Chapter 16: And Who Are You Again?

With Apollo:

He had finally stopped his sprint, heck, he was at least half a mile away from his sister and…...he gulped nervously.....Cassandra. Apollo knew that he had to stop soon, he just simply didn't want to. He didn't know where he needed to go next, since he didn't get any real information from that ambush. "I-I'm so tired. I guess I have to stop if I don't want to collapse. Who....who likes running anyway?" He asked himself, trying to take his mind off of the sudden fatigue taking him over. Apollo walked to an empty parking lot full of half broken tires and pieces of scrap everywhere. What is up with all the scrap metal? He thought to himself, with a small chuckle. He sat down, pulling the sides of his jacket together to protect himself from the awful rainy Autumn weather. That was when he got hit in the face with a cold, wet leaf. "Ugh, I'm so close to being one with this!" Apollo complained. Apollo then reached into his pocket and found a lighter. "This won't do any good, it's pouring." He said, shoving the lighter back into his coat pocket. He curled up into a ball, then decided he wouldn't be able to sleep with the storm growing like it had been. So, he picked up a large piece of scrap metal to try to protect his head from the rain. That proved to be ineffective as he threw it away, and cursed under his breath. Just out of luck today, huh? Now I have a headache from the awful noise of the storm on that titanium. Ugh, I just have to make the best of it. It's not like I would be much better off at home anyway. I'm doing this to help Sarah, I need to make sure I can do that. Apollo thought. Apollo fell asleep not long after having those last thoughts. He was suddenly awoken, by a bird sitting on his leg, looking for crumbs on his blue jeans. "Ahhh! Shoo! Shoo!" He yelled as he waved the bird off of him. That was a great way to wake up. He thought sarcastically. "I need to keep moving, alright. Where's my phone?" He said frantically, patting down every pocket on his clothing. "Right here." Said an unfamiliar voice. "Who are you?" Apollo asked frightendly as he jumped up from the ground. His teeth were chattering. "Why don't you take my spare jacket, boy? Why don't you have a real coat on, anyway?" It was a man in his mid 30's at least, Apollo realized. "Why would I take your jacket? Are you new here? It could have a bomb in it, or worse! Give me my phone!" Apollo yelled desperately. What if he couldn't find Sarah? What if she was hurt, or...…...or worse. She could be dead, she could be...breaking even more. She could be transforming…..Apollo thought, his mind completely racing. "I need some information first. Have you heard the name Sarah Bensyl anywhere? Seen a girl, about 5'5? Brown hair, young face?" The man asked. "How do You know Sarah? You're another Herestrian, aren't you? Why are there so many of you around here? You should be disbanded by now!" Apollo answered. "I'm not a Herestrian, at least not anymore. I was years ago, before they broke their deal." The man responded quickly, partly under his breath. "So you're working for the new government then? The MCAA's? Not that they're much better." Apollo muttered. "I don't work for the government, and I don't have time for this okay? If you're so concerned, you really can't be working for them either. I'm pretty good at reading people, you know her...don't you? You know where Sarah is, I can see the fear in your eyes, boy. Where is she? I can tell that you know. What's your name?" The man asked. "I'm Adam, I am Sarah's friend, and who are you again?" Apollo lied, ignoring the man's first question purposely. "I am her father, I think she's in serious danger with her mother's family. Between Loki and her mother Amelia, I can't imagine what they're planning. Please, do you know where she is Adam? Is she okay, did she-no, of course she didn't intertwine with you. She's not.....she shouldn't be as stupid as I was. But please, please tell me you know where she is? If they plan on bringing her-no they…...they wouldn't. Would they?" The man asked, no begged. His eyes were beginning to fill with tears. Apollo interrupted the man. "I-I can find out where she is, okay? You seem desperate enough, and you know more than a spy would I guess. But I swear if you turn out to be with either government...…...I will never let you near her. Ever. You'll be gone before you would even get the change." Apollo said coldly. "If you would be so kind as to GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK NOW, I can make a call and figure out exactly where she is." He said, annoyed. "What's your name?" Apollo asked, "I don't know what to call you?" "Jax, my name's Jax." Sarah's father said. "Alright Jax, I'll be right back." Apollo said as he paced away. He dialed Sarah. She didn't answer. He dialed Blake. He didn't answer. He dialed Blake again. He picked up this time. Apollo could hear crying in the distance, but he couldn't quite recognize who it was. He realized that it had to be Sarah.

