Emperor Pilaf!

"This forest goes on forever...," Raiden groaned as they made their way towards the final dragon ball.

"O shut up, it's not like your doing any work. You're just sleeping in the backseat of the car," grumbled Bulma from behind the wheel. Raiden made her take out a car capsule when he got too lazy to fly after hours on the road.

"You know the option to fly is still there," Raiden muttered mostly to himself. He knew how stubborn Bulma was, once her mind was set changing it was almost impossible. "Damn spoiled brat," he cursed under his breath ironically.

Bulma pulled out the dragon radar to check "Hey look is the last dragon ball isn't that far away, it should take us less than-," BOOM!

A huge blast hit the side of the car launching Bulma and Raiden into the air. Raiden quickly spun in the air and caught Bulma in his arms before she had time to hit the ground. He dropped her back onto the ground before he used his ki to see what had attacked them.

He caught a rather wear ki level that was quickly moving away from then in the sky. When he looked closer it seemed to be some sort of robot that was quickly flying away from them. The weak ki he sensed was probably the person who was piloting the robot.

"The dragon balls, they're gone!" Bulma yelled as she ran back to the now destroyed car.

Raiden took a breath to calm himself as he quickly thought of a plan. "Bulma it's alright we still have a dragon ball, the four-star one that Goku's holding. Without it whoever stole the others still won't be able to summon the dragon," Raiden reassured her.

"Yea but even if they don't have all the dragon balls we don't either. How are we going to summon the dragon if we're missing six balls," Bulma retorted.

"That's why Goku and I are gonna go and get them back. And I have a feeling that the last dragon ball that we were looking for is there with the thief also," Raiden explained as he started floating into the air.

"Then what about me!"

"Well we'll be back after we get the Dragonballs, or you know you could always," Raiden stopped talking and floated down next to Bulma. He opened up his arms telling her to grab on.

"I'm definitely gonna regret this," Bulma muttered as she wrapped her arms around Raiden's neck and he held her by the waist.

They flew at a decent pace as Raiden tracked the thief using his ki, he seemed to have ditched the robotic suit he had come to throw them off his trail but it didn't matter to Raiden.

After following the thief's trail for a while they finally reached what seemed to be a half built pyramid with a huge castle on top. On the bottom of the pyramid there was a large steel door that led into the pyramid.

Bulma opened the door and looked wearily at the dark passage that it led to, "I guess we have to go in if we want the dragonballs," she muttered.

"Uhh Bulma," Raiden said tapping her shoulder. " I can litterally fly in the castle and get the dragonballs in like a minute, just give me the radar real quick." He motioned Goku to come down from his nimbus cloud. "Goku you stay with Bulma incase they attack while I'm gone, I don't want her to get hurt."

Goku nodded and jumped off the flying nimbus and landed next to Bulma. "Don't worry I'll gaurd her," he said with a silly grin on his face.

Riaden nodded and quickly flew up and into the castle. He took out radar and noticed the that all six of the other dragonballs were in a room at the center of the castle. He blasted through the walls as he made his way to the three ki signatures that he sensed deep within the castle.

When he finally made his way to the last room he saw a 3 people huddeled around a screen watching Goku and Bulma who were outside the castle. There was a dogman who was dressed in some sort of ninja outfit, a young lady in a coat, and a ... smurf?

Raiden had totatlly forgotten about emperor Pilaf, he was such a minor and weak villian in the series that he wasn't really that important at all.

Before the three could react he quickly hit them with a ki blast that sent them flying. He also destoryed all the technology that they had in the room with a few qi blasts. If they had been able to find him in the desert then the probably had a tracker.

He quickly grabbed the dragonballs including the last 1 star ball that they were missing and flew off before the unfortunate trio even had time to react.

"Well that was fast," Bulma said when she saw Raiden flying back out of the castle dragonballs in hand.

"Did you expect anything differrent?," Raiden responded arrogantly. "Anyway lets get away from this castle before we summon the dragon, it's giving off bad vibes."

"Does that mean we have to fly again," Bulma complained as she grabbed onto Raiden.

Raiden ignored her and quickly lifted her into the air as he flew back to where their destoryed car was, all their stuff was there and it would be a pretty good spot to summon the dragon.

"So when are you going to tell Goku he'll lose his dragonball when we summon the dragon," Raiden asked Bulma as they flew through the air.

She shrugged, " Well the wish we're making isn't for me anymore, it's for you. If anything you should be the one to tell."

A scowl appeared on Raiden's face when he realized she was right. If they were using the wish for his he should be the one to tell Goku.