Visiting the Fierce Tiger Gang

At the same time, Long Chen calmly strode out of the Sect, and disguised himself yet again with the Bone Muscle Alteration Skill.

His proficiency with this Skill was already rapidly increasing, and was close to reach around the 70 mark.

This time, he walked directly towards the Fierce Tiger Gang base.

The Fierce Tiger Gang was one of the many hunting gangs within the Wind Cloud City that had formed through fighting and killing monsters

It could not be said to be particularly reputable, however it possessed some minor sway over the people.

The Leader of the Fierce Tiger Gang was claimed to be at the Elementary Realm, which was why it attracted quite a bit of other hunters as well.

At the Elementary Realm, you were able to hunt Grade 3 Monsters, distancing yourself from the much weaker Grade 2 Monsters.

As Long Chen entered the base of the gang, the Fierce Tiger Gang was already in the midst of a discussion in the middle of the hall.

A ferocious looking man, with a few scars over his body, along with his well-built muscles and dominating aura, sat right at the center, as he swept his gaze over each and every single one present, before he sighed, "Our recruitment this year is still slightly lacking. Judging by our forces, we are still unable to deal with the threat of the Wild Wolf Gang."

"I don't know what happened to the Wild Wolf Gang, but they suddenly sprouted out with an Elementary Realm master, with a few strong Qi Refining cultivators. "

"I can deal with the Elementary Realm master, however, the rest of our gang lacks the power to fight against the rest of their forces."

His voice naturally travelled to everyone's ears, and as his voice landed, they felt a sense of powerless and incapability, as well as hint of distress.

"Leader, I have invited a Seventh Qi Refinement Realm to join our Gang." Somebody uttered out, breaking the unease within the place.

"A Seventh Qi Refinement Realm cultivator won't do much to help us in this situation." The Leader sighed as he shook his head.

"Leader, even though he is just a Seventh Qi Refinement Realm, however he managed to hunt down 14 Grade 2 Monsters! I feel that he is combat power could even reach the Peak of the Qi Refinement Realm.

Upon his words, the atmosphere started to lighten up, as a glimmer of hope sprouted from within the people gathered here.

Peak Qi Refinement Realm combat power! This will definitely make a big difference during their clash!

They all turned towards Hong Yuan, who had spoken earlier, in unison.

"Peak Qi Refinement Realm? Hong Yuan, where is he then?" The Leader quickly asked, as he stared at Hong Yuan with a spark in his eyes.

Maybe, their gang wouldn't be completely destroyed, and all his efforts would not just disappear into smoke?

And that was when Hong Yuan awkwardly scratched his head, as his voice started to become softer, "Hehe. I only invited him, and gave him a token. I don't know if he would really come."

The surrounding people are heavily sighed as they shook their heads, the glimmer of expectation within them burning out in an instant.

The Leader's excitement also died out, as he slumped back down into his seat spiritlessly. The only hope he had was so mercilessly stepped on. He might as well not hear of it at all.

He glanced around the hall of their Fierce Tiger Gang, wondering within his heart, whether if they were truly destined to not exist anymore, and he felt like he was shackled by heavy chains, pulling him down with unprecedented pressure.

And while the leader was wailing in his hopelessness, Long Chen slowly appeared within everyone's eyes. His slight tapping sounds as his feet impacted the ground made them perked up their ears, as they all turned to look who came,

The Leader, with his cultivation being higher than the rest, also could sense this unknown guest.

Long Chen's normal looking 30 year old disguise made them wonder what this person was trying to do.

As Long Chen inched closer, the leader could sense something different about this person. His mind was telling him that there was danger closing on to him.

This man…who was he?

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The leader sat up and questioned, while he fully released his cultivation at the Second Elementary Realm.

As the pressure was unleashed onto Long Chen, it felt as though it was nothing but a mere breeze wind, as it simply flew past and disappeared.

Long Chen was quite surprised by this. He was only in the First Elementary Realm, while the leader of the Fierce Tiger Gang was in the Second Elementary Realm.

By right, he was supposed to be suppressed by his aura. Why did it feel like it was so weak?

Was it because the leader was not considered a genius, and his consolidation of his cultivation wasn't that stable, thus his combat power was lower than his?

After all, a very glaring difference between a genius, and an average person, was that a genius could fight those surpassing their Realms, their combat power much stronger than their actual cultivation base. And naturally, an average person would not be able perform such an astonishing feat.

The leader narrowed his eyes when he saw that Long Chen had totally disregarded his pressure of his cultivation, as he started to circulate the Elemental Qi within him, and studied Long Chen with vigilance.

The rest of the people around him also squinted their eyes and looked at Long Chen with wariness in their eyes.

A silence enveloped the hall for a moment, until Hong Yuan hurriedly sat up and exclaimed, "Leader! This is the person who I had invited!"

The leader, hearing his words, still did not put down his cautiousness within him, "Really?"

Long Chen simply took out the tiger shaped token from within his storage bag, and casually threw it towards the leader.

The leader caught the flying token and grasped it within his hand, and found that it really was their token.

"Fellow cultivator, may I ask, why did you come to our gang for? The leader cupped his fists towards Long Chen and asked, as if he was putting himself in the same level as Long Chen.

After all, Long Chen did not even finch under his cultivation, and that could only mean that he was probably around his strength level, or stronger than him.

What his actions were doing right now, was acknowledging Long Chen's strength. The leader did not know why Long Chen came to their base for, but judging by how easily he ignored his pressure, he probably wasn't here to join their gang.

How could such a powerful person join their small gang for?

"Didn't that person say that you were recruiting? I came here to join the gang." Long Chen pointed towards Hong Yuan as he responded.

"You…came here to join our gang?" The leader held his breath as he cautiously asked.

The man in front of him was most likely an Elementary Realm cultivator like himself, and could even be stronger than him, the leader of the gang, and he wanted to join their gang.

"Yes. Why, do you not want me to join?" Long Chen asked with some bewilderment.

Joining a gang to hunt monsters wasn't a bad idea, since this can increase the rate of monster hunting, and what he needed most were just dead monsters so he can absorb their talent.

Since a gang would be able to hunt more monsters than if it was just him alone, why not just join in the fun and get some free benefits along the way?

"No no, of course not. Welcome to our Fierce Tiger Gang! I am the leader of this place, named Hun Yun." Hun Yun, the leader, hurriedly replied as he walked forward and introduced himself.

"Those around us are the core members of our our entire gang, we have a few Qi Refining cultivators, although Body Refining Realm makes up for the bulk of our gang." Hun Yun continued his introduction as he pointed towards the rest of the surrounding people.

Long Chen swept his gaze among the members, before he turned back towards Hun Yun as he asked, "So when will you start the hunt for monsters?"

With this, Hun Yun instantly showed a heavy expression as he hesitated for a while, before he finally spoke, 'We were supposed to go out and raid monsters today, but because of an imminent problem…we are currently staying within here."

"What problem?" Long Chen quickly asked. What he wanted the most to do right now was to go and hunt for monsters.