Martial Arts

As Raiden flew back into the city he couldn't help but feel smug about the way the negotiation had gone. He was sure king Chappa would accept his offer now, especially after the show of strength he had done.

Raiden flew slowly back to his hotel as he admired the city skyline below him. The south capital was so different from anywhere he had been before, even now when the sun had already set it was still shining brightly and was full of life beneath him.

Raiden flew back into his hotel room through the window and started to meditate on his bed. Another benefit he found to meditation was that it could somewhat delay the need to sleep.

While it couldn't totally replace it, Raiden had found that it could delay and keep his exhaustion on hold, letting him train for longer.

Raiden worked on his Ki control for the whole night as he meditated. The faster he could move the ki around and out of his body the faster his attack and defense would be.

He felt the rest of the night lost in his meditation and training as the moon slowly circled through the sky.

Raiden was soon snapped out of his meditation from the rays of light coming through the hotel window. He got up and gathered his things from the room.

'If I'm right and Chappa accepts my offer then I won't need to stay here anymore. But I should wait till evening to let him decide, it would make my entrance more dramatic' he thought with a smile.

He went downstairs to check out of the room and also pay for his stay. He would have to spend the rest of the day outside, not that it bothered him, he wanted to explore the city anyway.

He walked around the city slowly taking in the sights and stores that decorated its streets. Of course, he had lived comfortably in his past life, but still, he had never experienced the city quite like this. In his past life, he had lived in a gated suburb community and he rarely got to travel to the city, except when he visited his parents at their hospital.

He walked around and just enjoyed himself for the day, trying out the food and even stopping to watch a few street performers either dancing or singing.

As the sun started to dip in the horizon Raiden grudgingly placed his new toys and gadgets into one of his capsules and flew off towards King Chappa's compound.

This time as he got close he made no attempt to hide his ki letting the so-called 'king' feel his presence as he entered the training ground.

As he floated down to the floor he noticed that Chappa was sitting on the floor in the center of the compound. He had his eyes closed and was seemingly deep in thought.

He waited for a few minutes to see if it was just pretense but after Chappa still didn't react he finally let his presence be known by softly clearing his throat.

He watched as king Chappa's eyes shot open and he stared at Raiden with a small frown on his face.

They measured each other through their eyes for a few moments before King Chappa stood up and broke the silence.

" I will agree to your offer to a trade," he declared. "But first I need to know what I'm giving in return."

Raiden hesitated before answering Chappa," In return I want you to train me in martial arts," he said softly as his face turned a shade redder.

King Chappa burst into a hearty laugh as the expression on his face turned to one of amusement, "I have seen your prowess in ki yesterday, what could I possibly teach you that would benefit you?"

"While it is true that I am well versed in using ki. My experience in actual martial arts is ... almost nonexistent. I spent so much time mastering ki that I had no time to actually learn martial arts that would let me utilize the ki to its full extent," Raiden explained.

"And how long would I have you to teach you martial arts for? If you want to get to my level that might take years," questioned Chappa with a hint of suspicion in his voice.

'Wow even though I'm a cautious person this king Chappa acts like he's got a stick up his ass 24/7. Not everyone is out to get him' he thought.

"Don't worry I only want you to train me for the next 7 and a half months, and in that time I will teach you basic ki control," said Raiden as he stuck out his hand to seal the deal.

"Ahh 7 and a half months, I think I might all well give you the world martial arts champion title right now," muttered King Chappa as he reluctantly reached out and gave Raiden a firm handshake.

"Who knows, you might be able to beat me after that long, I am teaching you how to use ki after all," said Raiden with a smirk on his face.