Chapter 17: You are not Taking Me Back, Not After what You Did:
Apollo and Jax ran up to the courtyard and jumped the high fence. "What the hell is going on?" Jax asked, extremely startled. Apollo was scared at first, but he took a breath and embraced that these anomalies were his life now, and that he was just going to have to accept it. Apollo felt a pull towards Sarah. She was frozen, stopped in time. But he wasn't. He was free to run to her, and she couldn't reject him even if she wanted to. So he did, he ran to Sarah and grabbed her arm. He pulled her away from Blake and took her hand, pulling her to the opposite side of her mother, and away from everyone but himself and Jax. He could fight off Jax if he absolutely had to, but not everyone else at once so Apollo had no choice but to use him as an ally for the time being. All of a sudden there was a bright light blinding Apollo. "GAhh!" He yelled in pain. Nearly a second later the light was gone and he opened his eyes to see a floating figure. "You just cannot keep yourself away from this little monster, can you?" The figure asked. Apollo immediately recognized the voice. "Lachesis! What did you do?" He screamed. "I merely paused their current of time as to allow your presence in this important event. If she's destined to become that...….thing...….then you might as well watch it go down. It can be an added part of your deal, a nice price for the free information you got off of me in my weakness not long ago. That's all I'm here for though, so I guess I'll be on my way. Bye Dear." Lachesis said mockingly. In a flash she was gone and chaos began again. "Why! How could you do this? You caused this bull crap that I'm dealing with and now you want me back? They told me mother, they told me everything I needed to know. Between Mallory and Luke, Isi, and the gossiping servants, I know everything that I will ever need to about you. Your 3 jobs, huh? Theyyyyy were supporting us. Going on fou-" She stopped speaking and spun around. "Apollo! When the hell did you get here?" Sarah asked, when she looked down to see their locked hands. "When did you take my hand? Where's Blake?" She asked. "That took you awhile. Listen Sarah, I don't know if we can trust them yet. Isi has been… for a while, even before I left. Blake is her brother for Zeus's sake! I found out some stuff, and we really need to talk but now is not the time. What is….where is this argument going to take us?" Apollo asked meaningly. "What? You left and wouldn't tell anyone where you were! At least he stayed here with me and made sure that I was okay! All while I had to hear your heartbeat in the back of my head! Your emotions, sometimes your thoughts! Do you understand how weird that is?" Sarah asked furiously. "Are you kidding me?" Apollo asked in a low tone. "Relationship problems over there." Amelia said mockingly. "I have gotten ambushed for you! I went to see a sister for you! I had to relive your entire f-d up childhood through my own eyes Sarah! And that somehow makes me the bad guy, I'm over here killing myself trying to keep you safe because of some stupid interwine ceremony that I never knew happened and somehow I'm the bad guy!" Apollo yelled. Sarah started yelling back, but he drowned her out because he realized something. She had never let go of his hand. In fact, she was squeezing it. By the time he stopped zoning out, Sarah was crying and apologizing profusely. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She cried, grasping the side of her head. "Don't be sorry, stop apologizing. Just don't repeat the same mistakes. Now let's deal with this nonsense." He whispered in his ear.
Sarah's point of view:
Sarah didn't know who to trust anymore. She thought Blake was her ally, she knew that Apollo was an ally, but Apollo didn't seem to trust her new comfort person. Apollo was so distant, he held her hand but seemed ready to pull away and never come back any moment now. It made her so scared, so she just kept squeezing, and he didn't let go. When he said that they had to deal with this argument, she felt her anxiety skyrocket but she reminded herself that she would have to be okay. Her favorite quote said that, It'll be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, it's not the end.-John Lennon. She just had to convince herself to believe that. Sarah tucked her head into her chin, took a deep breath, squeezed his hand one more time, and turned around to face her mother. "You are not taking me, not after what she did." Sarah said sternly. "Exactly!" A figure yelled out from an upstairs window in the estate. Loki? Sarah thought. "Sarah is not going with you Amelia! Get over it! My awful ex-wife brought her here, and she's going to stay here for the time being. I have legal custody of your daughter because you're almost never home. Leave now before I hand you over to MAA's." Loki finished. "Always a step ahead. I'll be back for my daughter you demon." Amelia said, walking back out of the courtyard. "That was odd, oh. Manipulation." Apollo concluded. "Yep, she definitely wouldn't have done that on her own." Sarah said, once again squeezing Apollo's hand, begging for something. For any type of comfort she could with the unexpected string of events that had become her day to day. "We should be off to the Monarchy! We've been dwelling here long enough!" Loki said, closing the window.
Soon after they were in a limo, Sarah next to Apollo, Blake next to Isi, and Loki next to Mallory. Sarah had filled Apollo in on everything that had happened with Isi. "Then why is she here?" He asked accusingly. "Because she could be useful at the palace ApOllO." Blake said mockingly. "Oh, I'm sorry Blake." Apollo realized that Sarah had fallen asleep on his shoulder, so he could crack one without scolding from anyone. "Are you just mad that I stole your girlfriend from you? Get over it, you aren't the one that has to counteract or feel her emotions either, so you should have no complaints." Apollo said with a fake smile. The boy that was one of his best friends a few weeks ago, was now a dangerous person that Apollo felt he needed to protect Sarah from. For the time being at least. Soon, they were past the monarchy's border. Sarah started slowly waking up, and Apollo quickly realized that it was going to be a long party.