I cannot believe him doing this nonsense. How could he used it.
I sat down abruptly to chair and then glared the computer. I don't want to do it because this may go lead us or just only me would fall. People who pretend they are couple or partner always end up on falling in love with their partner and got hurt eventually when her or his partner doesn't feel the same or perhaps both of them fell with each other. And I don't want to happen anything of those.
If it happens surely we won't get a happiness we'll chased or got involved to troubles and danger that I don't want to happen to end up in a tragedy.
Untill it's still early we should stop this. I won't allow and agree even if he told me that I owe him something.
Yes of course he helped me get away and move here in the Philippines. Let me stays on his house and pay the tuition just so I can study.
After an hour finally we're done to all the works and now we are now on his car driving home. I was quite the whole time after my disagreement to his plan.
He has plan of deceiving his family and relatives because of something I do not know. Don't know the reason behind.
I immediately went out of the car and walk inside the house. He just followed and went upstairs.
This is what I can't take it.
Two months had passed and I was very supine right now walking at path of the university and Kries is not here yet. Still very early but I decided to go with this early in the morning at the exactly 5:30am.
I went to the bench and sat down very lazy because of my menstruation.
I stayed there for almost an hour until Kries came and show up into my insight then sat down while looking at me.
"girl what's with that face?. Are you not feeling well? You can just go home and rest."
She worriedly said and went close to me then checked my forehead and look at me again.
"your temperature is normal. Okay let me guess what's the reason of that kind of face I am seeing right now."
She flipped her finger then nodded to herself before turning to me.
"okay I knew it. You have period today that's why you look ugly"
I raise my eyebrow to what she said. Well I don't care if someone called or told me I'm ugly. But today that I'm on my period. Never tell me what I look like because it's annoying and can't control being grumpy and moody.
"did you came here just to annoy and irritate me?. If that's it then leave me alone".
She smiled and laugh at me that makes me more irritated. I hate her right now.
"tsk. Stop laughing at me you're not funny Kries. Just shut the fuck up"
I said but she didn't stop making fun of me instead she annoyed me more.
"you know what I've heard yesterday that someone are planning to court you. He's our guard".
She said and laughed out loud. I mockingly laugh and glared at her but Kries did not stop pissing me off.
"he have a crush on you. One time when I was walking around the school finding you and just saw you here. He secretly looking at you at taking a stolen pictures of you".
That was weird and creepy. Knowing that someone doing those stuff to you will freak you out.
"stop that Kries it's not funny"
She did not stop so I just let her saying and telling me nonsense.
It makes me feel like before. The feeling of someone stalking you that you wouldn't think it does not exist but it does.
This is the one I can't take it. Being Stalked by someone who has a bad or good plan and intentions makes me shivered. I hate this feeling it's traumatizing. I hate it so much.
I quickly stood up and hurriedly walk away leaving her alone there while still laughing but followed me eventually after.
"hey Khiella what's wrong?. I'm just kidding around."
She said but my mind is spacing out about all of those. My mind is somewhere else that I didn't notice I would encounter someone and banged with that person.
I looked up and the beautiful face of a women like an international model are infront of me standing and staring at me intently.
She is very gorgeous. We stared at each for a while before one of the two of us spoke.
"you are not looking to your way."
She coldly said and walk after me to leave. I watched her walking away and turned to Kries Mae who is also watching the women then turned to me after.
"she's so beautiful. You two are slightly look alike."
I looked away and shrug my shoulder then continued walking directly to go our classroom.
"I haven't seen her here before perhaps because she's new here. But you two really looked alike. If I didn't know you maybe I will think you two are relatives or something you know like or family. But then I've known you, are not connected to that very gorgeous woman".
Kries said and look at me then smiled.
"owh. Don't worry you are very pretty too so don't get be too upset about my complement to her because you are more beautiful and gorgeous than her. Love you"
I shook my head in disbelief and walk inside the classroom and went to my seat then waited for our prof.
The lessons was went through until our last period for this day before the launch time.
"okay so we're going to have a activity but I will group you into three members in one group so go to your seats and I'll you grouped you into six groups so ready".
"Miss Avadel, Sanchez and Mercallo. You three are group one"
Miss said and gave us a coupon band and the pen. I took it and boringly watched my classmates and wait for the announcement of explaining what we're gonna do.
"okay now. Write on your coupon band your explanation and present it infront about the topic I will give you".
They nodded and response expect me.
"so here's for the group one. 'what is system architecture and what is meant by information architecture'"
And she continued. I wrote everything I knew on the paper band and immediately finished.
After she called us for recitation and to present our explanation about it.
We went infront but miss told us that only one would be infront to read our explanations. So of course my group mates wants me to be the one who will represent.
"okay miss Avadel what is your explanations".
She then went to her table and sat down while waiting for me to say anything.
