Chapter 7: Seven Minutes in Heaven


“Give me a better reason for not sitting here all alone with a beer in my hand and sex in my mind.”

Chapter 7: Seven Minutes in Heaven


“You know you have to tell him, right?” he asked, his hand squeezing mine. His hands were shaking.

I covered his palm with my hands. “I will when the time is right.”

He took a shuddering breath, his gray eyes glinting. “Please, Kiara. You have to—”

He was interrupted when someone opened the door. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw it was Ethan. He glared at Liam, clenching his jaw and balling his hand into a fist. Uh-oh.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked, his blue and green eyes swirling with the turmoil of anger.

And he says he’s not intimidating at all. My ass. Anyone would pee their pants looking at him straight in the eye when he was angry.

“He was just leaving,” I said before Liam could say anything at all.

Liam turned to me. His eyes turned cold when I let go of his hand. I tucked my damp hair behind my ear. “I don’t care, Liam. Please leave.”

He opened his mouth, but Ethan walked toward me, shutting him off. “That’s enough. Leave unless you want to get your jaw checked.”

I froze when both men glared at each other. Great, just what I need. I held Ethan’s fist and his mismatched eyes flickered to me, “Can we please go home?”

He was beside me in a second, cradling my face in his hands. “What is it? What happened? Are you okay? Should I call Nurse Gina?”

I let out a weak chuckle holding his hands, and stood up. He helped me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, and I smiled, knowing I smelled like cinnamon mixed with the musky scent because I was wearing his shirt, which reached my knees.

“I’m fine, Ethan. It’s just a small headache,” I said and looked at Liam, who seemed furious staring between the two of us.

Ethan’s arm tightened around me, pulling me closer, and I leaned on his chest. “I’m just tired,” I mumbled, the headache growing worse in my head, and all I wanted to do was hibernate.

He pecked my hair. “Come on, I am taking you home.”

Everything after that was bits of a blur. I was overthinking about things I shouldn’t think about. Katherine, Volt, and Rio hugged me and said their goodbyes when I sat in the passenger seat of Ethan’s car. He smiled at me when the car started with a soft purr. I remembered him tucking me into the bed and staying with me, doing his homework and checking up on me every five minutes until my mom sent him home because he was worrying too much about me.

I vaguely remembered Ethan kissing my cheek as he left and I clutched the blanket thinking, I can’t tell him, Liam. I am sorry, Ethan.


I groaned when Katherine threw another one of my T-shirts over her shoulder, which fell directly over my face. I snatched it down and looked around the mess my best friend had made in my room. My mom was going to scold me if I didn’t clean it by tomorrow.

“Do I really have to go to this stupid frat party?” I asked, closing my diary and safely keeping it in my desk drawer. I picked up my cotton underwear and shoved it into the drawer of my dresser.

She turned around, her hawk-like green eyes squinting at me. “Yes, you have to! Ryan is throwing this party, and everyone from his university and everyone from our high school are going to be there.”

Of course she wants me there. I ran a hand through my hair. She thinks I have turned all sad and quiet after the incident at the pool. Especially after Alice spread a rumor that Liam pushed me in the pool because he was jealous of my relationship with Ethan. It didn’t affect me, but it did affect my mood because it was Friday and all I had done today was complete my assignments, write and read. Until Katherine showed up at my doorstep unannounced.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I asked and looked in the mirror at my white graphic T-shirt and dark washed denim. I gasped. “Oh, shit. Ma is going to kill me for this.” I tried to scratch off the splotch of red chutney.

She snickered, continuing her hunt for a dress to wear at the party.

“Is Ethan going to be there?”

“Of course he’s invited. I hope you both do the Bow-Chika-Wow-Wow!”

“You and your weird vocabulary.”

But personally, I did hope that my best friend and me would do the Bow-Chika-Wow-Wow. After that skinny dipping, I was way more attracted to my best friend than I should have been.

