OP protagonist

I don't like it.

In games it is a thing that should be broken, in my opinion.

I don't know why, but I just like to break games. Especially if there is character creation.

If you can create characters, I love to make a jack of all trades master of all. Yep not non, but all. Basically a OP character.

But here's the thing. If you make a character too OP it gets boring. That's why I try to make it OP but still keep it difficult. It hard to do so, but it's possible.

One of the best ways to do so, is to make your OPness growth based. Weak at the start, but with fast growth, or at a certain point you completely break the balance (if there even is any).

It is difficult, but when you pull it off, it's very fucking satisfying.

Usually you can't do so in games, but it is possible using either cheats it mods. I would rely on mods if possible.

Oh, and I'm talking about single player games. Cheating in multiplayer games isn't good, you are the lowest piece of trash if you do, you aren't even trash you are less than that. But mods are ok, as longs as they are allowed.

If the game has some bugs or glitches or just unbalanced game mechanics, then things are a bit different. Then things depend on other factors as well.

Anyways, being OP is awesome, as longs as you do it right. Too OP and you lose your fun, you lose your meaning to play.