Battle with the Bunnies!

"Woah I've never seen mushrooms this big before," Raiden said looking around the large forest completely made up of huge mushrooms.

"You think I can eat them," Goku asked jumping off the flying nimbus and taking a huge bite out of one of the mushrooms. He quickly made retching sounds as he hurriedly spits out the mushroom.

"Well, I guess we know why the forest is still here," Raiden said with a laugh.

"Goku how about instead of trying to eat everything you see, go fly ahead and see if there is a town nearby. My bike is nearly out of gas," Bulma ordered.

"Do I have to...," Goku grumbled but still flew on ahead when Bulma glared at him.

"You know we would have already found all the dragon balls by now if you just let me carry you as we flew," Raiden said as he flew beside Bulma's bike.

"Never again," Bulma said as goosebumps crawled up her arms as she remembered how terrified she was the last time they had flown. "Anyway the journey is supposed to be even better than the end goal, we might as well enjoy it."

"O yea, what's so enjoyable about a stupid forest full of mushrooms anyway," Raiden muttered.

Before Bulma could retort they were interrupted by Goku flying back to them towards them.

"Guys I found a place with people. It's just up ahead," Goku said flying down next to them.

Goku led them to a town that was about 5 minutes away and Raiden looked around in surprise. The people were dressed very modestly with the men wearing turbans and the women were completely covered up in black, wearing hijabs. It reminded Raiden of the middle east from his past life.

"Hey there nice to meet you!," Goku waved at the people in the town and some gave him a wave or a small smile back.

"It seemed they still all spoke the same language even though the culture seemed different, how interesting," Raiden pondered as he took in the buildings that were the colour of sandstone and were built in between the giant mushrooms that made up the forest.

As they were filling up Bulma's hoverbike she tapped him on the shoulder and broke him out of his daydreaming.

"Do you notice something strange about the town? Almost like there's a nervous tension as if they're waiting for something to go wrong," Bulma asked looking around.

Almost as if they heard her a pair of men dressed in black military outfits walked around the corner. The townsfolk seemed to instantly go back into their homes when they saw them. But the weirdest part was that with their formal military outfits they were both wearing a pair of bunny ears on their heads. Almost as if they were going to a cosplay festival.

"Goku," Raiden said getting the boy's attention away from a food stand he had been staring at. "Looks like we have trouble, you in the mood to fight a little bit?"

Goku nodded as the trio watched as the two men made their way towards them kicking and pushing the villagers out of their path as they did so.

They finally noticed the three of them and their eyes lit up when they saw Bulma.

"Hey girl you wanna come have fun with us instead of these kids," The shorter of the two men asked confidently.

"Hmmph no thanks, we were about to leave anyway we just stopped for gas," Bulma responded.

"Wow how rare, it's been a long time since someone rejected the famous rabbit gang before. You must not be from around here," The taller man said with an edge to his voice.

Bulma just turned away from him and gave him the middle finger which caused both the men to instantly draw their guns.

"You must not want to live a long life huh," the shorter man said threateningly.

Raiden gave Goku a nod and in a flash, he punched the closer man in the gut causing him to double over in pain. He then jumped over the other man and instead of quickly ending the fight he pulled out his power pole and caused it to extend right into the man's behind, a thousand years of death style.

Raiden doubled over in laughter while Goku just gave a victory grin as he walked back over to the two.

"Ahh it felt good fighting again," Goku said with a smile on his face as he stretched his muscles.

"Y-you guys are doomed," one of the villagers who had been watching the fight whispered in horror. Raiden noticed that even the villagers who had stayed outside when the soldiers walked by were now running into their houses.

"I think we may have accidentally started some trouble," he muttered when he saw a weird bunny-themed car pull up near them. Even stranger was when a giant rabbit walked out of the car and made his way towards them.

Raiden however didn't feel like dealing with some nameless villains today. He quickly used an energy blast to shoot at the anthropomorphic rabbit's feet causing him to go flying away and crash into the side of a nearby building.

Raiden winched as he saw the crash but hey, the rabbit was a gangster he deserved it. He walked over to one of the soldiers, that were still watching in shock from seeing their boss get blasted away, and picked them up by the collar.

"I'll be back in a week to check on you guys and if the villagers say you're still causing them trouble you know what'll happen right," Raiden threatened gesturing towards the boss rabbit who was now groaning in pain on the ground.

The lackey in just nodded dumbly and Raiden let him go, dropping him to the floor.

"Alright lets keep going," he said as he walked back to join Bulma and Goku who were waiting for him. Goku looked unfazed and Bulma just gave him an amused smile for his antics as they once again hit the road.