Katherine went to my lingerie dresser and without a shame looked through the contents. She picked out a black lace bralette, “Oh-la-la, this seems exciting.”

“Uh, shukriya?”

She gave it to me, “Go wear this. Now.”

I looked down at the skimpy fabric. “Katherine, I can’t wear it to a frat party. This is a bralette and it’s too revealing.”

She rolled her eyes. “You will be wearing a jacket over it. Try it on with these jeans.”

I reluctantly took my high-waisted black denim and went to get changed. I had B cups, so it was a relief that I wouldn’t need to wear a bra for this, and I found bralettes more comfortable than wired bras. The top hugged my body and even gave my breasts a little cleavage, which was magic. The denim was high-waisted, and I tucked the hem of my bralette underneath it. It wasn’t as revealing as I thought it would be, and I looked quite classy if I said so myself. It covered all my private bits with sheer lace over my waist.

“I am wearing a jacket over it,” I said as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom.

Katherine whistled, checking me out. “I swear, if I had a dick, I would bang the shit out of you.”

“Not creepy at all.” I wore a black leather jacket that reached my torso and wore gold hoop earrings with my dainty necklace.

Katherine changed into her navy-blue dress, which ended at her knees, hugging all her curves and accentuating them. Ryan’s jaw was going to drop, and he would have a hard time keeping men and women from checking her out. She looked like she was on a mission when she curled her blond hair and added some waves in my hair.

She did my makeup because I didn’t trust myself to do smoky eyes or else I was sure I would look like a raccoon. After doing my makeup she told me to apply red lipstick, and I was surprised how much one swipe of red lipstick could change your whole look.

I wore black sandal heels with straps so I didn’t high-five floors with my face every two seconds. I felt like conquering the world. Or Ethan. I scolded myself for having such unholy thoughts.

“Ladies.” Volt whistled and winked at us when we stepped out of the elevator.

Being the quarterback of our team, he looked dashing in his plain white T-shirt that showed his muscles. I was sure he wouldn’t be sleeping alone tonight . . . unless he tried to woo Becky, his childhood crush.

“Damn, Volt,” Katherine said in ‘Damn, Daniel’ voice and pinched his cheeks. Rio was talking to Ethan leaning on his car and my breath got caught up in my throat at the sight that met me.

He looked delicious. Yes, that’s the word I would use to describe my best friend. He was wearing a black T-shirt that hugged his chiseled muscles in all the right places. He was wearing a black jacket over it and completed the look with jeans. His onyx locks were sleeked back and one strand was falling over his forehead. I wanted to run my hand through his hair and never stop touching him.

I swallowed the lump in my throat at my filthy thoughts about my best friend.

His dark eyes met mine and for a flicker of a moment, the world faded into nothingness and all that existed was me and him. And a whole lot of sexual tension hovering around us.

He licked his lips, his eyes slowly raking over my body, and I felt goose bumps on my skin at the way he was gazing at me. As if I were standing naked in front of him like the day we skinny-dipped in Ryan’s pool. I felt proud of the bralette I wore when his eyes stayed glued on the little cleavage my perky breasts were showing.

With newfound confidence, I walked toward him with my chin held high and prayed to God to not let me trip this time. His eyes turned hooded when he noticed I was wearing my intimate as top and there was nothing else covering my breasts.

We settled in his and Katherine’s car, and I was not surprised when we were alone in Ethan’s car. I was sure Katherine was the one who told Volt and Rio to let us drive alone to the farmhouse. And the sexual tension between us had increased twofold in size. Being this close to him, in his car that smelled like cinnamon, wood, and chlorine made me dizzy. He smelled amazing with his spicy cologne and I had the urge to lean up to him and lick his neck.

Thank God, I didn’t.

“You look gorgeous, Kiara,” he said, a small smile curling over his lips and even though I was used to this, seeing him smile made me blush.

I looked away from his intense stare. “Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.”

