to lose her, she could help us search. Sarah thought. She followed Isi, trying not to invade her privacy by listening to the conversation. So, she decided to see if Blake had found anything.
Sarah: Found anything interesting?
Blake: Nope, I asked a few servants but there's no one in this hall. I'm going to scope out this hall one more time, then I'll come find you. Strength in numbers I guess?
Sarah: Okay, I just found Isi. I'm waiting for her to get off of the phone with her Mom.
Blake: Alright
Sarah put her phone away and realized she had followed Isi all the way to the southern courtyard. "Yes, Ms. Bensyl. I'm on it. Yes, I know. She's not supposed to be here, and she can't know we're doing this. I know, she won't suspect a thing. She's here getting cozy with my step-brother and I played it off like I was grossed out. They would make a cute couple, toooooooo bad we can't let that happen." She giggled. "Alrighty, Ms. Yep, see you soon." Isi finished, with a small laugh. She pulled out what looked like a walky-talky? Or, maybe a remote? "What is that?" Sarah asked worriedly. All of a sudden, someone grabbed her hand. She turned around to see Blake, relief flowed through her. Sarah stared at Isi in disbelief. "Why? How? What?" Sarah stuttered. All of a sudden Blake saw a figure in the distance. It didn't exactly make him feel safe either. "Why are you talking to her? What would be a good trigger?" Sarah asked suspiciously. "Oh, you heard me? Opps, total accident! I guess the secret's out! Your Mom sent me here you! Yeah, that's it! I'm supposed to guide you to her and the Herestrians that you have unfinished business with!" Isi said excitedly. Hearing that word...…..those people, made Sarah's head start banging. "Oww", Sarah mustered to whisper before grabbing hold of her temples. All of a sudden, Sarah felt a soft touch on her side. Blake had wrapped his arm around her, ready to shield her if the moment were to arise. "Owwwwwww!" Sarah yelped. "Come here", Blake said. Pulling her into his embrace once again. "Just focus on me, you're fine. Actually, look at the pretty river behind me. Watch the fish." He said calmly, and Sarah did just that. "Why are you associating with the Herestrians?" Blake asked coldly. "We both came here together, what does that make you?" Isi asked mockingly. "I didn't help you with whatever facade you were obviously trying to pull off. You have been acting weird, but I guess everyone has been lately." Blake said rhetorically. "Actually, you did help. I definitely wouldn't have been able to pull this off without you two getting all cozzzzzyyyyyyy." She drew out. Apollo then noticed that the figure was close, too close for his liking. It was a woman, an adult, maybe mid 30's-40's? That's when Sarah pulled out of his chest and wrapped his arm back around her waist. His embrace was extremely comforting in the moment, sadly, that couldn't last. Sarah turned around to see a figure, an oddly familiar looking one at that. "Mom?"