
I wrote this chapter beforehand, and I accidentally uploaded it.

So I removed it to but a timer on it.


*skip if you don't feel like reading my smöl rant*

The random word generator is at it again.

Giving me random words, which I have to somehow make die with.

Oh... wait...

That's the point, isn't it?

Why am I still here, just to suffer? Why did you suggest it again? Why, yack, why?

It really makes my blood boil, something a refrigerator shouldn't do. Why in the living fuck can't it just give me some actually useful words? And why it's just giving me shit?

I mean really, refrigerator? What the fuck should I talk about?

*rant kinda ends here*

Some fun facts? I have some facts...

Did you know that the refrigerator is actually just a heater? It cools things inside of it by taking energy from inside and dumping it outside.

Really... most refrigerators have these metal tubes going across at the back (outside the fridge). If you touch the back of a refrigerator, you can literally feel the heat (energy) it's dumping out.

But how excactly does it work, I'm too lazy to copy paste it here, so just google it or something.