I hope he goes downtown tonight. Literally.

We could hear the muffled sound of music before we arrived, and it was already in full swing when he parked the car. Ethan wrapped his arm around me when we entered, pulling me closer to him, and I didn’t mind it one bit. The calm farmhouse had turned into a chaotic frat party house. The pounding music blaring in our ears, the illuminating neon lights, the stench of smoke, drugs, alcohol with a hint of sex.

It was wild.

I held my laughter when I saw a six-foot-tall guy, shoulders wide and shirtless, wearing a cowboy hat that was lit up with small fairy lights in a coil. He kept getting high-fives as he hooted and walked outside in the backyard and dived into the pool. Instinctively, I looked at Ethan and saw how he gazed at the rippling water and I wondered if he was thinking about the same thing as I was.

Feeling my gaze, he turned toward me, and his diamond-like eyes pinned me to the place. He had to look away when a group of girls dragged him to take shots. I released a breath I didn’t know I was holding. It looked like he would be busy all night.

I looked for a drink that was not spiked after meeting the party host, Ryan. The shot of tequila left a burn in my throat as I chugged it down and wiped my lips. I was talking with Carter, who was Ryan’s best mate with handsome looks and dimpled smile when some of them announced they wanted to play a game. Even though I could feel his eyes on me every second, I found Ethan’s smile to be more panty-dropping. What the hell am I thinking?

“Hey, Kiara, you playing the game?”

I held my breath and looked at the blond guy with gray eyes. Of course he would be here. Katherine mentioned that our whole school was here because she had told Alice to invite everyone.

“Kiara.” I gulped nervously when Ethan appeared beside me. “Are you okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked and looked at Liam, who had taken a sudden interest in the red cup. “I am fine.”

Ryan’s friend, Carter, spoke up when we all sat in the circle in one of the guest rooms and explained that the game would be the truth, dare and seven minutes in heaven. If the person didn’t want to answer the truth or complete the dare, then they had to go with the chosen person in a room for seven minutes. I was interested, but Ethan wasn’t, so he sat behind me on the couch and observed the game.

I had one more glass of beer and laughed when Ryan had to kiss his girlfriend, Katherine, without hands for two minutes. It was awkward to watch while others cheered for them. Within a few rounds, almost half of the people had either gone to seven minutes in heaven with their ex or jumped in the pool with their clothes on.

This time the beer bottle landed facing me and I smiled when the other end faced Ryan.


“Have you ever been naked with a guy?” he asked, grinning mischievously, because he thought I was a virgin, which I was.

“Of course I have,” I answered and someone coughed behind me.

Three guesses who?

I laughed at the surprised expression of him and Katherine as she mouthed ‘I want details.’ I spun the bottle and watched when others got their round. Liam had to remove his shirt for a dare and let Laura, one of Ryan’s friends, do tequila shots from his abs. I laughed and nudged Ethan’s leg, pointing at his ex-best-friend. We could do that sometime.

This time, the bottle landed on me and I decided to say, “Dare.”

Carter was on the other end and he smirked when he said, “Kiss me for one minute straight.”

I could feel Ethan tense behind me and as much as I liked hanging out with Carter, I didn’t want to kiss him. His brown eyes looked over my shoulder and his smirk widened. Jerk.

I shook my head. “Sorry, Carter. I would rather choose seven minutes in heaven.”

His smirk dropped, and he stared at me when others laughed at the scene. He pursed his lips and my breath hitched when he said, “Fine, it’s either kissing me or seven minutes in heaven with Liam.”


From the corner of my eye, I knew Liam was tense and even though Katherine and Ryan tried to talk with Carter to give another dare or Ethan for seven minutes in heaven—I love Katherine—he didn’t budge.

I sighed and stood up. “Fine, fine, I will go with Liam, come on.”

