
"What's wrong son are you okay?" My dad asked with a worried look on his face.

I quickly hid the shock on my face, "Its nothing, I've just never seen you use a capsule before."

"Haha, that's right you've never seen me use a capsule before. Well, they are pretty expensive so I don't use them unless it's for work. What they do is pretty much let you store and keep things in these small capsules until you throw them out, then the item you put inside appears with a poof!"

I nodded absentmindedly, I was to busy thinking about what I had just discovered. Of course, I knew about dragon ball in my past life, who didn't? But I wasn't such a super fan that I knew every little thing about the world.

The rest of the day went by in a blur and I was still lost in my thoughts. I still tried to make it look like I was interested in what dad was saying about the farm, but my heart wasn't in it. I couldn't really feel excited about being a farmer when I knew there were aliens, androids, warlords, even gods who could all kill me with just a flick of their finger.

I was starting to see what my punishment was, I was reborn in this universe where might pretty much equals right, but currently speaking I didn't have much might to speak of. But hopefully, that can change. There have been strong humans in the dragon ball universe, especially people like Krillin and Master Roshi. But most humans are naturally weak, born with a power level below even 1. I would have to work hard if I wanted to get stronger.

Luckily enough I was born on a farm, the very place where young Krillin and Goku and started their training with Master Roshi. Even though they were both freaks of nature, running the 100 meters in times that would break world records back in my old world, I had to start somewhere.

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"Dad, can you tell me what year it is?" I asked after thinking about what to do for a few days.

Even though I was in the dragon ball universe it didn't mean I had to go towards the path of fighting and training I could still live a normal life and study and get a normal job. As long as I don't cause a big enough influence on the timeline Goku and the other z fighters should continue to keep the Earth safe for a long time.

Unless they weren't here anymore... I figured out what universe I was in, but I don't know what timeline it is! Goku and all his friends could have died long ago and I would have no idea.

My dad, who was reading a newspaper at the breakfast table, looked up at me with confusion on his face. " Why the sudden interest in the date all of the sudden?" He asked before going on the answer my question anyway.

"It's the age 742." He said before going back to his paper.

I sighed as I realized that that still didn't really help me I had no idea what year the dragon ball timeline to place. But I did remember when the first world martial arts tournament that Goku took place because of a certain meme in my other world it was the 21st.

"uhh, dad when is the next world martial arts tournament?" Dad looked up from his paper again, " I heard one of the other kids talking about it," I added before he could ask questions.

"Well I do remember that the 19th one was a few years ago, I guess that means the next one will be in 2 or 3 years. What interested in joining?" He said with a chuckle, clearly amused at the thought of his little boy participating in a tournament with the world's best fighters.

"Also dad, I want to start working on the farm," I said before he could go back to his paper.

"Aren't you already doing that? I showed you around just a few days ago."

"No, I don't mean just helping you around with the farm. I mean I want to work there permanently." I said while making sure I looked at him in the eyes to show that I was serious. I seldom asked my parents for anything so I knew he would consider my request.

"Hmm, are you sure? But what are you going to do about school? I don't think your mother will let you get out of going to work on the farm. You know she wants you to study and get a job in one of those big cities."

I looked down not sure what to say. Kids in the farms around here started school at the age of 7, the same age they started learning about the farms from their parents, mostly their dads. I guess it was some sort of transitional age from child to adult around here. But I really didn't want to go to school, especially due to me probably already knowing the material that would be taught.

If I remember correctly Goku and Krillin also learned with master Roshi and all they did was reading and basic arithmetic and they were around 11 and 12 at the time.

If I wanted to start training in earnest I would need to figure out how I could get out of going to school, and to do that I would need to convince my mom.