" what is system architecture. A system architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and more views of a system. A system architecture can consist of system components and the sub-systems developed, that will work together to implement the overall system."
" what is meant information by architecture. An information system architecture is a formal definition of the business processes and rules, systems structure, technical framework, and product technologies for a business or organizational information system.The architecture is a description of the design and contents of a computerized system."
Then I went to my chair after and now Ecka was the one presenting their explanations.
" okay you can start now ".
She smiled to miss and then turned to us.
" study of the effects of different types of system architecture. The Three types of system architectures are identified, integrated, distributed and mixed, (partly integrated and partly distributed). It is shown that the type of interfaces defines the type of architecture. Integrated systems have more interfaces, which furthermore are vaguely defined. And Software architecture. Enterprise architecture. Collaborative systems architectures(such as the Internet, intelligent transportation systems, and joint air defense systems) Manufacturing systems architectures."
" what is the difference between design and system architecture. Architecture means the conceptual structure and logical organization of a computer or computer-based system. Design means a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a system or an object before it is made."
And then went to her seats after. The explanations of our activity went through and now we are finally at the cafeteria eating our foods.
I'm glad that Ecka didn't do anything to compete with me earlier but not this time.
"did you see her face earlier? Khiella looks loser because Ecka is more intelligent than her when reading the explanations. I pity her"
And they Laughed as if we didn't hear and they are the one who only here at the cafeteria.
"Ecka seems very competitive. She's competing with you even if it's very clear that you are not competing with her. I think she's the who needs the pity not you. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk."
Kries said and ate her foods.
"just don't mind them. They are surely a child of their parents who never get the attention from them."
I said and Kries nodded then we finished our meals and leave after.
I stopped walking when Ecka intentionally banged with her shoulder and then gave me a annoying smile but I just looked at her emotionless stare and expressionless.
What a bitch.
" let's go Khiella she's just seeking for an attention".
Kries Mae said and clung into my arms. Ecka got mad at what Kries said about her.
"excuse me?! What did just say?!"
She angrily said and stepped closer to Kries Mae who doesn't care about her.
"did you say 'excuse?'. Okay then go we are not blocking your way so basically you can freely go"
Ecka got pissed more because of what Kries answered her.
"you!. You bitch!"
She said and move closer angrily and was about to grab and will pull Kries hair when I catch her wrist before it could landed to Kries and did what she is planning to do with her.
Ecka turned and glared at me.
"before you do that to her makes sure you already realized what you did first before this happened that pissed you off".
I said and put down her wrist harshly then pulled Kries to leave.
I don't even care about her any way. It's always her fault. She started it often so definitely it's her fault.
Everything that she do was counted. She won't ever notice it because I let her know.
They said that never throw them stone like if it threw a stone on you. Instead give and throw them bread. I know that but heck I'm not that really a good person or a Saint to not make them pay.
Thier debts needs to be pay. If they did something bad or planned to harm. it is counted.
They don't know what I've been through but I'm not here to bragged it because it should not be proud of.
We leave there and went to the school's park then sat down to benches.
"that woman is really a bitch. She thinks she can always step on to someone and never lose huh!. Let's see someday or soon she will meet someone who can also bit her as it's her match".
Kries murmured turned to me.
"by the way I heard you were working at Ezri Mercello group of company. How's work?"
She asked. I just shrugged my shoulder and never give her a glance. I watched the foliary that swinging as the winds blow.
Every time I watched the trees and plants that are swinging when the wind blows, gives me peace and calmness.
It relax my system and nerves. And the sun hits my skin.
How I wished my life is easy as the other people have. How I wished my life are not messed up. But I'm in reality, in real world that you can't escape even how much you want to escape.
After my class period. It was already 4:30pm and I'm going to work now again. Though it's very boring and never excite me. Still I have to do it.
I was surprised when Fernand is here again to pick me up for works. When I'm outside of our school. I was feeling uncomfortable walking out of the University because I remember what Kries told me about the guard but I managed to not looked very tensed.
I immediately got into his car and look to the road.
While I'm watching to the road. My mind remembered about what Ezriel told me to pretend like we are couple.
I'm curious about what is the reason why. Maybe I could ask Fernand about it. Surely he has an answer.
"ahm. Fernand I have a Question"
He turned to for a second and back to road.
"what is it?"
I frowned before leads to my purpose.
"why Ezriel seems very secretive about his relationship when it comes to family and relatives. I'm just curious if why"
He just gave me a glance and back again to the path before answer me.
"because he is forced to merry a women he don't like also the lady was too young for him".
"but age doesn't matter. Why he don't want to get married when his already old or should I say at the right age to have his own family"
"yeah but he don't want to get tide up to someone he don't like or love".
"so is that all?"
"so there's more?"
I think about it all and then looked at the road then turned to him again.
So if that was Ezriel's reason why he asked me to just pretend like we are couple is. It's because he don't want to get married yet and to a girl.