Chapter 8: Square Root of 1369

Chapter 8: Square Root of 1369


The air around us changed as soon as those words left her lips, the ones I had savored, bitten, and kissed moments ago. The temperature of the room increased and I could make out her petite body, leaning against the door. Her warm puffs of air brushed my neck and I watched her skin flush, her chocolate brown eyes fixing me with a sultry gaze.

So, I was not the only one thinking about getting naked and playing around with each other’s bodies.

I forced myself to remember why I had pulled away from her when she had moaned my name, begging me to go further while I was getting hard just by kissing her. I didn’t want her to regret this tomorrow or regret kissing me; her best friend. If we crossed this line, which was already crossed after skinny-dipping and kissing each other, I didn’t know where we would stand. And losing her as my best friend was scarier than anything else.

Would she still want to be my best friend after this?

“What did you just say?” I asked, my voice low and deep.

The muffled sound of music reached in the room while my heart pounded in my ears. Kiara was breathing heavily, her chest heaving up and down, and I had a hard time focusing on her face when I noticed that her nipples were hard against the bralette she was wearing. Holy shit, she is aroused.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head out of all the dirty things I wanted to do with her. She was my best friend, for fuck’s sake. The best friend you kissed and have a boner for. Not right now, Eiffel.

Kiara snapped, “You heard me, Ethan.” Her brown eyes turned lethal and her pupils dilated.

She looked furious. And hot.

I stepped closer to her, our bodies barely touching each other. Her eyes darkened a shade when they glanced at my lips, her tongue swiping over her bottom lip. I resisted the urge to kiss her against the door until she begged for more.

I lied, “No, uh, I couldn’t hear you over the blaring music.”


My lips curled into a smirk as I leaned closer, my lips brushing her ear, and I gave a small bite, making her shudder underneath me. Kissing the sweet spot, I whispered, “No, I wanted to hear you say it again.”

I pulled away when she swallowed the lump in her throat. Catching my gaze, her sharp jaw clenched. She huffed and stood tall but still a head lower than me. My eyebrows rose when she held the fabric of my T-shirt and yanked me down.

“I was and am thinking about you and sex,” she said, her voice sultry, and all my senses jumped out the window.

I didn’t waste my time pressing my body against hers, trapping her to the door. I bucked my hips against hers and her eyes widened when she felt my erection pressing against her sex for the second time tonight. I slowly licked the seam of my lip, peering at the warm flush of her delicate neck and rosy cheeks.

Kiara cupped my face. “Now, stop wasting time and kiss the fuck out of me. Well, a bit gently beca—”

That did it.

“Ethan? Are you in there? Have you seen Kiara?”

A low groan escaped my throat and I dropped my head on her shoulder when she sighed sadly and pulled away from me. I already missed the feeling of her little body pressing against mine, the soft curves of her flushed over my hard muscles. I managed to force Eiffel down while Kiara ran a hand through her hair, which looked like a sexy wild mess of waves, and damn it, I wanted to run my hand through them and tug them when I kissed her.

“Katherine is going to die someday,” she muttered under her breath and was about to open the door when I held her elbow.

Stepping behind her, I leaned down and gave a soft kiss to her jaw and whispered, “Tell her you’re not feeling well. I want to take you home.”

She took a shaky breath and I bit back my smile. Kiara opened the door and Katherine sighed in relief when she saw her best friend. Then her gaze traveled above her, and she raised her eyebrows at me when I smiled sheepishly.

“Ethan helped me find a bathroom. I-I, uh . . . needed to puke. Thankfully, I didn’t, but I’m not feeling well,” she stuttered, my palm trailing over her back.

Katherine furrowed her brows. “Are you okay? Do you want me to come with you—”

No, thanks, I mentally added, I intend to help Kiara only. Ryan would murder me if I even thought about that.

“It’s fine, Katherine. I am taking her home.” My home.

“My home. Just my home. To sleep, haha.” Kiara giggled nervously.

Oh, Kiara. My sweet Kia, why?

Katherine looked between us suspiciously and that was my cue. “Now if you’ll excuse us, I have to thro—er, tuck in Kiara to bed. See you later.”

Entwining her hand in mine, I dragged her away from Katherine’s prying green eyes and walked downstairs, squeezing her hand so she wouldn’t trip on her heels.

“Throw, seriously?”

“I am an impatient guy.”

Kiara chuckled and even though I had only one cup of beer, I could get drunk on the sound of her laugh. I smiled and helped her into the car and made sure she locked the seat belt properly before sitting down on the driver’s seat and revving up the engine.