I could feel the hair on my neck rising feeling Ethan’s scorching gaze when Liam followed me to another room and shut the door behind us. There was an awkward silence between us, so I cleared my throat and sat down on the chair because I was sure as hell not going to sit on the bed, which looked like it had been occupied for two weeks straight without the sheets ever being washed.

“Why didn’t you kiss Carter?” was Liam’s first question when he sat down on the bean bag, which was quite smaller compared to his broad frame.

“All he wants is to get in my pants, and I don’t want to kiss the guy who had his tongue down someone else’s throat moments ago.”

He looked away, a red blush creeping up his neck, and I wanted to know what he was thinking. I shuffled in my seat and crossed my arms.

“But you’d rather be with the guy who pushed you in the pool?” he asked, his gray eyes fixing on me.

A lump formed in my throat. “D-don’t say that, Liam.”

He knew he had me when my voice cracked. He stood up, walking toward me, and I wanted to get out of this room as fast as I could. Get away from his piercing gaze. His frame loomed over me and I held my breath when he leaned down, looking straight at me.

He clenched his jaw. “I pushed you in the pool, Kiara. You should hate me.”

“I do hate you . . . but for other reasons.”

Liam curled his hands in a fist, his eyes thundering with brewing storm. “Don’t say that. You—I . . . just don’t say that. You should talk to Ethan about it.”

A humorless chuckle escaped my lips. “And tell him what, Liam? I can’t hurt him like that. It would be much better if he didn’t know. And you know what will happen if you tell him.”

He held my hands, the callouses of his palm brushing over my knuckles. “Please, Kiara. What do you want me to do, beg you? You have to tell him, or I am standing up right now to go and tell him about it.”

My heart dropped down to my stomach and I snatched away my hands and walked away from him. “You wouldn’t,” a whisper left my lips and I forced my hands from trembling.

I turned to watch him stand, a cold expression masking his face. “I will, Kiara. I will tell him everything, and I don’t care what happens after that. He deserves to know that.”

I hated myself when a warm tear escaped my eye, my heart thundering wildly against my ribs and my lips quivering. “Please don’t, Liam. I-it’s not your place to tell him.”

His eyes trailed down my cheek, following the path of the tear, and met my glassy eyes. “You promised me that day in the car. You told me you will tell him.”

I shook my head, wiping the tears. “I promised you I’d tell him. Not when. You can’t do that.”

“Always the smart one, aren’t you, Kiara?” he asked, anger lacing his voice. “I am telling him.”

I blinked and watched him walk toward the door. A sob tore out from my lips and I rushed to the bathroom, locking myself in when I thought what would happen if Ethan knew everything about me. He would hate me. He would never trust me and call me a liar. Another sob heaved out of me, and I watched myself crumble in front of the mirror, streaks of mascara trailing down my cheeks. I didn’t want anyone to hear me cry, so I turned on the water tap, washing away any streaks of makeup and the burning tears.

I could hear the muffled and angry voices and continued washing away my tears. My eyes turned red and my skin turned a light shade of pink as I wiped away the last streaks of any makeup. My face was dull and devoid of any emotion when the loud knock on the bathroom door made me jump.

“Kiara!” Ethan shouted over the music. “Are you in there? Let me see you.”

Did Liam tell Ethan about it? Does he know everything now? Will he hate me?

I unlocked the door to see Ethan. His eyes had turned dark and angry, his face etched with worry. “Ethan,” I whispered meekly, “I can explain.”

My eyes widened when he hugged me, his hands tightening around me, and I heard him say, “I am sorry. I thought he did something to you.”

I looked at Liam, who was looming in the doorway of the room, clenching his jaw and glaring at me. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief. “He didn’t. It’s Liam you are talking about. He once cried when he stepped on an ant.”

Ethan pulled away and said, “But he did push you in the pool.” He paused, his eyes zeroing on my face, and I held my breath when he cupped my face in his warm hands, his eyes swirling with anger. “He made you cry.”

