
King Chappa stuck out with his fist leaving yet another training post dented and in need of repair.

He had sent out his students the day before to Amenbo island and from there they would travel to papaya island where they would train and wait for his arrival to compete in the 20th world martial arts tournament.

He was breathing heavily and his fists looked as if they had been through a blender, bloody and swollen.

'I'm so close, in just a few months I should reach the level of 8 arms and master the eight-arm fist.' he thought as he calmed his breathing to get ready for another bout of training.

Just as he was getting prepared to work on another training dummy he felt a presence in the compound.

Even though Chappa had yet to obtain mastery of ki, he was still an experienced martial artist and had no trouble feeling when he was being watched.

"Come out you coward, if you have enough skill to watch me from the shadows come out and fight!" shouted King Chappa as he shifted into a fighting stance.

Then slowly a presence slowly appeared behind one of the pillars in the dojo.

Chappa could finally feel the presence of the man clearly now. Before all he had was a suspicion he was being watched, a suspicion that turned out to be correct. But now as he could sense the actual location of the man, he turned around to face him.

Chappa couldn't help but widen his eyes as he took in the figure that was now standing in front of him.

Standing about two feet shorter than him the man, no not man, boy would be the more appropriate word, had a presence so great Chappa and yet to meet someone his equal. He looked to be around 4 and a half feet tall with light brown hair. His face was innocent and still contained a little bit of baby fat that matched his stature.

He was a child concluded Chappa based on his appearance, but why was he here and what did he want with him?

Raiden stood there and stared at Chappa seemingly at ease even though one of the best fighters in the world was sizing him up.

Chappa weighed his options and decided that fighting right now while he was injured and exhausted from training, was not the best choice. Hell given the way the boy carried himself he didn't know if he would have won even if he wasn't injured.

Making his decision he asked while staying in his fighting stance, "Who are you, and what do you want."

Raiden gave a slight smile, one that sent a shiver up King Chappa's spine, as he watched the man in front of him squirm.

He had thought up a lot of different ways he could get King Chappa to notice him and had decided that a show of strength would work the best.

He flew over to the South Capitol from Sasebo city, a journey that took a couple of days, and finally let him use the capsules given to him by his parents for camping.

Finally, after arriving at the southern capital he had found King Chappa's training compound.

It hadn't been that hard, given the fame of the dojo in the city. All he had to do was ask a few people on the street before he met someone who gave him directions.

Finally, after finding the compound he had masked his ki and simply jumped over the 12-foot wall directly into the training grounds.

He had watched king Chappa train for a few minutes before he had noticed him. He had to give it to the man, being able to feel his presence without the use of ki was difficult, to say the least.

"What I want," he said with a small chuckle. "Is to make a trade."

"A trade? What could I have that you would need. I'm not a very materialistic person," asked Chappa still wary of the stranger.

"Tell me Chappa what do you know about Ki?" Raiden said slowly walking closer to the other martial artist.


"Yes ki. Or you may have heard it be called something else. Energy, power, essence. It's all the same really what you call it, but I prefer to use Ki."

"Yes I've heard of something along the lines, but what does that have to do with a trade?"

"Listen carefully because I'll only say it once. In exchange for teaching you the basics of Ki, I want something in return from you. What it is I'll tell you if you want to agree to the trade." said Raiden who was now standing directly in front of Chappa.

"What's in it for me? How do I know that this "ki" of yours will help me?" asked Chappa with a hint of suspicion in his voice.

"Don't worry bout that, I'm pretty sure you'll end up benefitting far more from this ordeal than I will. But if you still want a demonstration, watch carefully," ordered Raiden as he raised his right arm and aimed it towards one of the pillars in the room.

His hand started glowing a bright yellow before a beam of light shot out and hit the pillar. The pillar was left smoking with a large chunk of it blown away.

"By the end of my instruction, you'll be able to do at least that," he turned to a shocked king Chappa. "Think about it I'll be back tomorrow for your answer," said Raiden before he shot into the sky.