We were both hungry and especially Kiara, whose stomach growled every two minutes. She smiled sheepishly at me, hiding her flushed face with her hair. She was fucking adorable. We decided to eat burgers and fries, talking about the party. I admitted I was jealous of her going with Liam into the room and then flirting with Carter. She was surprised to hear me say that, because the reason she did that was because she saw me with Ryan’s friends near the pool after I had rushed away from her. I told her I had talked to them because I wanted women’s advice on this situation, and I couldn’t call my moms, because they were staying at Aunt June’s house. And I didn’t want to explain anything to Katherine because it would be awkward.

Kiara was blushing when I told her about that and pecked me on the cheek when I started the car. I kept my smile at bay and drove us home. Now, I have her all to myself. Unless Katherine mysteriously appeared in my room.

We stayed silent throughout the whole ride because we were both nervous with excitement. And I had the whole apartment to myself until tomorrow night. I wondered what we could and couldn’t do.

My head was running with endless possibilities. I changed the gear and pressed harder on the pedal. I couldn’t believe my luck that Kiara, my best friend, wanted me as much as I wanted her.

The most intimate thing I had ever done with Ariana was to feel her breasts and didn’t have sex when she was more than ready. I denied it because I felt that I wasn’t ready and we were taking things too fast. Maybe that’s why she cheated on me with Liam.

But things were completely different with Kiara. I wanted to do so much with her. So many sweet yet sinful things to her and her body.

We were in the elevator. We were breathing heavily with nervousness, excitement, and anticipation for what was about to come next. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Kiara was fumbling with her fingers and hiding her face with her hair.

I brushed my knuckles with her hand and I was relieved when she entwined her fingers with mine. I looked down at her and said, “We don’t have to do anything, Kiara. We can cuddle in my bed and I will be the happiest man alive.”

She finally met my eyes and my heart stuttered to a pause when she smiled, dimple showing and her gold-flecked brown eyes glittering with adoration. “I know, Ethan.”

My fingers ran over the rim of her golden ring and a small smile tugged my lips when she squeezed my hand. “I won’t regret anything, I am sure of it.”

My eyes lowered to her lips. I cupped her jaw and leaned closer, pausing when she looked at me with her dark eyes. She tipped on her toes until our lips barely touched and breathed each other’s air. Her hands wrapped around my neck and I pulled her closer by her waist. Her lips came closer. They were the same lips that brought smiles to my face. And now as we grew closer and closer, I had no more thoughts except one. The need to please her.

Our eyes met one last time before I closed the distance and kissed her. I savored her lips, pushing her back as she hummed sweetly, threading her hands in my hair. I deepened the kiss and her lips parted willingly when I ran my tongue over the seams of her bottom lip.

I groaned in annoyance at the ping of the elevator when our floor came. Kiara bit her lip and dragged me out. I had a hard time keeping my hands to myself because I kept tugging her closer, kissing her lips. We laughed in between as we continued kissing clumsily in the hallway with dim light. She shushed me when we passed her house and I had to hide my grin in her neck.

I busied myself by opening the lock to the apartment. “Shit,” I cursed when I couldn’t get it open, my fingers fumbling with the key.

Somehow, Kiara found this situation humorous and nudged me away, opening the lock in one try.

She entered first, closing the door silently, and then I was upon her. Pushing her back on the door and removing her jacket so I could touch her soft skin. My hands smoothed down her flimsy top and I kissed her, a shudder leaving her body when I trapped her bottom lip between my teeth and gave it a small bite. Her knees buckled and she released a throaty moan in between our kisses. The sound was so exotic that I wanted to hear her moan again and again.

Pinning her wrists above her head, I trailed my lips down her sharp jawline and toward the pulse on her neck. A soft moan escaped her lips when I kissed her soft skin, licking it and biting it, her small body writhing under me. Her musky perfume with black vanilla and coconut was numbing my senses.

“Ethan!” she groaned when I parted her legs and grazed my knee in between her thighs.

I pulled away to look at her hooded eyes and swallowed hard. “You’re wet,” I said.

Her cheeks were flushed as she blinked up at me with a small smile.

I pressed my knee harder on the same spot and she responded quickly with a curse. Her fingers tightened around my T-shirt and a gasp left her lips.

I released her hands and brought her face closer to me, savoring her lips while she sought me out of my jacket, throwing it away carelessly. Kiara wrapped her legs around my waist and felt my arousal stroking her heat through her jeans. I groaned and she moaned in my mouth, my tongue slipping inside her and tasting her. She tasted like beer.

I pulled away and blinked at her.


She blinked her eyes open and frowned. “What . . . what happened?”