“Ethan.” I tried to stop him, but he marched toward Liam and I watched in horror when he punched him in the face.

I rushed toward them, but everyone saw it and stood up, not knowing what to do. “Ethan, don’t. Stop!” I yelled over the music, but it got muffled when the drunk people started cheering them with ‘fight, fight, fight.’

People were filming them fight and curses flew from them. I nudged away sweaty bodies with my elbows and gasped when Liam punched Ethan in the face. Oh my God.

Katherine rushed beside me. “Holy shit, Kiara. We have to stop them.”

I nodded and before she could stop me, I launched myself between them, “I AM NAKED!”

Music and the shouting stopped, and people whispered to each other when Ethan and Liam paused their brawl, looking at me and my clothes in confusion.

“Well,” I breathed. “This got your attention.”

They both blushed and Ethan scratched his head, and even though he had a busted lip and a cut on his jaw, he looked adorable.

“Liar!” one of the drunk girls said, “Show me your ti—”

Rio hushed her and I gave him a thankful nod. I turned to them. “What will you both achieve after breaking each other’s faces and having bruises all over your bodies?”

They stayed silent, still fuming and waiting for me to get out of there so they could start it all over again. But I wasn’t going to move.

“You won’t achieve anything but wounds. Stop fighting an—”

Ethan said, “He pushed you in the fucking pool and you almost died.” My heart stopped for a flicker of the moment, and I looked at his pained face. “He was fucking my girlfriend behind my back, and he made you cry.”

“And you are nothing but—”

I interrupted him, “Liam! Stop it.”

His face hardened. He had a black eye and a few cuts on his face. He looked more damaged than Ethan but kept his mouth shut.

I turned to Ethan. “You are coming with me.”

I didn’t let him answer and took his wrist because his knuckles were bruised and I didn’t want to hurt him. Ryan yelled at the people and told the DJ to start the music again while I took Ethan upstairs in one of the safe guest rooms and he followed me wordlessly.

“Sit down,” I said, slamming the door behind us, and looked for a medical kit in the bathroom.

Ethan didn’t meet my eyes when I cleaned the small amount of blood from his knuckles, applying alcohol to clean the cuts. I hissed when his hand tightened around mine. I couldn’t bear to hurt him. I wrapped the bandage around him even though he complained he didn’t need it, but he stopped arguing when I glared at him.

“You shouldn’t have done this, Kiara,” he whispered, his deep voice making tingles spiral down my spine when I gently cleaned the small cut on his cheekbone.

I was standing between his legs while he was sitting down on the bed, and I could feel my heart thundering in my ears when he stared at me with his mismatched intense eyes. His warm breath caressed the skin on my neck, and I noticed that his hands were curled into fists. Is he still mad at Liam? Me?

“And you shouldn’t have fought with Liam,” I said with a firm voice, the warmth of his body melting away my anger, and I dropped the cotton ball. “Seriously, Ethan. You’re hurt because I cried. That sounds so stupid.”

He clenched his jaw. “He made you cry. He deserved it. Are you done?”

I held his face and without looking at his eyes, I said, “No, I am not done. You have a wound on your forehead.”

“Stop it.”

“No, you stop it. I have to clean the wound.”

“Kiara,” he snapped, “it fucking stings.”

My arm dropped and I stepped away. I whispered softly, “I am sorry I am hurting you.”

His eyes softened and he pulled me closer, his arms wrapping around my waist. “You are not hurting me. It’s his fault that you almost drowned, and now, he made you cry.”

I cupped his face, my thumb caressing his cheekbone. “Would you rather I kissed Carter?”

Ethan tensed under my touch. His lip twitched and he shook his head. “I would rather you didn’t play that stupid game.”

A shiver curled down my back when his warm, large hands trailed over my waist, my skin tingling with goose bumps, and I wished I wasn’t wearing the stupid top so he could touch my skin.

