At the Party

Now I know that he just wants to be saved from getting married to a girl. Right Now I want to laugh because it's very an old style.

Arrange marriage and then eventually they will fall to each other. It's funny because it just happens on a story but not in real life especially when the bride is still under age and the groom was already on his 20's.

That was so freaking old and not real. If in that case will never be allowed to get married in real world because it's against. That just happens to a story that made by humans imaginations.

I didn't say anything anymore untill we got into the office.

I was surprised when the women before is now here again. So it means that I should act like Ezriel's fiance or girlfriend and that is bullshit.

Okay act like his real fiance. You can do it. You used to this before so why not do it right even if it's risky then go. if it happened again then at least you experienced it again and will got hurt again in the end.

It's not or never I will do it. I smiled and then walk towards and to Ezriel.

"good afternoon"

I greeted them with a smile and went closer to Ezriel to kiss him on the cheeks then turned to his Auntie.

Fernand just watched us and observed to what is happening. Why suddenly like this.

"good afternoon too"

Said by her and turned to Fernand then to Ezriel.

"okay since you are here now I'll go now bye."

She said then leave. Fernand was left alone with us.

"what's with the shows?"

He asked and went to Ezriel. I just go to my table and never did mind them talking about the acting thingy that just happened a while ago. Even though I was also involved.

"owh. Come on man. You don't have to do that for Pete's sake. You two well surely fell on your own bait"

He is right. That was, I was saying. It's not good because I'm not good for him. I will just bring him down and got him into trouble and danger that's why I'm disagree to this kind of settlement.

I don't want to involve anyone to my messed life.

My heart suddenly felt hurt. This feeling was a bit heavy. What is this all about?. I don't get it.

"you don't have to remind me about that. I know that possibility could happen between me and her."

He said. Fernand shook his head in this belief and turned his head to me then back to Ezriel because of what he said. Even me got stopped for a moment.

"If it happens then I won't regret of doing that plan".

His words hit me. It makes my heart beat faster and I don't like the feeling. What the hell is he saying.

That is not true of course.

"well if that's what you want then fine. It's your Choi after all"

Fernand said and walked towards the door and tell us his goodbye then leave after.

I wa left alone again with him and I don't know why do I felt uncomfortable after what I heard from him.

Is he nuts?. He shouldn't said that. He don't know it will turned his world and self down.

It's a risky thing that he wouldn't understand but only me. He don't know how this affect me.

How his words a while ago affects the nerve of me.

It's upsetting and frustrating.

"what is it Ezriel?. You don't know how bad luck it could be to you. You shouldn't say that"

I said. He look at me straight in the eyes and said.

"hm. Why?"

I rolled my eyes on him and then looked away. I did not answer him and just continued doing my job.

That's the start of my feelings for him I always denying because I know I was the who will get hurt the most. Five months after that day I also realized my feelings towards him is 1 month later.

Every time I go to school and went here to work always makes me feel uncomfortable. I have to stop this feeling that are forming inside me.

I know from the start that this could be possibly happen since we started pretending as a couple. And now we are at the party. I was invited in the birthday celebration of his sister Anniezxcally.

Thier parents threw a party for her 18th birthday. The celebrant are looked very stunning at her long crestal blue gown.

This event I have dreamed when I was just like her but never got a chance to experience this.

Not because we are poor but because of something I have experienced all my life and wants to just forget it. But it always hunts me.

All my experiences are unforgettable. Our experiences in life are all unforgettable. Some is good and some is bad. It always will left a mark on us.


Someone on my back says so I turned to it and a handsome guy smiling at me. I gave him a smile too.

"ahm. I'm Nick and you are?"

He said and handed me his hand for shake hands. I look at it and then back to him before I took it.

"I'm Khiella"

He smiled more and then sat beside me. At first I thought he will leave eventually since it's obvious that I'm not interested talking to him.

"well.. I will guess you're a guest here probably because this is the first I saw you attending a party to this family."

I just nodded and then sip on my wine. Isn't obvious that I don't want to talk to him because interested?.

Why is it because he finds me interesting?. Bad for him.

" by the way where did you came from? "

He asked but actually he asked me questions even a random questions but I don't just answer him.

"I'm from Spain"

I said. He nodded then sip on his wine and look at me.

"owh well not bragging, but I know how speak Spanish. Try me"

He said as if I'm interested. But well okay since I'm bored I'll do it.

"Nunca pensé que encontraría una mujer hermosa esta noche"

      Translation : [ I never thought I'd find a beautiful woman tonight].

