
Do you know how important it is for cars.

Well let me tell you 3 stories.

1st is about my first crash with a car. This happened way back in January. Anyways I was approaching a curve which was quite sharp, 90° pretty much.

When I went into the curve there was nothing wrong, but mid curve the steering just stopped. It wasn't just understeer, the car went from steering to literally going straight. It was probably some ice, and me maybe going too fast, but off the road I went.

I did try to slow down when I noticed that I can't steer myself out of that situation.

Anyways I got stuck there for about an hour before one of my friends came with their own car and pulled me out.

2nd example. Again in January. It too was a sharp corner, a sharper than the previous one in fact. But this time it wasn't a speed issue, because I went really slow. But the same thing happened, mid steering the car just slides straight. This time however, I managed to stop the car before I went off road. Again I think it was just ice.

These 2 instances were during the evening when it was already pretty much completely dark.

Now then 3rd story. This one however took place during a day when it was quite bright outside. Same thing happened, but this time it wasn't a sharp corner, actually it was barely a corner. Again there was some ice and it was covered my some loose snow. And it was enough to makr my car slide straight. However I just gave it some gas to make it steer again.

Btw there was a woman pushing one of those strollers on the other side of the road. It just so happens that the car was sliding right towards her. I did manage to somehow make the car steer way before it got close, so that's that.

Anyways that's it. I'm not sure if I should blame the ice or just my lack of skill. I'm also not that good of a storyteller so I won't do something like this again. Probably.