Chapter 32: I Can Help.
That voice became the control in Sarah's mind. It was taking over her conscience, but she told the voice yes, and now she was going to have to pay the price. Sarah stood up, and punched the man guarding her in the abdomen. He groaned, grabbed his stomach, and feel over into his seat. She moved onto the next row of seats where she saw Cassandra, and did the same thing. Cassandra cursed, and glared at Sarah. Right in the eyes, for a moment she seemed fearful. Cassandra whispered, "damn, it's coming." Sarah ignored her and moved on to Mindy. She couldn't hurt this one, she was useful. Sarah grabbed Mindy's arm and forced her up, out of her seat in the large van. "What the hell-?" Mindy asked, but Sarah silenced her. She soon made her way out of the side door, Mindy in her grasp. The officer ordered her to sit back down, but Sarah just took him down too. They were all just parasites! Stupid humans! They deserved to die! Sarah kicked him in the groin, and he slid to the ground. Sarah didn't have control of her own body anymore, that voice did. She tried to scream, but it was drowned out by the constant silence. No noise could be made, or heard, wherever she was. Mentally at least. Physically, she was in her world hurting people. Just like she used to. Sarah-the voice, walked away from the car, dragging Mindy with her. "When did you become so strong?" Mindy asked, trying to pull herself free from Sarah's grasp. "Hello? Where are we going?" Mindy asked, having no luck in getting away from Sarah's hold. "You are so tiresome", she responded. Mindy fell to the ground and Sarah carried her over her shoulder. Sarah, the real one, could see everything. Everything she was doing. Everyone she was hurting. Sarah just stood there, in the blank nothingness, filled with sorrow. It was her doing this, her body, her image. This was happening all over again. Eventually, Sarah/the voice made their way to another car. Sarah just kept thinking, "I can help, I can help, I can help." Slowly those thoughts became words, "I can help, I can help'', she repeated to herself. But could she really? She was a useless kid, what the hell could she do for anyone? Sarah didn't have answers for those questions, but the intrusive voice in her mind did. She wasn't good enough, it had told her for so long. For so long that stupid, ignorant, self-centered voice had told her that she didn't deserve to be here. And you know what? Maybe she didn't, but that stupid, ignorant, self-centered imbecile was no better than her. So on impulse, she decided she was more fit for the job. That ignorant buffoon couldn't get her anymore, she had a reason to live now. He couldn't lure her to the otherside now, she had a mission. Sarah's will is what would set her free now, but in the future, it would forever trap her in the cycle. Her cycle. She had made it, but someday she would have to destroy it. She couldn't procrastinate that day much longer, but she had something to do first.
After fighting her thoughts, Sarah slowly started to gain more control. She couldn't control her body just yet, well, most of it. But she could talk out of her human form! That was a start, but Sarah was here to finish it. Now, she saw a feminine figure standing next to her. The nothingness slowly faded and they were standing on what seemed to be groups of clouds. Sarah looked at the woman, she looked….ill. The woman had bright but dark blue hair, and a demeaning figure. Her face held a stern, agitated expression. She turned to look at Sarah, glared for a moment, and turned away.
Sarah wasn't sure what to do, but she couldn't fall back to her little shell of anxiety. She decided to at least try to figure out who this person was. "Hello?" She asked. She was ignored. "Who are you? Why can't I move?" "Can you stop with the questions?" The woman asked, agitated. "Your entire world is crashing down and you're just worried about yourself. What about that boy? He came to me, and wanted to give up his life. Just so you could evade your fate, the fate you made for yourself. Do you know what someone like me would give to have the impact you have? Have the mortality? Have the power that you have because of your father's sacrifice?" The woman shook her head. "What the hell are you talking about? None of this makes any sense! I haven't actually talked to my father since I was a kid, and who are you talking about?" Sarah asked, nothing was making sense anymore. But once again all she could conclude was that, that is what the world had become. Right, gotta keep going. I can talk out of my real body, I just can't move my limbs. Sarah thought. Sarah zoned out for a moment, and it felt like she just woke up from a daydream. Maybe it could be called a nightmare. She was herself, just…..more determined, she assumed. Sarah had one thought in her mind, I can help. Her battle with whatever that was, was now over and it was time for her to fix what she had done. Sarah saw a bike on the side of the road, and heard a voice yelling for her. "I told you! She flipped! Go get her! SARAH!" The voice yelled. She couldn't tell who it was, and frankly, Sarah didn't know that she really cared. She climbed onto the bike, and rode as fast as she could. Sarah knew exactly where she was going, it was just a matter of how long it would take her to get there. She had a headache again, but Sarah had no idea why. Nausea came to her for a minute, and she had to stop her ride and wait for it to pass. What the hell? She thought, utterly confused and exhausted. It passed only 10 minutes later, and she got back on the bike. It was blue, and had streaks that Sarah assumed were supposed to be lighting, maybe it was a little kid's bike? That thought passed, and before she knew it Sarah was at her destination.