Yeah right I was right this man is an playboy or a such an Casanova. Then let's play a game. Man like this should learn a lesson. I used to a man or guys like him.

Never play with a girl who can play better.

I smirked at him and then said.

"Bueno, tampoco pensé que encontraría a alguien que sería mi futuro."

        Translation : [Well, I didn't think I'd find someone who would be my future either.]

I said and gave him a very sweet smile that can or will deceive him for believing I'm very touched to what he told me and I'm going to give up on him easily.

"Que hermosa mujer que tiene una boca de dulce melodía"

       Translation : [ What a beautiful woman who has a mouth of sweet melody].

He said with a wide smile plastered on his. We got interrupted by the person who always affected me a pounding heart when ever I saw him and even just hear his voice. Damn this feeling I should really stop this before it could be deeper even more. For as much as it's still early, I will control to stop this goddamn feelings.

"what's going on here?"

Ezriel ask and walk towards to me and went closer then put his arms around my waits and my body immediately reacted to what he did.

"what are you two talking about?. Darling?"

He said and turned to me after to Nick. Damn that callsign he used to call me. I hate how it affect me this is very stupid I shouldn't feel this. We are just acting as a real couple damn it. Stop yourself please always remember the circumstances and the bad effect that could lead him into danger.

"ahm. We are just talking to some stuffs and trying his knowledge in Spanish language"

I said and turned to Nick who is looking to Ezriel's arm around my waist.

"okay. Nick your parents are looking for you and also your wife".

So he already married but still flirting with another woman. I felt sorry for his wife.

I smirked and look at where did he go then turned to Ezriel still holding me.

"wait a minute Ezriel I will just go there"

I said and pointed the place where no one is there. He look at me suspicious. I rolled my eyes and stare at him convincing that it won't took very long.

"believe me just a minute"

He nodded and let go of me and watched me.

I waited for the woman that Nick's wife and grab her arm and pulled her to slightly get close to me.

"What the heck is your problem. Who are you?"

She said in irritation. I just look at her emotionless and then told her about her husband.

" is Nick was your husband?"

She looked at me with confused if how do I know about her husband and her.

"yes. Why? And who are you? How do you know that?"

She said ang now glaring at me with still have a confused look.

"your husband a flirty man. So I will say this to you for you to be aware. Makes sure to monitorish or watchword your husband."

I said and then leave her alone and walk directly to where Ezriel standing waiting for me.

"what are two talking about? I saw you grab and pulled her"

He asked and put his arms around my waist again I struggled of controlling his affects on me.

I want to protest but the fact that we have lots of eyes watching our every move here. So we have to be like this always untill we're still here.

So I can't do anything just to pretend and go with the plan.

Even though I hate it so much. Still I have to do this because it is what Ezriel told me to do.

We went to his family's table and sat down.


The beautiful women greeted me and smiled. I gave her a smile too and sat down beside Ezriel.

"so are you from spain right?"

Ezriel's mother asked me and sip on her wine. I roamed my eyes on them before answer her.

"yes madam"

She then nodded and next is the others asked me too.

"Khiella right?"

I smiled sweetly and nodded.

"so how long you two are in a relationship?"

I looked at Ezriel and then turned to his father who asked me if how long we have been in this fake relationship.

"ahm. We are almost about 3 years and 5 months"

Ezriel said before I could say anything. I just nodded and smile.

"so when are you going to get married?"

That question was so sucks. I frowned because of that and force a smile but I swiftly smiled very sweet to cover up my fakeness.

"owh in that?. Well we are planning to get married when everything is fix and so we can settle for the wedding"

I said and kicked Ezriel's feet under the table. He frowned because of that and turned to me then to his family.

"yeah she's...she's right. For now we still have focus on our jobs and careers but settling down for a married life"

He said and then look at me. I secretly rolled my eyes on him.

"owh okay. But why not now or sooner?"

Now great Ezriel save for your ass. I won't help you with that now.

They are looking at us waiting for the answer but both of us keep quiet and didn't say anything.

Think now Ezriel.

"is there something wrong?"

"why would it make it that long before the wedding will be held or happen?"

We still not saying anything. And another question came again and again.

Gosh we haven't answered the first yet and now throwing us another and many questions.

"we are still on the process. We can't get married untill her residence are still registered in Spain. We are working on it".

Ezriel said. But what he said is not true because I am registered here in the Philippines not in Spain.

I'm illegal in Spain although yes I have residence in that country still the original is here in Philippines.

Everything was just a lie that could probably save our ass.

I choose to agree in his stupid and nonsense plan then I now accept this fact of life and situation I have now.