Chapter 18: Repeat After Me

Chapter 18: Repeat After Me

It wasn't long before they were going to arrive. Sarah lifted herself from Apollo's arm, to see Blake glaring. Why can't he understand? She thought. She grabbed Apollo's arm and nuzzled her head into it, she had to make it look like she was going back to sleep so that she could gather her thoughts. I like Blake, he really is my first friend but he doesn't get it. How am I supposed to trust him if the person literally connected to my thoughts doesn't? I need to stay by Apollo now that I've finally calmed down. My mind is clear and I have no pain. I need to keep it that way. Sarah thought sadly as she put up a hand to rub her eyes. Apollo had fallen asleep too, his head slightly resting on his shoulder. Sarah took in his features. He looked so depressed, he had circles under his eyes that showed he hadn't gotten good sleep in a while. She looked at his dimples, they looked so childlike for someone that had to grow up so fast. He opened his eyes and stared at her. She jumped up, and apologized. "It's fine, where are we now?" He asked. At that moment the large car fell to an abrupt stop. "We're here!" Luke shouted from the front of the car. They climbed out to see a large palace. It was breathtaking, until Sarah spotted a young boy scolding a maid for not following his orders. Here we go, she thought. The young boy came up, apparently his name was Alex. Or so they heard from the shouting. "This is ridiculous! All I ask is that you clean my clothes 4 times so they look new, and then steam them twice a day! It's not that hard!" Alex said. "You have to understand sir, I don't only work for you. I have other duties here, not just your chores." The maid then apologized, and took off. "Oh, there's a car here. How can I help, oh….You are pretttyyyyyyyyy." Alex drug on. He came over and picked up a strand of Isi's hair. "You don't seem to have a boy, why don't you come with me and we'll get you a fetching dress for the ball?" He asked. What is up with this kid? Is he living in the 17th century? Fetching? Ball? This is supposed to be a simple diplomat party. Sarah thought. Isi stayed silent for a moment, she seemed to be thinking on an answer. "I guess I won't bother the other cute one", the boy said while walking to Apollo. "She seems to be with you, hmph." The boy said, turning back to Isi. "Let's go!" Isi said enthusiastically. "What is happening?" Blake said fittingly. "What do you think?" Apollo asked sarcastically. "Aww, get over yourself. I'm here to support Sarah, not your crap. I cannot believe I used to be friends with you, you've changed man. I'll meet up with you guys later, don't wait up." Blake said, putting his phone to his ear and jogging away. "You heard him, let's go Sarah." Apollo said, as he started walking towards the grand doors. "Right!" Sarah followed.

They walked into the doors to see a grand set up. "Oh, hello L-Luke, I mean. Sorry sir, I forgot the changed titles. Shall we get everyone set up with their appropriate attire for the evening? The gates will open in about 2 hours and you all need to be changed and outside so you can be properly introduced." A short petite man in a suit asked politely. "Sure, you heard him gang! Go with the servants and they will get you dressed." Luke said enthusiastically. Sarah and Apollo followed a woman, Lila was her name. She led them to a boutique room full of dresses and suits and picked one out for both of them. "Go, go, get changed." Lila said happily. "In front of each other?" Apollo asked. "Why are you acting shy now? We saw you cuddled on his arm in the car when you arrived", she pointed at Sarah, "and you were standing awfully close together outside. You seem to be a couple, so you should act like it. Sarah is an official guest at this party and you seem to be her date." Once again she said to act like it. Then she walked out of the room, leaving them to get changed. Apollo turned around and began to assemble the suit. "Why are you so nonchalant about this? What happened to "my Dad?" Sarah blurted as she tried to fit the tight dress to her head. "I am so nonchalant because I'm trying to help. You can feel my emotions like I can feel yours, I am keeping calm to keep you calm. Jax, by the way, was not allowed to come. Nobody trusts him. Do you need help?" Apollo asked, he had turned around and was watching Sarah struggle with the zipper on the back of her mermaid style dress. "Sure, fine. Why do you trust him then if you get so upset about Blake?" She asked angrily. "Because, because I know things you don't Sarah. I filled you in on most of my meeting with one of the sisters, but you didn't seem to care. She showed me what could happen to you, what will probably happen to you and I don't want that illusion to become reality. It's all caused by your stupid modifications Sarah." He said with a breath. "So you don't trust the one person that I have found comfort in since…...we started at school because of a possibility?" She asked judgmentally. "Exactly! You got it! Now turn around and let me help." Apollo laughed at his sarcasm. Sarah grumbled and turned around, she jumped when she felt Apollo's cold hands on her back. "Why…" She asked. "Do they need to be warm? Relax your arms, you're making this difficult." Apollo answered, fiddling with the half broken zipper. A voice cut in, "can you two stop acting like an old married couple and get out here?" Luke asked impatiently. The pair finished getting dressed and walked out, they soon went out to yet another courtyard to wait to be announced in the ball.

With Blake:

Blake had jogged at least 60 feet away from the front of the palace. Cars were appearing everywhere and he was being seriously judged for his modern clothes. All of a sudden someone grabbed his arm. "Hey!" The boy holding his arm said. "Zeke? What are you doing here?" Blake asked, confused. "Apollo called me here to help you guys, but we're not really friends anymore because he's a total jerk so I came to hang out with you. Isn't this suit dope? I have one for you too since we're supposed to be wearing them. Here, put it on!" Zeke exclaimed. Blake ducked behind a nearby van and changed his clothes. "Thanks dude." He said after changing. "Of course, now can you do me a favor? I need you to come here and repeat this funny saying after me. They say it gives you good luck." Zeke said innocently. "Uhh, I guess." Blake answered. "Okay, I give you full control, you deserve it Hes's. Blake copied him. "It's like praying to god but better." Zeke said quickly. "That section of your memory should fade in 3...2...1, and there we go. Listen, you need to go find Sarah man! She's in danger!" Zeke said, his voice sounding frightened, and almost fake. But Blake didn't seem to notice. "Yes! I'll go right now!" Blake said as he ran to the entrance. "What a sucker. Well, back to work. The MAA's always need more done", Zeke said as he smirked and turned away.