Chapter 31: They're going to execute her
Blake ran to the window as Apollo instructed, and heard a female voice that wasn't Sarah's. "When do the Herestrian's want her?" One voice asked. The other responded, "in three days, maybe less. If we just give her up we'll have the allies that we need to take over the MCAA's. No one likes them, no one wants to be their allies, so we have the advantage." "And what are they planning on doing with her?" The first voice asked. "Crime is very serious for them, if one person doesn't pay for a crime they committed their family has to. Normally it passes down to the child, but obviously the girl doesn't have any kids. They're going to execute her, but apparently they want to study her and what we did to her brain. Though it would be helpful to keep her, we'll get more out of having them as an ally." The voice went on...but Blake couldn't listen. Sarah was going to die if they didn't get her out of it quickly. He got back to Apollo, who seemed confused at Blake's fear. "Execution! They're planning to execute Sarah!" He warned Apollo. "Who's they?" "The monarchy, they're giving Sarah away to be killed." Blake said. "Great, another change to the plan. Give me your phone." Apollo gestured towards Blake's pocket. "Kay?" He handed it over. Apollo looked like he was texting someone, Blake realized it had to be Sarah. He scooted over and looked over Apollo's shoulder. Apparently this was like a Rapunzel story, Sarah was coming down on a rope and they had to run away before the Herestrians(Mother Gretel) found them. In the moment Blake couldn't help but let out a self-deprecating laugh. This…..this is what the world has come to. He thought somberly. Instead of running in a soccer field we're out here running from the law. Kidnapping our- kidnapping Sarah from her kidnappers. What has this world really come to?
He thought back to the protest happening back in the city. He was wary to tell Sarah about it, but he was sure that Apollo had seen it too. People were gathering in the streets, it started with signs. Soon turned into mobs. All because of the new government. They are doing the opposite of the Herestrians, and Blake wasn't sure if that was good or bad. Everyone had, no, does, idolize the Herestrians. They marketed off of everyone's insecurities, and helped them change themselves more than they could ever know. It was sad, but I can't say that the MCAA's were any better. That's what everyone had grown to call them at least. Someone leaked what it truly stood for, and now the media was tanking their reputation as the nation's savior grace after the apocalypse like experience they had all had not even 5 years ago.
Sarah's POV:
Sarah stood in a conference room, Apollo's phone in her hands. All of a sudden it started buzzing, she was sitting in the conversation with Blake, who's phone Apollo was holding. She swiped down the notification bar to see news articles, tons of them. She clicked on the first one to see a report on the protests. What protests? She thought, confused. She had only been out of the city for a month. How much could happen in a month? Sarah's question would be answered, very, very soon. She scrolled down and read about the new tragedies. Apparently people were protesting, but for what? She saw signs in the pictures, that soon became pitforks. She gasped as she read on, it was so vulgar! What drove people to do this? Murdering each other, destroying businesses, she thought of Mr. J, and wondered how his little convenience store was. If his business was demolished as well.
With that thought, someone burst through the door and Sarah fell over, tripping on her own feet. She slid Apollo's phone into her boot, and got back up carefully. It was Mindy, and she sat on the table. "Wassup Sarah?" She asked. "Whacha got in your pocket? Hand it over." The tone in her voice completely changed between the two sentences. Sarah looked confused, "what are you talking about?" As she asked, the phone began to ring. Mindy eyed her suspiciously and reached her hand out, palm up. Sarah just stared right back, "am I just going to have to search you?" Mindy asked, rolling her eyes. Sarah kicked over Apollo's phone, efficiently cracking the side of the screen. "Really? You're going to break it now? If that was your true intention, you didn't do it correctly." Mindy scoffed. She picked up the phone and the screen lit up. She would tap a couple times, and the phone would vibrate. She's trying to find the password. Sarah thought. "Oh, right. You're his girly, don't you know?" Mindy asked. How messed up is this? Sarah thought. "No, no I don't." Sarah responded. "What about a thumb print?" Mindy asked, reaching for Sarah's hand. Sarah pulled back and ducked away. What a weird situation. She thought ironically, walking out of the door. A shady looking man caught her arm in the hallway. "Hey!" She yelled. He grabbed her even tighter and pulled her out of the building into a car. Sarah looked out of the car window to see both boys, attempting to hide. She put her head to her knees, and braced for the impact of the next couple days.
Soon enough they had come to a stop. Sarah wasn't sure why, but there was a siren blowing behind the car. She turned around to see a police car, it was white black stripes. That's-that doesn't look like a police car. She thought curiously. But there was an officer coming up on the side of the car, so it had to be. She couldn't hear what was going on, all of the sound was drowned out by a loud feminine voice. "Do you wish to get out of this cycle?" The voice asked. All of a sudden Sarah's head started pounding. She didn't know what to do, so she agreed. The world was collapsing, maybe...just maybe she could change it.
Sarah thought back to when she was reading news articles about the protests and gatherings on Apollo's phone. People murdering each other, manipulating people for their own benefit. And those manipulated people, they'll never know that they are what caused all of that destruction, and the destruction to come. Sarah suddenly had a thought, she could fix everything. She knew how to, of course she did! She's always known! Sarah's eyes turned ice blue as she told the voice, "yes."