Swallowing the gulp in my throat, I asked, “And why is that?”

A gasp escaped my lips when he pressed me against him, his body heat radiating into me and warming me. “Because I’d rather have you all to myself,” he replied, his eyes never leaving mine.

Heat curled up in my face, my hands sliding down to his neck. My fingers brushed the hair on his nape, and he sighed softly at the touch. His hands were trailing over my sides, never brushing against the side of my breasts or going down my hips. Just my waist, and still, I was turned on standing between his legs.

“That’s a bit selfish of you, don’t you think?”

“Yes, I am selfish when it comes to you,” he said, his palm cupping my jaw. “Can I kiss you, Kiara?”

I licked my lips, his eyes dropping down to my lips, and my breath hitched in my throat when I nodded, leaning closer to him. “Kiss me, Ethan.”

And kiss he did. Our lips pressed against each other, the flutters in my belly spreading to my mind as I smiled. He smiled back. We were both grinning and clumsily kissing each other. Our hands were fumbling, and he tilted his head, his hand running through my hair, making me purr in pleasure. I opened up to him, his hot tongue licking the seams of my bottom lip before savoring my mouth. My hands feathered the soft locks of his onyx hair while our lips entwined with each other.

I gasped when I felt my back land on the mattress. Ethan hovered above me, his eyes hooded with lust, hunger, and desire. I licked my lips and we started making out again, the sound of our lips kissing and heavy breathing surrounding us with the muffled noise of the music. A moan slipped past my lips when his hands squeezed my waist, his lips trailing down my jaw and my hips rising to meet his.

“Ohmygod,” I whimpered, “Ethan, please.”

I could feel his boner brushing between my legs and the realization that he was hard because of me aroused me more than ever. I wanted him. Fuck everything else.

Ethan pulled away, my eyes snapping open and my chest heaving up and down to keep some air in my lungs when I met the sight in front of me. His hair was tousled, lips were swollen, and pupils dilated. His eyes roved over me, and I did nothing to hide, allowing him to notice how hard my nipples were.

“No, Kiara”—he gulped nervously—“this . . . this is not okay.”

I leaned up on my elbows. “What?”

Ethan shook his head as if he was in a trance and stood up from the bed, getting away from me. What the hell happened to him?

“I am sorry, Bella. But I can’t do this,” he said. “You are my best friend.”

Lust turned into anger as I straightened my clothes and glared at him. “A best friend you want to fuck.” I nodded at his boner and his cheeks turned red when he took a sharp breath.

“I apologize for my behavior. We will talk later.” With that the door of the room shut closed and I sighed, running a hand over my face.

What the fuck just happened? Wait, was he hard because he thought of someone else and not me? Did he really consider me as his little sister? But last time I checked, you don’t skinny-dip with your little sister. Kiara, you’re going off-topic.

Shaking my head, I stood up from the bed and patted down my mussed hair, blushing at the sight of my flushed cheeks, clothes disheveled, and lips swollen from the kiss we shared. If he enjoyed the kiss, which I know he did, then why did he all of a sudden push away and practically run away from the room?

I went downstairs, taking an empty cup and filling it with beer, bobbing my head to the music while looking for Ethan or any of my friends. The crowd seemed smaller than before. I walked to the pool, wondering if Ethan would be there, but decided that the pool was no longer safe. There was an adult man wearing a G-string on his chest. A naked female mannequin floated in the pool, and every now and then someone was kissing it. Frat parties are dangerous.

I was about to walk back inside when I saw Ethan. Talking with two girls who were giggling and drinking. Anger ran through my veins, but I controlled it and raised my glass when he found me staring at him. I forced a smile and swallowed the content in my cup, the sharp burn of the beer feeling much better.

Ignoring him, I walked inside the house and went to the kitchen to find more beer. Thankfully, the kitchen was empty as I sat on the island, mulling over my relationship with Ethan. Yeah, we were best friends, but best friends didn’t kiss each other as we did. But then he pushed away and was now talking to two women. If he did go with them, then I was sure he didn’t want anything to do with me and I’d move on from this lust. Eventually.

