Broken dreams

Anyways this was supposed to be that chapter for that comment.

I kinda just copy pasted the original unsent reply and accidentally posted it as a chapter.

Anyways here's some lore, which you probably already read.

Anyways when first read your comment, I misread it as coomer. Then I saw JavaScript and I understood that, infact, I myself am a filthy coomer.

Jokes aside, I too was once interested in coding, but that was like 10 years ago (literally). And my older brother suggested me to start by learning JavaScript back then.

I tried it on, was it the official website? Don't quite remember, but I never quite understood it, so I got stuck in the tutorial.

And so went my dreams of becoming a coder. I also have never tried to learn any coding afterwards.

Anyways thank you for reminding me of my failures.

Now comes the part that I wanted to dedicate to you...

When you learn to code even better, could you do me a favour, and try modding StarSector?

Don't accept nor deny my request quite yet. It is quite arrogant and rude of me to just ask you, but it may be helpful for you.

StarSector is a Java game. But then again, I'm not sure how JavaScript and Java itself are related. I'm as dumb as it get when it comes to coding.

I believe, I think, maybe, modding SatSector could be a good practice to you (and I can enjoy your work, if you go through with it), because I believe, I think, maybe, modding is relatively easy.

I don't know the details, but I have managed to modify some mods. The modifications weren't big. I actually just moved around some files and edited some Excel sheets.

Moreover I have also dived into some other files and codes. I didn't mess around with them, but I have checked them out.

I'm not even a script kitty, so I don't actually know what I'm talking about.


That kinda is my request for you. Thank you for listening. And good luck.

Also don't feel pressured to accept it.

P.S. If you actually plan to accept my request just leave a paragraph comment here.