“You’re drunk, Kia.”

She groaned, “I’m not drunk, Ethan. Now, stop talking and kiss me!” Holding my hair, she made me lean down to kiss me, but I cupped her lips instead, breaking the kiss.

Kiara glared at me and I moved my hand to hold her cheek. “I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow and forget this, Bella.”

“I won’t forget this.” Her eyes softened. “And trust me, E, I’m sober enough to solve a math equation.”

“Really? Then what’s the square root of 1369?”

I can’t believe I am discussing a math problem with her while we are seconds away from ripping each other’s clothes.

She scowled at me and playfully hit my chest. “You are such a nerd. Um . . . it’s thirty-seven, I think. Yep, it’s thirty-seven. And Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!” She exclaimed playfully, a grin tugging her lips.

I chuckled and pecked her lips, smiling with her. It was hard not to when she was being so adorable and sexy at the same time. We clumsily kissed each other while my legs padded toward my room. I couldn’t wait to have her in my bed and ravish her in all the filthy ways I wanted to.

When we entered the room, she pulled away and grinned at me. I was confused. “What happened?”

Her brown eyes, which were clouded with lust and desire, crinkled with humor and a grin tugged her lips. “Wrong room, Ethan.” She snickered.

I looked around and mentally winced at the lilac-pink colored walls, the white crib surrounded by my sister’s toys and diapers.

“Sorry . . .” I said and walked us out of my little sister’s room.

My arms tightened around her waist when we entered my room while she teased me by kissing, biting, and licking my earlobe, eliciting a throaty groan from me.

My lips were on her as soon as her feet touched the floor, trailing them down her jaw and kissing her collarbones. She shivered and her hands curled around the fabric of my T-shirt when my hands brushed over the spine of her back.

Kiara squeezed my hand. “Ethan, wait.”

“What happened?” I tucked her hair. “We don’t have to rush this.”

“We are not stopping. I need to go pee, that’s all.” She leaned up and kissed my lips. “Don’t go anywhere.”

She turned to go to the washroom and closed the door. Is she on her period? No, that was over last week. I had a period tracking app on my phone too just in case she was in an emergency and needed to eat chocolate cake.

I cleared my throat and looked at my room. We were really doing it. But do I want to rush it?

I closed the curtains of the window. Turned on the dim lights to give the bed a soft glow. Remade my bed even though it was already made and made sure there were no wrinkles. I ran a hand through my hair and checked the bed if it could handle our weight if we did decide to take it . . . further. It was used to us cuddling together or having pillow and tickle fights, but what about—I shook my head. No, keep it in your pants, man. This is about her. Kiara Sharma. My best friend. Take it slow.

The door to the bathroom opened when I was removing my sneakers. I smiled and walked toward her. She stepped closer and kissed me by tipping on her toes because she had removed her heels. Holding her in my arms and kissing her, it seemed so perfect that life made sense to me and I never wanted to let go of her.

Kiara pulled away first and I suppressed a shiver of tingles when her hands slid down my chest. She flickered her dark eyes to me and said, “Remove your T-shirt. I want to touch you.”

I chuckled softly. “Yes, ma’am.”

Removing the T-shirt in one swift motion, I threw it in the laundry basket and wanted to puff my chest when her eyes hungrily raked over my torso. But thankfully, I didn’t.


“More than happy.”

Her lips pressed against mine and everything faded into a blur except her. Us. Kiara Sharma was kissing me in my room. My breathing became heavier when she explored my body, a teasing glint in her eyes as she pushed me down on the bed. I licked my lips and admired the curves of her lithe body when she straddled me, blood rushing to my lower regions.

Our labored breaths surrounded us when I held her waist, her lips kissing their way down my neck, my body shivering with the way her hands touched me. Her hair tickled my chest when she slid down, a groan slipping past my lips when I felt her tongue licking my abs, her fingers fumbling with the belt.

If this was heaven, then I would die happily. But the things running in my head were filthy and dirty, so I was sure I would go to hell. Not before pleasuring her.

I held her hair, making her look at me, and leaned to kiss her but her palm stopped me, “Down, Ethan.”

I sighed and gazed at her, her hair feathering my skin. I decided to let her have her way with me. Because I knew I’d take my sweet time exploring every inch of her bare body. She took her time exploring me with gentle touches that I didn’t want to stop her. I was one lucky guy.

Helping her remove the belt of my jeans, her lips gave equal attention to my abs and gave butterfly kissed all over my stomach as jolts of pleasure slithered through my body. All I wanted to do was roll us over and tease her like she was teasing me.