“I’m sorry if I was being rude,” I heard the familiar voice and sighed when he entered the kitchen.

I shrugged at Carter, sipping on my beer, but when his eyes raked over my body, he didn’t look guilty. He ran a hand through his hair and said, “A girl like you shouldn’t be alone . . .”

The cold buzz of the beer left a tingle in my throat when I raised my eyebrow. “Where do you think I should be?”

I would definitely regret flirting with Ryan’s best friend tomorrow morning, but fuck it, I was drunk and horny. And my best friend was giggling with two girls.

His lips twitched when he leaned closer, keeping his arms on either side of my body. I held my breath when he came dangerously close and whispered in my ear, “You should be lying naked on my bed. With me.”

A soft chuckle escaped my lips when he pulled away, confusion written on his face. I shook my head. “Come on, Carter. I thought you could do better than that.” I poked his chest. “I’m disappointed. Give me a better reason for not sitting here all alone with a beer in my hand and sex on my mind.”

I had zero filters when I was drunk. Or not.

His eyes lit up and he smirked. “I won’t give you the reason—”


“No. Instead”—he parted my legs and stepped closer, his knuckles brushing over the bare skin on my waist—“I can show you.”

I took a shuddering breath and licked my lips, the tang of beer fresh on my tongue and lips. Do I really want to kiss him? Sleep with him and possibly lose my virginity to Ryan’s best friend?

While I pondered over my decisions, Carter kept his hands to himself, waiting for me to either agree or disagree with him. I was thankful for that.

“Kindly step away from her.”

In my drunken haze, I snapped, “Fuck off.”

“You’ve had enough, Kiara.”

“What the hell, man! I am talking to her—”

My head swirled when someone took me in their arms. Or is it the world?

“What the fuck banc—oh, it’s you.” I giggled and covered my mouth when Ethan’s arms tightened around my knees, keeping me close to him. I almost cursed him in my mother tongue. Sorry, ma.

I stayed quiet and admired his face shamelessly. I noticed how stubble peppered his sharp jaw, his stern full lips that had kissed me moments ago and how badly I wanted to feel them against me. Again and again. All over my body. I shivered and licked my lips. The illuminating light fell on his angelic face and devilish eyes. The blue was angry like a storm brewing in the ocean while green looked like a moss dark forest. His hair was sleeked back, but it looked tousled as if he had raked his hand through his hair a lot and with each angry step he took, the strand on his face fell low on his forehead.

Without thinking I raised my hand to push it back when the sexy jerk slammed the door shut and pushed me back on the door.

I glared at him when the room swirled around me. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“What the fuck were you thinking?” he growled, slamming his hands on either side of my face. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw a vein pop on his neck as he leaned closer, his warm breath fanning over my neck.

Now, this would have been followed by an angry, lip bruising kiss and sex like those lemon books I used to read.

But it was me, so obviously I tripped on air while standing. Why did I decide to wear heels again?

Ethan caught me, anger vanishing from his voice as he said, “Sorry, I forgot how clumsy you are.”

Clutching his T-shirt, I forced my brain to focus on standing on my own legs rather than lean closer on the man in front of me even though he smelled divine.

I felt his fingers brush away my hair and he whispered, “Hey, are you all right? We can go home.”

I looked at him and wondered how anyone could be cute and sexy at the same time.

“You,” I said, glancing at his lips for a second.


Exhaling a sharp breath, I said, “I was thinking about you.”

“What are you talking about, Kiara?”

“You asked me what the fuck I was thinking. I was thinking about you”—I paused and looked at his diamond-like eyes—“and sex.”

Holy shit! I had to remember this and tell Katherine. She’d be so proud of me and I could finally say ‘I grew some tits!’ Not literally.