Apollo: Is that Sarah? Is she crying?

Blake: Yes, her mom showed up, and she's seeming more and more like the bad guy here every second.

Apollo: Listen, I know all about that. Her mom's done some stupid stuff, and Sarah doesn't really know much about it. Where are you guys? I found who I truly think is Sarah's dad, and her Uncle is not trustworthy. If we can get her dad to where you guys are, she should be okay.

Blake: Why are you playing the good guy now? You didn't come to help her, you weren't at your house when we went to find you, and no one knows where you are!

Apollo: You went to my house? I specifically told you not to ever go to my house. That is the one rule that I have ever had with you guys and you couldn't stand by it? And I'm playing the good guy? How about the one taking advantage of her being lonely and scared?........

He sighed

Apollo: This isn't going to do any good, just text me the address of Loki's estate, and we'll get there as soon as possible. I can feel Sarah's emotions right now, I'm sure she already told you about that, so keep her in check until we get there. Text me the address.

Apollo hung up the phone. It buzzed and he unlocked it, to find an address from Blake. "We have an address!" Apollo said cheerfully, trying to hide his anger. "Alright! I guess we should get walking then!" Jax said. "I have a question actually. What did you mean by intertwine exactly?" Apollo asked uncomfortably. "Oh, when two people, at least one with supernatural abilities are comfortable with each other, made great sacrifices for each other, etc., then they can become intertwined." Jax finished. "And… do you know if you've done that with a person?" Apollo then asked. "It's easy. You can normally feel their emotions, as well as sometimes read their thoughts. It really is the substitution for the bonding between parents, because most people with supernatural...erm…..issues, can't reproduce." Jax answered. "Then….how did you and Amelia have Sarah? Test tube baby?" Apollo asked, full of laughter at the thought. "No, she wasn't a test tube baby. We thought we wouldn't be able to have Sarah actually. She was a bit of a miracle, until we found the energy that she possesses. But, I wouldn't give her up for the world. I haven't been able to see her in years, thanks to Amelia. We should pick up the pace." Jax said, and they didn't talk for the next few hours. Apollo could tell that conversation made him uncomfortable, both of them. When Apollo finally decided to speak up, he filled Jax up on everything that he knew about Sarah, Sarah's family, her background, the Herestrians, everything. He felt the need to tell Jax everything about himself just like how he did with Sarah. So, he did. His parents, his mental history, and even Lachesis. Now Jax knew just about everything there was to know about Apollo. Apollo didn't even know why, but it felt right. He just spilled his entire life to this man that he barely knew, but you know what? It felt right. Jax showed real emotion to what Apollo told. Fatherly concern, empathy, when Jax hugged Apollo, it felt like he was hugging Sarah again, and that gave him courage. Apollo admitted that he liked Sarah, and that they weren't even that close. He told Jax that he would do anything to help Sarah. He felt the instinct to protect her, no matter what. All Jax said was that it made sense, and he fell silent again. Soon enough, they were at the address Blake gave them, they saw Sarah, Blake, and Isi in a courtyard from the distance so they headed there first. When the boys got there, it was like time froze. Sarah had her arm pointed out, at what had to be her mom from their resemblance. Isi's mouth was wide open, like she had been yelling. Blake and Sarah were holding hands, and Sarah looked heavily disturbed. But, something was wrong. It...… seemed like time was frozen, and Apollo just had to assume that was exactly what it was.