I leaned up on my elbows when Kiara lowered herself down on the bed, kneeling between my legs and the pad of her fingers brushing over the peeking waistband of my gray boxers. Okay, that was it. If she didn’t stop, I would come in my pants like a fucking pre-teen.

Holding her body, I laid her down on the bed and hovered above her, not giving her a chance to argue by capturing her lips. I made sure she was comfortable on the bed and supported my weight on my hands as my lips kissed their way to the swell of her breasts. She smelled exotic. Like coconut and black vanilla with a hint of something feminine; sultry and enchanting. I was sure that if she didn’t stop me, I would never wish to stop. I wanted to touch her everywhere and pleasure her until earth turned to sand.

I bit down on the soft skin and she let out a gasp of surprise, her chest arching toward me. Her pert nipples poked through the lace, begging for my attention. Smirking, I leaned down and blew hot air directly on the covered nipple. Kiara shivered and I kissed the hard nub through the lace, biting it slowly and having the time of my life when she let out a small whimper of pleasure, her fingers digging into my skull.

Fuck. The sounds escaping her hot mouth were enough to make a sane man fall on his knees and worship her.

I pulled away to stare at her swollen pink lips, rosy cheeks, mused hair, and dark hooded eyes as they gazed at me with the same intensity. The air around us was sizzling with desire and the promise of a hot night. I brushed my thumb on the swell of her breast where a hickey was forming and she bit her lip, her eyes wide and legs open for me to settle in.

Kiara helped me unclasp her bralette and threw it somewhere on the floor. I was too busy staring at her round, perky breasts and dusky hard nipples.

“Beautiful,” I said, weighing them in my hands.

They fit perfectly, not too big and not too small. I looked at her face, her bottom lip wedged inside her mouth, holding back a moan. Leaning closer, I bit her lip and kissed her while my hands kneaded the soft skin of her breasts. Kiara released a soft groan when I dipped down and latched my hot mouth on her pebbled nipple.

Her hips arched up to meet mine, brushing against my hard-on, and I grunted, the feeling of her hips on mine was too much. I listened to her soft mewls, her fingers threading through my hair and tugging at them when I swirled the tip of my tongue around the areola of her nipple, biting it, licking it, and kissing it. My other hand massaged, squeezed, and pinched her other breast, her body shivering when I gave her nipple a soft tug. I repeated my actions on the other breast, getting drunk on the sounds of whimpers and moans eliciting from her lips.

I groaned her name when her hips started moving against mine, rubbing herself on me even though she was still wearing her jeans and grinding my boner in a desperate need. If she kept at it then I was sure I would come in my pants. I kissed the sensitive skin of her breasts and moved down to lick her toned stomach, kissing the soft part of her belly and making her release a husky laugh.

Our eyes met when I trailed my hand inside her jeans, and she took a sharp breath. I raised a brow, “No underwear?”

Kiara replied with a soft whisper, “No.”

God, this woman is going to be the death of me, I’m sure of it.

I swallowed the lump in my throat when her dark eyes danced across my frame. She wanted more. And I was ready to give her.

But first, her jeans had to go.

I unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped them as time slowed down, our breathing surrounding us, our eyes trained on the zipper of her jeans. We both sensed that if we didn’t stop right now, there would be no going back. We’d be more than just best friends.

“Are you sure?” I asked, waiting for her reply as she leaned up on her elbows, her hair tumbling down her back and brushing her soft golden skin. The sight of her golden bare skin on my bed still knocked the breath out of me. I was sure I would never tire from watching her.

Her chest was heaving up and down and I noticed there was a pink hue flushed over her breasts because of the small bites and hickeys I had left on them for her surprise. She was definitely going to kill me when she saw them. I waited for her reply when she could still stop this even though it meant ending Friday night with a cold shower.

Kiara’s eyes flickered from my hands on her hips to my face and she nodded. “Yes, Ethan. I am sure.”

Hooking my fingers in her belt loops, I removed her jeans, my eyes never leaving her face. My fingers brushed her legs when I removed them from her ankles and threw them somewhere on the floor.

I lowered my eyes from her soft breasts to her narrow waist and between her legs. Kiara let out a small moan when I drank in the sight of her shaved, flushed pussy, glistening with slick wetness. The air around us turned thick with the feminine scent of her arousal, making me light-headed and drowsy.

I was hungry and thirsty. But that could wait. This was about her.

I hovered above her and cupped her cheek. “You are breathtaking,” I whispered, mesmerized.

If it was possible, her cheeks flushed more. “Thank you—mfgh!”

