Trouble in Paradise

Convincing mom turned out to be a lot easier than I thought it would be.

At first, she was very skeptical about me skipping my schooling to go start working at the farm. But I asked her to give me some of the questions that they would be teaching during the school year and decide based on how I did on them.

I sped through all the papers that my mom prepared with ease while my mom was trying not to looked surprised as she watched me work.

The material she had prepared for me was fairly easy, just some simple reading comprehension and arithmetic. I was just glad there was no history in it because I didn't know any of it.

Finally, after about half an hour I finished up my work and handed my papers back to mom to let her look over them. She read over them slowly and after she was done she looked at me with a shocked look on her face.

"When did you even learn how to read, much less do math?" she asked.

I felt my brain shut down as I tried to process her question. Shit. Of course, how could I be so stupid? How did I do all the school work when I wasn't even supposed to know how to read because I hadn't been to school yet.

" Uh Uh, I looked at the books that you have in your room and learned from those." I stammered.

I saw my mother's face slowly turn red and I thought she was angry until she spoke again.

"You didn't read all the books in the room, did you? " she asked sounding a bit embarrassed.

I took a second to realize why she had gone so red when I realized mom must have had some steamy books that I wasn't supposed to know existed.

"No, just the ones at the bottom of the shelf. Why?" I asked trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"N no reason, I was just curious," she answered with a sigh of relief.

"So can I start working on the farm? From your reaction, I think I did pretty well on the test right?" I asked with a grin on my face.

"Yea I guess there is no reason for you to go to school if you already know everything they are teaching," she said with a thoughtful look on her face.

I could help but jump up with excitement, I could finally start my training now!

"Don't get too excited Mister! I'll give you a test like this one every year and if you don't do well you WILL go to school like all the other kids," mom said with a resigned voice.

I didn't really put the additional tests in my mind, based my the knowledge from my past world I should still be at least 4 or 5 years ahead of the curriculum here. I wouldn't have to worry about school for a while yet.

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While starting to train sounded easy enough, going through with it was hell. I tried to do what Goku and Krillin and turn the soil on the field with my bare hands and within minutes I had several broken nails and was bleeding from the fingertips. After that fiasco, I strictly used a shovel when I turned the land. I didn't want to give my mom any reasons to send me to school, and coming home with bleeding hands was a big fucking reason.

Along with helping on the farm I also started running daily and swimming in a lake near the farm, although there weren't any sharks in it.

With all the extra exercise I was getting I started eating a lot more food every day, which I'm sure mom noticed, but she didn't bring it up.

A few months passed and since with was no longer planting season so I didn't have land to till anymore since the ground was starting to harden up winter, I started to cut firewood instead.

Looking for logs in the woods, carrying them back home, then having to chop them up took a lot of energy and it was a nice replacement for farm work.

When I felt the routine start to become a little easier I even started putting rocks and other heavy things in my pockets to weigh me down, to make the exercise harder. It wasn't as if I just had a giant turtle shell laying around that I could wear.

Seasons changed and months turned to years as I continued my training. I had grown up quite a bit in the last 2 years, now standing at 4,7". I had worked hard over the last two years and it showed in my appearance. Gone was the baby fat that used to cover my body, in its place was a lean figure that even looked a bit skinny.

But if you looked closely you could see the muscle explosive muscle that was there, hidden in the wiry frame.

With only 1 year left until the 20th world martial arts tournament, I wanted to test my strength to see how I compared to how Goku and Krillin. The first test I wanted to do was the 100-meter dash, so I called my sister over from the house to measure my time for me as I ran.

After I finished running she handed the stopwatch to me and I looked at it with shock. How could this possibly be my time!