My lips crashed on hers, cradling her head in my hand. I gave her one last soft kiss and pulled away before she could take it further. Leaning down, I kissed her navel and said, “You smell so fucking good, Kiara.”

My voice had turned deep and sounded huskier than normal. I pulled away and raked my eyes over her body, watching the increasing pulse on her slender neck.

“Fuck yourself,” I said.


I brushed my fingers over the soft skin on her leg and said, “It will be your first orgasm, Kiara. I want you to fuck yourself while I watch.”

I could see the hesitation in her eyes. “Ethan, I-I can’t . . . you don’t under—”

“Yes, you can, Bella.” I kissed her knee and whispered, “Touch yourself.”

Pulling away from the bed, I stood up, her dark brown eyes following me as I dragged my desk chair in front of the bed. I sat down, licking my lips and watching her sprawled naked on my bed, her legs spread.

Her eyes blazed. “Are you kidding me, Ethan?”

“No. Touch yourself, Kiara.”

She grumbled something under her breath and my lips twitched at how adorable she looked. She laid down pillows under her head and closed her eyes, her throat bobbing when she swallowed nervously.

I clenched my jaw and said, “No, open your eyes. Look at me while you fuck yourself.”

Her eyes snapped open and under the soft glow of lights, her eyes were pools of dark obsidian as they stared back at me.

To give her a show, I unzipped my pants and slid my hand in my boxers. Her eyes widened with excitement and she licked her lips, looking between me and the movement of my hand. She trailed down her hand to her core and dipped her middle finger inside her, hissing with pleasure and moving it in and out. I groaned and squeezed myself, slowly increasing my movement when we both noticed the pre-cum on my gray boxers.

“Two fingers.”

She clenched her jaw and added another finger. A gasp left her lips as she pumped her nimble fingers in and out of herself, the scent of our arousal seeping in the air and making both of us heady with lust and desire. Soon her gasps turned into breathy moans of pleasure and her hips started moving in rhythm with her hand.

Watching a woman fuck herself while gazing at you with her lust-filled eyes was one of the best sights in the world. My dick was impossibly hard in my hand, my breathing ragged watching Kiara pleasure herself, her other hand clenching the sheets.

“Pinch your nipples for me, Kiara,” I said, my voice breathy and deep.

With clouded eyes, I watched her fingers brush over her sensitive nipples, her back arching when she pinched the pebbled nub between her thumb and index finger, twisting it, a shudder passing through her whole body.

I gave myself a small jerk and squeezed my eyes closed to control myself. Opening them, I exhaled a sharp breath looking at the naked beauty on my bed. Her silky brown hair splayed on my pillows, flushed face with swollen lips, thin sheen of sweat glinting on her body, her neck covered in small hickeys just below her mole, her breasts heaving and nipples pert and hard and hips bucking with pleasure as she fucked herself with her fingers while watching me lose control.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I removed my hand from the boxers, cleaning it with tissue, and crawled over her. “Rub your clit for me, Bella,” I whispered and tucked her strand of hair back. My hand trailed over her waist and lightly brushed the tips of her breasts, loving how responsive she was.

Her eyes widened when her thumb pressed over her pleasure nub, “Oh . . . fuck. Oh, Ethan!” her body writhed under me and a string of gasps and moans elicited from her.

“Mhmm,” I hummed. “Faster, Bella.”

She did, her eyes shutting, her back arching and hips bucking. I saw how she flicked and rubbed the little bundle of nerves. I could imagine how much I would enjoy deriving pleasure from her with my hands again and again with my name on her sweet lips.

“I . . . I can’t hold it. Oh, God.” Kiara let out a small whimper, her juices coating her fingers and making wet sounds when she increased her pace.

Biting her ear, I said, “Come on, Kiara. I want to see you climax.”

She did and I saw one of the most erotic sights ever.

Her body froze and moments later, her back arched and she rolled her head to the side, biting her bottom lip and her hands fisting the sheets when the orgasm rocked through her body. Her body trembled from the pleasure of her very first orgasm and groaned my name as she came.

I noticed how her body came down from the high, glistening with a thin sheen of sweat. Her lips were agape to breathe in some sparse air, her eyes dazed as if she was drunk, and her pussy glistening with the remnants of her orgasm. She looks fucking beautiful.

I kissed her forehead, tucking away her hair as tears glistened in the endless pools of her eyes. “How was it?” I asked.

Kiara smiled, her body quivering from the aftershocks. “It was . . . ethereal. Thank you, Ethan.”

Her cheeks flushed when I kissed her. “You don’t have to thank me, Bella.” I pulled away. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m well.”

“Good. Now my turn.”